Posted on Sep 15, 2015
MAJ Multifunctional Logistician
Our society has raised a generation to expect everything given to them instead of working for what they have. Society gives out participation trophies just for being on the team. They do not know how to fail because they were never taught failure and shown what kind of motivator it can be. As this generation continues to join the military, what repercussions will we see through the military?
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Responses: 20
SSG Warren Swan
How can anyone be mad at them? How can you look at one of these members of this generation and say it's not my fault? IT IS YOUR FAULT!. Everyone wants to be offended the moment something hurts their feelings. Everyone thinks they're an individual rather than members of a team. Everyone wants to be the leader until it's time to do some leader type shit. We made this, and now we get to look at it. I sincerely hope as this generation grows older, they see the flaws they made just like we've done and do something to make positive change for the next. But if reality tv is any way to gauge the future, then we're all f*cked. Older American values and norms are being replaced with new versions and they don't coincide very well. The minute you mention "this is how we did it", you're countered with "this is how we do it now". Parents have discovered the easiest way to raise a child is to give them the internet, a game system that connects to it, and then they can watch tv in peace. No more block parties, hanging out as families on an outing, no more of the traditional things we took for granted when we were young. When was the last time y'all went out on a picnic? A BBQ in the park? Threw the football in the park or went with your kids to a pick up game of ball? This isn't a blanket statement because some of you on here, still hold onto the old ways of teaching, family values and discipline. But y'all are becoming the exception and not the norm. I fear and love my parents to death. I fear them not because of what they could do to me, but out of respect and the knowledge that at my age, 42 and size, 6ft2in and 290lbs, both of them say the same thing..."I brought you here, and I damn sure will take you out". Now try and say that to a kid today and CPS will be at your door before you get that last word out. Lastly this isn't a situation they caused, it's a situation we let get out of hand and we have to deal with it.
SGT William Howell
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CW3 Mobility Officer
I have already seen it and the Reserves (my side of the house) is real bad about it, especially when it comes to promotions. I have seen plenty of service members getting promoted just cause they have to TIG/TIS requirement completed. I have went to the 1st SGT and CSM about them asking why when they know full well they didn't deserve it and they said its the only way to keep numbers up. We need to get back to holding them to a standard across the board and the Reserves need to step up IMHO. We are getting softer and softer as a Military that relies way to much on technology,. Yet service members get upset when they have to go to the field and not have there phones or I Pads , what happens when we get hit with an EMP and we don't have any technology?? My apologies for the rant. I think it is all relevant though as its due to the entitlement society we have.
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1SG Senior Enlisted Advisor
I'd like to say they will be weeded out during entry level training, but they are getting pushed through and arriving at units causing morale issues and dysfunction. The Military is also kowtowing to this societal trend as well, through constant perpetuation of sensitivity training and disciplinary constraints. Soldiers already exist that think that they should get everything they think they deserve. It is even within the NCO and Officers as well. “I did my job so I deserve a 1 & 1 evaluation.” NO you don’t, 1 and 1 is reserved for those that excelled that their Job, not just showed up and did what was required. So, in short, it is already becoming an issue within the Army. I can’t speak for the other branches. There is indiscipline amongst the ranks, which perpetuates the situation. Leadership ties their own hands by failing to correct these issues for fear of a complaint. “My supervisor counsels us when we make a mistake”, is not a valid complaint, but yes I’ve seen this entertained before by senior leaders. Anyway let me get down off my high horse and conclude my tirade. In short, we can and will continue to be a strong military force. This is another challenge that we will and must overcome to stay strong.
1LT Christopher Sorge
1LT Christopher Sorge
>1 y
What can i do as a leader to balance the need for bureacratic paperwork, accomplish our mission, and preserve unit cohesion/morale especially in a garrison mday environment? Thank you in advance for your feedback.
CPT Mark Gonzalez
CPT Mark Gonzalez
>1 y
Enjoy your time as LT. The balancing of everything does not get any easier, but the direct leadership and multi-tasking you are exercising will form your foundation.
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