Posted on Apr 16, 2016
Is it undermining NCOs if a soldier straight-up disrespects NCOs just before ETS, but the unit won't push for chapter or UMCJ?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 104
I would say that it doesn't matter if a soldier's ets is next week or 4 years away. If the misconduct is severe enough that it warrants ucmj action, then it should be pursued. Not pursuing action not only undermines the NCO'S involved, but it also undermines the authority of the unit's leadership. But that's just my opinion.
When leaders are unwilling/unable to appropriately discipline offenders, they set new standards.
PO2 David Allender
The Navy went through this in the early 70's when Admiral Zumwald (CNO) started making changed to rules and discipline went out the door. A lot of us got out. I had 10 years in service, but I lknopw of others with 12 and more years that felt the same way. No discipline, no control in service. Now they have named a "destroyer" after him. Sometimes I wonder about the madness in thoise that would permit this by someone who almost destroyed the navy. A service without discipline is not a service at all. It destroys moral, and I remember that there was a mutiny aboard USS Newport News. A gunwas blown up in Turret # 2 causing the death of a couple of seaman. Discoplen is a great moral inducement or a moral distraction.
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