Posted on Sep 29, 2014
PO1 Steven Kuhn
I am restating a question in a different form from another servicemember. Here is my response, but I would like to hear yours. This is NOT an attack on Islam, but a search for the truth so we can better understand what we are dealing with.
My response: Religion is defined as: re·li·gion noun \ri-ˈli-jən\

: the belief in God or in a group of gods

: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship God or a group of gods

: an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group

That being said, I would think that many Muslims believe only in the peaceful parts of their religion. A religion should be used to worship a Higher Power (we Christians call Him God) without harm to others. I believe another important part of true worship is that it is of our own free will. Islam is not an option and Muslims who try and convert to other religions are threatened with death. Islam is more of a political engine for world domination than a religion. I develop my personal relationship with God by becoming more Christ-like with each passing day. If I share the Gospel with you, you are free to accept or reject it, and we can still remain friends. In the case of Islam, you are an enemy of all Islam if you do not accept the religion. The Quran calls for ALL Muslims to wage jihad on non-Muslims. The reward for a Christian is everlasting life with God. The rewards for Muslims are more material in nature. With all of this being said, it is my firm belief that Islam is more of a political engine than a religion. Their prophet received more revelations concerning his own desires than any other recorded prophet, telling me that it is not of God.
Posted in these groups: World religions 2 ReligionIslam logo Islam
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Responses: 23
SGM Retired
"This is NOT an attack on Islam" ... BUT
"Islam is more of a political engine for world domination than a religion."

Nothing I say about this is going to make you happy, so let me just go ahead and say at the beginning, it's two faced and hypocritical to put both of those statements down within the same message. One makes the other a lie, and if you are going to lie, you have nothing to say that needs hearing.

More importantly, you are playing right into the hands of al Qaida, the Imams in Iran, Imad Mugniyah, Ayman al Zawahiri, former President Makhmoud Aminablowjob of Iran, and if you listen hard, you can hear bin Laden applauding from Hell. All of them want this conflict to be cast as "The West against Islam", and you might as well be a card-carrying member for supporting their propaganda.

I have spent most of the last 12 years in Moslem countries. I was even invited not once, but twice to Moslem weddings. Most Moslems are just like most Jews, Christians, and perhaps even atheists, in that they want to live in peace and give a better opportunity to their children than they had.

Are there problems with Islam and terrorism? Yep. But did you never hear a Christian say, "I don't think abortion clinic bombers are right, but they are right that abortion is murder." Fine, great for you to have an opinion, but that opinion justifies the actions of murderers. Islam has the same problem and Islam is no more to blame for "Islamic" terrorists than Christianity is to blame for abortion clinic bombers.

We do need more Moslems to step up to the plate and clearly say what the truth is. Terrorists are SCUM, MURDERERS, EVIL, AMORAL, less than animals, lower than whale sh1t, (English does not contain sufficient words to describe their depravity) whatever it takes to distance those who want to live in peace from those who want to use any excuse, including religion, to justify being murderers.

We need this as the statement from our government as well. We need to quit supporting the radical "Islam against the West" call and start supporting the "Civilized People against Murderers" call.

So please, tear up your membership card in al Qaida and join the civilized people.
PO3 Electrician's Mate
PO3 (Join to see)
9 y
SGM (Join to see) - follow my example of the Nazi. maybe you can understand my stand. but I don't expect you will agree with me nor sway me to agree with you. No matter how you put your point on the table you weighted on the side of the good Muslim and kind of normalized the bad one. For me is the opposite of you, I weighted on the side of the bad and "tough life" for the good one. Either way, we desire the same result, that Islam must change to the good. The method of our is different. Who will success? only time can tell.

terrorist and clinic bomber are no different, you are right, but you missed my point. It is how their faith communities responses make the whole picture different. Like I said previously, more than 50% of Muslim support the terrorist ... not 10% or 15%, that should raise an alarm for you. The problem is not about Muslim standing up or not, I know there are, but my point is "Who is in-charge right now?" and it fall back to the WW2 example.

Helping Al Qaeda? They are trying everything to kill and disturb us economically or militarily , and you worried that they will use PR campaign on us? same again, just like the WW2 example, you are actually worry that the Nazi will use our bad things to recruit more Nazi. The nature of this Nazi is no different than the Islamic Terrorist, they are both an idea or simply put it in "faith". They need safe heaven to operate and grow, develop logistic and supply chains. That is what the ISIS is trying to establish right now. It is the same beast ... just this time this beast is more deadly and furious compare the last one.
SGM Retired
SGM (Join to see)
9 y
PO3 (Join to see) You are probably right, that I can't convince you. And that's a shame. In WWII plenty of innocent Americans of Asian extraction were put in camps because of their race. I'm sure it sounded like a good idea at the time, but that doesn't mean it was the right thing to do.

I'd like to know where you get your 50% statistic. My guess is that someone who thinks like you created it, without meaning to, but nevertheless biasing the data. I've live with them for 6 years and never saw any of that. But it's easier to believe what you want to believe, than someone who had personal experience.

It's not a PR issue. It's an issue that al Qaida wants all of Islam subservient to it. If we push all Moslems away, where else are they going to go? I'm not talking about coddling them. I'm just saying let's not DRIVE them into the enemy's camp.

ISIS, Muqtada al Sadr, Prez Aminablowjob of Iran, terrorists ... they are all dirtbags, and I wouldn't hesitate for a second to kill them any way I could. But that's no reason to treat the average Moslem the same way.

But if you want to be a part of an effort to exterminate 1.3 billion people, I can't stop you. Enjoy it, if you can.
PO3 Electrician's Mate
PO3 (Join to see)
9 y
50%? yes that is my creation, but the actual number is even higher. lol

You put it anyway you like. but war is always ugly. That is why I don't wish for war at all. But if we choose to switch the "war" button on? by all mean we fight to win, I mean BY ALL MEAN. Just like WW2.

Yes, pushing Muslim away. Do I wish that to happen? either they change or we change, right? So make up your mind. You can keep trying you nice and friendly way. When SHTF ... you will see your option is limited.

For the record, I am not advocating to wipe out Muslim. lol
PO1 Sam Deel
PO1 Sam Deel
2 y
This ain't about the people at large, just the institution. Those whom you cast shade upon, they are the Truth of islam since its founding in the 7th century AD.
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Islam is a true religion, but unlike the US, religion and the state are more connected, almost one in the same in some countries, which is why people are highly discouraged from converting. It is estimated that 75-85% of Muslims are peaceful in their practice and like Christian religions, have their radical groups. Unlike Christian religions today, they are trying to seize control of countries - similar to the crusades of old. Back then it was about seizing Jerusalem and other Holy Lands, not wiping each other's religious followers from the face of the Earth. Like with any cause the extremists become the stereotypes and the de facto face and voice of the cause
PO1 Steven Kuhn
PO1 Steven Kuhn
10 y
The Crusades (upon further study and for clarification) were a last ditch effort by the Europeans of old to stem the onslaught of Islamic growth and conquest into their areas. This can be validated with a little study.
PO1 Steven Kuhn
PO1 Steven Kuhn
10 y
SSgt John Steigerwald if you could recheck your references regarding the Crusades, a popular theory is that they were a desperate response by Europeans to stem the rapid, bloody, militant expansion of Islam into European lands.

LT Submarine Warfare Officer
LT (Join to see)
>1 y
There is a great book on the CNOs reading list that does a good job of trying to explain to an American audience what can be difficult for us to understand. It is titled "The Crisis of Islam" by Bernard Lewis.
PO1 Sam Deel
PO1 Sam Deel
2 y
Check the History. Until the retreat of the islam from Spain in 1490 and the later fall of the Ottoman Empire, it was very much a warlike theocracy. "Peace" only existed after conquest and complete domination of other cultures. The person that created this "religion" clearly built it from the ground up as a theocracy for the entire purpose of conquest and subjugation. All of this was based upon revenge and his thirst for blood for the people of Mecca and Medina who turned him out.
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CW5 Desk Officer
PO1 Steven Kuhn, I think you make a good case with your points. Especially the fact that in many cases leaving the Muslim religion is frowned upon so severely. The contrast between that and sharing the Christian Gospel is an excellent point.

That said, though, I think Islam is a religion. Muslims do believe in God (Allah), they're organized, etc. I think some leaders in Islamic countries (and groups) have hijacked the religion for their own (often) evil purposes. Many Muslims say, and I believe, that the Islam of terrorists (ISIL, for example) is not "true" Islam.
PO1 Steven Kuhn
PO1 Steven Kuhn
10 y
I agree with you, and have a few Muslim friends who I talk to about the Quran. My problem is that the Quran calls for all Muslims to wage jihad against all unbelievers. The Muslims I talk to say that they would not and could not do that and having known them for 30 years their actions have more than backed up their words. But taking into account that over 90% of terrorism worldwide is committed in the name of Islam I think that I need to see the peaceful Muslims in action protesting or fighting against the terrorist acts.
SGM Retired
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
3 months late, but what they heck?

Leaving the Mormons and Scientology is equally frowned on. There are plenty of Christian sects which consider other sects to be as "wrong" as Satanism (Protestants vs Catholics, Church of God vs about everyone, Baptists vs about everyone, etc.)

On the other hand, a number of Moslem clerics have stated that jihad refers to the internal battle in each person between good and evil.

90% of terrorism may well have been committed by people who claim to be Moslems. But it doesn't mean that Christians (via abortion clinic bombers, the Inquisition, the Salem witch trials, etc) haven't had the same problems.

Terrorist douchebags are terrorist douchebags because the WANT to be terrorist douchebags, and need an excuse to justify it. When you COOPERATE with them by claiming it's Islam's fault, you participate in their self-justification.

We need less talk about religion and which is right/wrong and more talk about exterminating terrorist douchebags regardless of what religion they claim.
CDR Michael Goldschmidt
CDR Michael Goldschmidt
>1 y
Mohammad hijacked the religion for his own evil political purposes...and killed lots of people along the way.
PO1 Sam Deel
PO1 Sam Deel
2 y
You have that backwards, Brother. It is the moslems that promote islam as a "peaceful religion", who have done the hijacking. This is not a condemnation of those Folks. Many are manipulated and duped, themselves. History proves the True nature of islam. You need only to look at the first 40 years from its founding in the 7th Century. "Peace" only existed after conquest and complete domination of other cultures. The person that created this "religion" clearly built it from the ground up as a theocracy for the entire purpose of conquest and subjugation. All of this was based upon revenge and his thirst for blood for the people of Mecca and Medina who turned him out. This History comes from their own texts, as well as, other historical evidence. It started out as revenge and turned into a supremacist ideology. This is not subjective. It is factual. Most of what I learned came directly from moslem scholars, based on their own textual histories. It is the reason why I properly spell the name of the submissives as moslem. It exposes something that which they care not to be exposed, the Truth.

Speaking of the Truth, their god is NOT the Father of Jesus Christ, God Almighty. That being's name begins with an L.
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