FOund a Youtube basic training easier thread... could be considered SHARP
look at the link at the 1:11 second portion with female Soldiers posing in pt tops and underwear. Leaders are not supposed to be allowing this in open bays but someone took the pic what the crap all...Thoughts on both sides appreciated

Getting ready for boot camp? Or just thinking about it? Check out these tips to prepare yourself for joining the Army. Whether you'll go thru basic at Ft Ben...
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FOund a Youtube basic training easier thread... could be considered SHARP
look at the link at the 1:11 second portion with female Soldiers posing in pt tops and underwear. Leaders are not supposed to be allowing this in open bays but someone took the pic what the crap all...Thoughts on both sides appreciated

Getting ready for boot camp? Or just thinking about it? Check out these tips to prepare yourself for joining the Army. Whether you'll go thru basic at Ft Ben...
Responses: 11
To answer the original topic question. Can social media be punishable. Of course it can. Did this Soldier have the permission of those 4 females to post them half naked for the world to see. Is it a Sharp violation? Guess that depends on who sees it first and what the say. I am gonna have to agree with SSG Burns; the thumbnail picture in your link is probably just as in violation of UCMJ as the original post. I know your intentions are good but it could still be perceived as an issue.

SSG (Join to see)
Well that thumbnail is directly from and the creator of the video did not intentionally try to put that out there like that.
One of the toughest things to get through our young service members heads what not to post on their social media accounts. Particularly on FB where pages like WTF moments run rampant and other obvious violations of the UCMJ are present. I have noticed an upwards trend of leaders combating these types of posts with UCMJ but it's an uphill battle that we all need to strap in for the long run.
Yes but this begs another question. At what point did the circumstance for such a photo present itself. Were they in a college ROTC or some sort of military training. It did not look like a Basic Training Bay. If a unit or training facility was enabling their soldiers to do this I would really questions the cadre and/or leadership. I seems to me that if you are able to take such a photo you are allowing to be sent out. The people should take some responsibility for it. They reflect a poor image of themselves and their unit.
SSG (Join to see)
Ok your right it may not be but whether it was in BCT training or ROTC the problem still exists virally on the WWW........ If you google properly under images searches... Allot of undesirable and offensive material can be seen and since as a military we are held to a higher standard...most seasoned OIF I vets know what I am talking about.... The pictures and videos are endless against the troops. My leaders at the time in 2003 and so on had found thousands of female servicewomen devoting time to unauthorized photos and submissions through Iraq so what is the difference between this now and 2003 then??? Is there a UCMJ legitimate rule about social media and consepquences of postings... I didnt put the thumbnail out there someone else did...
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