Posted on Jan 8, 2014
Is becoming an AIT Platoon Sergeant a good career progression move?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 19
It absolutely is. AIT PSG is one of those nominative type, hard assignments, that Boards at favorably. AIT PSG is very challenging and will really broaden your leadership styles, organizational skills, and strengthen many other character traits. And it you are not already MRT qualified, you will we sent to the course.
SFC (Join to see)
Thank you very much for the advice MSG Stankovich, I'm trying to give my Section Chiefs options for their progression.
Any job you step outside of your MOS and perform with outstanding results will be viewed favorably during promotion times. The Army leadership wants to know they have a leader that can step out of their comfort and knowledge zone and still be an asset to the Army.
This is a great question! Especially I have been in a AIT PSG Slot for 3 months. I leave to Ft Jackson tomorrow for PSG School. I have to say that Department of the Army said this duty is like "Taking a Knee". Hell no. I have not worked these type of hours and had so many rules in my life. This is a very stressful job. Honestly though, I love every second of it.
SFC (Join to see)
We were told the same thing after my first look at SFC by a CSM who sat on the board. Instructors and PSGs were taking a knee. That changed around 2011-2012 and now the board looks favorably at those who do a great job during their TRADOC stint. Across the commands, TRADOC fares pretty well among Senior NCO promotions. This should set you up nicely as far as your career progression.
SSG Daniel Deiler
While I think it's a good career move (I was an Instructor/Writer and AIT PSG at Ft. Lee) it is FAR from "Taking A Knee." I feel your pain battle. The fact that (at least in my experience while there) Instructors and PSG's have the same responsibilities (whether that be shared, expected or mandated by duty position) PSG's and Instructors do the same thing as drill sergeants but work longer hours, have inadequate resources, get less respect in general, and have more restrictions in place AND do not get compensated whatsoever as a DS does. I will say that I loved my time teaching and menotoring my student/Soldiers, I did not appreciate the fact that often times I felt the students were trusted by the CoC MORE than the NCO's entrusted with their care nor did I enjoy the office politics or "PC" environment we were forced to have. I can't call a Soldier "Private" because it's degrading but instead have to call him/her Warrior? NO. Not happening. It's like giving out participation ribbons. Not everyone deserves an award. Not everyone deserves the title "Warrior" or "Hero."
1SG (Join to see)
You and me have the same type of mentality! You hit the nail right on the head! Thank you!
SFC (Join to see)
Yes it is since its still PSG time. For long career move, like most SGM/CSM are Drill Sergeants. Good luck to you and teach them everything you know.
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