Posted on Nov 26, 2019
Is the Date of Rank (DOR) automatically the first day of the promotion month?
When I get promoted to SGT, is the DOR automatically the 1st of the promotion month? For example, if promoted in December would my DOR automatically be 1 DEC 2019? PFC (Join to see) SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL SSG(P) James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" LTC Stephen F. CPL Dave Hoover SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth SSG (Join to see) Capt Dwayne Conyers CPT Jack Durish SGT (Join to see) SGT Ben Keen
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
SFC(P) (Join to see)
SPC what SFC Boyd stated is accurate! No matter if your S1 cuts the orders at the end of November for December or in December for December because they are slow or behind on paperwork your DOR and affective date will be 01 December 2019!
Possible. It is what ever date is stated within the Promotion orders. For example, my SFC orders were cut on 26 September but the effective DOR was 1 Oct.
SSG(P) (Join to see)
Thank you MSG (Join to see). I was told I'm being promoted next month, but I'm awaiting my orders. I was just curious if it's automatically the first or if it could be any day of the promotion month for DOR.
SFC (Join to see)
MSG (Anonymous) yeah I saw that the SPC got his feelings hurt by my response.
If I was a lesser person I'd go in there and vote down everything he ever commented on but I don't have that much time and I don't care about the rating system of this stupid Social Media Group.
If I was a lesser person I'd go in there and vote down everything he ever commented on but I don't have that much time and I don't care about the rating system of this stupid Social Media Group.
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