Posted on Feb 6, 2019
Alice San
I know it sounds pretty absurd, but that is what I was told yesterday
Posted in these groups: 768bc53d QMP
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Responses: 5
LTC Jason Mackay
Edited 6 y ago
Alice San it looks like reentry eligibility depends on length of service. AR601-210 para 3-20 through 3-22 describes prior service enlistment. MILPER message 18-249 "Procedures for the FY19 Qualitative Management Program (QMP)" if that is still in effect as published, appears to say if you are involuntarily separated and do not have 15 years of service, you get a SPD code JGH RE-3 which is not listed in AR601-210 para 3-20-3-22 as an eligible PS enlistment. Para 3-20 says that it requires waiver. If you have over 15 years you get an RE-4R which is non waiverable according to 601-210 table 3-1.

Para 8f describes DD214 preparation for those under QMP in MILPER 18-249. Don't know if other MILPER messages amplify or modify 18-249. 1SG (Join to see) . The message also says to check eligibility with the RC Counselor.

The Army Review Board for this can't change a RE3/4, it tells you to seek waiver through a recruiter.

Unless I missed a major piece, that is what I got from my cursory research.

I'd ask a current recruiter.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
6 y
Alice San read the reg and the MILPER. Consult a recruiter.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
6 y
Alice San - recommend editing the original post and tagging the topic RE Code. SGT (Join to see) is there a way you can add AR 601-210 Chapter 3 and MILPER Message 18-249 as resources to the RE Code topic/group?
SGT Writer
SGT (Join to see)
6 y
LTC Jason Mackay - That seems more specifically related to QMP but you can add it to either by clicking the Edit button on:
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
6 y
SGT (Join to see) 601-210 is the enlistment program and chapter 3 covers prior service
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CPT Judge Advocate
CPT Judge Advocate
CPT (Join to see)
6 y
Alice San - My educated guess would be most likely no, but possible. This would be a separation but I do not think reading everything that it would be under conditions other than honorable. Which means technically you would still be eligible for service, how you would get a unit to take you though I do not know... Someone might be able to go guard or reserves or switch branches, but again with this on your record I don't see many units lining up. This is prob one of those things were there is no rule against it, but its unlikely.
Alice San
Alice San
6 y
CPT (Join to see) but how does one can continue service? Does the soldier have to go through basic training again or will he be able to start from his previous rank?
CPT Judge Advocate
CPT (Join to see)
6 y
Alice San - is this you, if you I would talk to the local JAG, b/c that regulation is extensive and has different paths for the different types of discharges ( why they are getting rid of someone). Rarely do you lose rank when you transfer branches guard/reserve/active/army/airforce/etc...but it can happen. Each situation is unique and this type of action would require an attorney familiar with the soldiers situation and the regulation. Which is why you won't be able to find a yes or no answer anywhere, b/c like most things, the answer will be it depends on the facts...
Alice San
Alice San
6 y
CPT (Join to see) okay thanks
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1SG Retired
The QMP was based on a decision that you did not meet retention standards, and would not be selected for promotion, based on derogatory information at the current grade. It's essentially a DA Bar to Reenlistment.
I'm not certain how one could be found ineligible for retention, as the derogatory information would still be present.
Were it possible, any separation pay would have to be returned.
I'm sure one of the retention or recruiters can advise you with the proper reference.
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Is it true that one after being separated by QMP, someone can return to service after 6 months?
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
What is your RE code on your DD 214? That will determine if you are eligible for a waiver or not.
Alice San
Alice San
6 y
He has not received the notice yet
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
6 y
Alice San - Any chance he can petition to get the LOR rescinded? That would help his cause.
Alice San
Alice San
6 y
1SG (Join to see) we have to wait one year to rebuttal
MAJ Javier Rivera
MAJ Javier Rivera
6 y
1SG (Join to see) or at least make it a local LOR.
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SSG Signals Acquisition/Exploitation Analyst
No you are denied continued service and your DD 214 will be annotated RE-4 - Individuals separated from last period of service with a nonwaiverable disqualification. However, I read that you may submit an exception to policy but the military has to have the need. So if this were 2003 then maybe.
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