Posted on Apr 24, 2023
SSG AH-64D Armament/Electrical/Avionic Systems Repairer
Hello all,
I am currently serving in the NG and I am looking to change my MOS. I've been in aviation since 2009 and I am looking for a change. The only problem is I still have two years left on my current contract. Is it possible to reclass without waiting for my contract to run out?
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SGM Jeff Mccloud
In the Army Guard you don't have to be in your window to reclass, but you do need to move to a position where you would need to reclass. You just need to be stabilized first.
For example, if you recently promoted to E5, you owe BLC completion and a couple years on the job you promoted to.

And a lot of states offer a cross-unit extension, where you can extend and transfer for a new MOS.
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
2 y
*sigh* ... My mistake on my post. I did the classic move that many do here - they don't pay attention to the details. SGM Jeff Mccloud is correct regarding the National Guard.
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COL Randall C.
Edited 2 y ago
** EDIT ** My mistake ... everything I just said here applies to the Active Component, NOT the National Guard. I'll leave it up just in case there are those from the AC that stumble onto this thread. See SGM Jeff Mccloud's comments for the correct answer regarding the National Guard.

Yes, it's possible ... but it depends.

Consult the latest IN/OUT message from HRC* which shows all the various MOSes that HRC will allow you to reclass from/to (in other words, MOS that you can reclass out of and ones that you can reclass in to). The message has the details regarding what you can do and how to go about doing it.

Spoiler alert: For 15Y, there is a "N" for E5s under the OUT column, which means that you aren't over-strength and HRC isn't allowing blanket reclass out of that MOS. This means only those "exceptions" under paragraph 4 are available to you right now.

(2) Soldiers in any enlisted Career Management Field (CMF) may apply for service within the 75th Ranger Regiment. Upon completion of the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program and prior to Ranger assignment, Soldiers who possess an MOS that is not authorized within the 75th will be reclassified in accordance with Regimental strengths. The 75th Ranger Regimental Commander and HRC will make the final decision on reclassification.

(3) Soldiers may request reclassification into CMF 18, or MOS 12P, 17C, 17E, 25D, 25E, 35L, 37F, 38B, 79R (SSG only), 79S and 89D regardless of the In/Out calls for current PMOS. HRC will make the final decision on reclassification approval based on strengths. Additionally, only Soldiers who are serving or have served in a special qualification identifier (SQI) “4” position may request reclassification into MOS 79R.
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CW3 Kevin Storm
An option, is to try and pic up a secondary MOS that has vacancies in your state that are not getting filled. Another route is to see if you can pick up a secondary MOS based off of civilian acquired skills. You would have to have a civilian skill set that crosses over to military MOS I.E. Paramedic to military medic, diesel mechanic to army mechanic for examples. You would have to see what it would take from your unit admin or state training office to meet the requirements. Often it takes a 4187 submission to get it approved along with appropriate documentation.
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