Is Capitalism to blame for the world's poverty?
Any serious look at the history of human beings over the millennia shows that the species began in poverty. It is not poverty, but prosperity, that needs explaining. Poverty is automatic, but prosperity requires many things – none of which is equally distributed around the world or even within a given society.
And the Pope is being a HYPOCRITE. He's from Argentina, a country with a long history of Fascism called Peronismo there. He's also a Socialist.
Capitalism is where the Money is. And he and his "church" come to Capitalism ALL THE TIME when they're looking for Money. They want, they need, they drool for Capitalism's Money, they covet it, they LOVE IT! Not only Capitalism is where the Money is, is also where the God given rights of Mankind to OWN something and to leave it as an inheritance to his/her children are respected.
The RCC is itself a Politico-religious Organization with Financial "Interests" in the world. They even have a Bank. Which BTW has been charged more than once in Italy with delinquent activities. That Bank is and operates as a Capitalist Financial institution.
Poor people have more Benefits, Opportunities and Care in Capitalism than in Communism, Socialism, Fascism and Argentina's Fascism. So again the pope is a HYPOCRITE!
Everyone wants to earn money and the more money you earn the more you want.
And as we have seen many wealthy people (politicians at the top of the list here) don't give a rats ass about the worlds poor and downtrodden. No I'm not trying to cry a river but those with the means can do something to get programs in place to help those people learn something valuable to get a better life, yes those people also have to want that better life and have to break the cycle of poverty.
Capitalism is good but its also going to bear some of the burden for poverty because I would guess that less than 1% of those powerful and rich people even care about more than their own bottom line.
"Forty of the Philanthropic 50 are also on the Forbes Billionaires list, led by those at the very top: Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett, the founders of the Giving Pledge, who took the top two spots. Each put almost $2 billion toward philanthropic work in 2012–the year’s only ten-digit givers–with Gates edging Buffett by a mere $35 million. While it doesn’t count in our rankings, our list also attempts to estimate lifetime giving, with the Gateses and Buffett both giving away at least $25 billion apiece through the end of last year.
That latter number for Buffett will grow rapidly. He has committed that his entire Berkshire Hathaway BRK.A +% holding, north of $58 billion, will be donated before or at his death, with a further mandate that it will be put to use within ten years of the latter. Add in his selfless giving model–he outsources to the Gates Foundation, his name on nary a building or endowment–and Omaha’s Oracle proved an easy choice for the inaugural Forbes 400 Lifetime Achievement Award for Philanthropy, presented to him by Bono at a dinner at the Forbes 400 Summit on Philanthropy in June." I'm not championing them, but they will give away more than I'll ever hope to earn in a thousand lifetimes.

The 50 Philanthropists Who Have Given Away The Most Money
It's easy to make a commitment and issue a press release. These people actually put the most money to work for good.
Poverty is a relative and government defined term because an impoverished child in the US has greater access to relief than an impoverished child in Africa. ObamaCare resolved being uninsured. Oregon offers free community college to its residents and scholarships abound as well as government subsidies (GI Bill being one of the most popular). My 4 step-kids chose not to 1) enlist in the military and use our educational benefits or 2) excel scholastically so as to quality for scholarships, so they've elected to limit themselves to accepting menial jobs at low pay. Their choice, not education's fault...
Race and Ethnicity - Violence In Minority Communities
Other Free Encyclopedias » Law Library - American Law and Legal Information » Crime and Criminal Law » Race and Ethnicity - Race In U.s. Legal History, Native Americans, Black Americans And Crime, Policing And Minorities
You have a valid point, however, have you heard of affluenza? This is what I was referring to. Rich people don't go to jail, only poor people do regardless of the crime they commit. Just google Robert Richards and Ethan Couch, they're prime example of rich above the law.

Drug Goes From $13.50 a Tablet to $750, Overnight | RallyPoint
I am neither for, nor am I against capitalism. I am for a moderation of how things should work ethically. This is a perfect example of using loopholes to exploit capitalism. I believe at this point the CEO has change the price back over threats and an outrage. But what do you guys think? [~188441:CPT L S] [~368184:SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4"] [~29302:SGT Ben Keen] [~138758:COL Mikel Burroughs] [~337757:COL Ted Mc] [~581545:SGT Efaw (Mick)...
In what is known as the 3rd world corruption at many levels, internecine and inter-tribal warfare, and ignorance of good hygiene, farming and harvesting techniques coupled with unsafe drinking water in many areas leave many people in poverty.
In the first and second worlds [no sure who actuality coined the terms 1st, 2nd and 3rd worlds] personal greed at all levels lead to poverty and indolence where people are rewarded for not working helps to keep people in poverty.
In a sense we are all toddlers - we want it now and we want it our way and we don't really want to share the things we want only those we don't want are we willing to part with - like the black jelly beans for those those don't like them :-)
Thanks for tagging me CPT L S
As a believer in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and somebody who used to love money, I am thankful that by God's grace He has given me a better perspective on money.
Like the apostle Paul I have learned to be joyful in abundance and in poverty and have actually found myself less temped when I am in relative POVERTY THAN when I am abounding in riches.
Jesus actually said the love of money is the root of all evil. He also said render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's.
If nothing can be acquired, advantage is only feasible by consuming beyond one’s share of public goods. As Adam Smith said of slavery, “A person who can acquire no property can have no other interest but to eat as much and to labour as little as possible.”
Without freedom to elevate one’s family, production falls forcing government to become oppressive. Socialism renders workers slaves to the state. Finding scriptural support for secular, state administered socialism that ineluctably involves coercion is puzzling. Biblical teaching does not sanction involuntary socialism by secular governments.
Jesus was, as C.S. Lewis posited, lunatic, liar or Lord. Those thinking the former should stop citing him for pet, secular purposes. If acknowledging his divinity, don’t diminish it be remaking his mission into yours.
I’m a capitalist and you might be socialists. Christians can be both, but Christ was neither. He was the Author and Finisher of faith."
Frederik Engels, Outlines of Political Economy (1844)