Posted on Aug 7, 2015
Capt Walter Miller
Should we recommit US combat forces to Iraq or Syria or elsewhere in order to fight ISIS?

"When asked by Sen. Ted Cruz if it’s fathomable to “destroy ISIS within 90 days,” Gen. Dempsey responded bluntly: “It’s not possible, senator.”

“Militarily we could confront them, we could destroy a lot of equipment, we could drive them underground, if you will. But as I said, they will only be defeated or destroyed once they are rejected by the population in which they hide,” Dempsey said.

“Truly there is no military solution to ISIL,” the general added. “It may be a tough pill to swallow, but there is no military solution.”

So it would seem that the Obama Administration is following a rational policy by not redeploying troops to the region.
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Responses: 6
SMSgt First Sergeant
To be honest the only way to deal with ISIL is to remove any and all humane thoughts or treatment and let them feel the brunt of the US military. I know this will not happen, but the only way is to eradicate them by chasing them to the corners of the earth and ending their existence brutally. These people rule by fear and have been ruled by fear. If we want to get their attention we need to show resolve and quit telling them when we are leaving, and just give them fireworks. Just my .02
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SSG Warren Swan
They're right. We went in there before and bombed and shot them to hell and back and where did it get us? A snake more venomous than the one before it. We need to sit back and give them time to get their heads around the problem before committing our lives to it. Let them engage themselves and their neighbors. They have to want it for themselves for a change. You cannot and will not kill an ideology. You can change the direction it goes through education and proper IO campaigns, and affect change that way. The only "winners" if we were to fully redeploy are those who stand to make billions in contracts (Halliburton, Brown and Root). At some point we need to look at the bigger picture and realize that we cannot save everyone, every time when they don't have the will and desire to succeed. How many more of us have to be wounded, killed, or have families destroyed before we say deal with your problems because we're not?
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SGT Ben Keen
Well haven't we already tried that whole "train and equip" plan before...look how well that turned out.
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