Posted on Jun 13, 2016
Is awfulizing the entire Muslim religion responsible for the increase in domestic terrorism in America?
Responses: 46
I am so sick of the left-wing rhetoric and remember Carter's ban! The left said nothing....
I don't think so. I wish the answer was simple but it isn't. But we do fear and demonize what we do not understand.
CPT Jack Durish
1stSgt (Join to see) - Let me assure you, you have no need to be anti-Muslim. (...and I'm a Jew saying that) Islam is no more a religion of peace or war than any other. And like most other religions, it has its share of nutters who interpret dogma to justify outrageous and horrific acts. Castigating all Muslims will only drive them into the camp of the nutters. I also understand frustration. Your battles in the Middle East were just as frustrating as ours in Vietnam. The enemy hides among the noncombatants. They're indistinguishable. The non-combatants won't stand aside because they are apostates if they cooperate with you in any way and will be treated even worse than enemies. It was the same in Vietnam. Frustrating. There really isn't any other word to describe it. We need to step back and take a deep breath. Then figure out how to separate the wheat from the chaff or we'll end up like one major in Vietnam who told me that the only solution was to put all the "good" Vietnamese on boats anchored in the South China Sea and blast the entire nation into a sheet of glass. ...then sink the boats and go home.
MSG (Join to see)
i fought there too, 403rd ca bn, win the hearts and minds, as long as it has money associated with it, i went in trying to change the the world what a fucking wake up call, as long as the money train rolled you were good, from what i saw and deducted is that as long as we give money they were happy, look at whats going on now in iraq, billions of dollars spent and they still cant get thier shit together
1stSgt (Join to see)
MSG (Join to see) - What pisses me off is that the Iraqi's are try to take ground we already took.
MSG (Join to see)
i agree we lost so many good soldiers for that ground only to see it being fought over again
Islam is not a religion of peace. It is not a religion. It is a political ideology where you answer to no man or law of man and swear holy allegiance to Mohammed and the Koran. As such, these followers can't and never will be able to assimilate into American society, our laws and traditions. Those mooslims born in the US have a marginally better chance of assimilation but damn little.
These people coming to the US from Islamic countries claim they are oppressed in their homeland and want to make a better life under Uncle Sam's blanket. What is the first things they do when they get here? They start sucking the public teat (welfare), congregating (read isolating) with fellow countrymen (i.e. Dearborn, MI) and demanding that WE (the USA) capitulate to their every bloody damned sharia law whim.
You people don't get it. It's our country. Our rules, our laws and if you are not able to live with that, go back to the third world toilet you came from and stop trying to make us come down to your pathetic level of no rights, no equality and women treated as baggage. If you think it isn't already happening, you are blind or naive. They already have such a firm foothold in some areas they are able to control city councils and begin implementing "their" laws on the rest of us.
These people coming to the US from Islamic countries claim they are oppressed in their homeland and want to make a better life under Uncle Sam's blanket. What is the first things they do when they get here? They start sucking the public teat (welfare), congregating (read isolating) with fellow countrymen (i.e. Dearborn, MI) and demanding that WE (the USA) capitulate to their every bloody damned sharia law whim.
You people don't get it. It's our country. Our rules, our laws and if you are not able to live with that, go back to the third world toilet you came from and stop trying to make us come down to your pathetic level of no rights, no equality and women treated as baggage. If you think it isn't already happening, you are blind or naive. They already have such a firm foothold in some areas they are able to control city councils and begin implementing "their" laws on the rest of us.
I have worked with many good Muslims. Doctors, Nurses etc. That being said in April an Imam lecturing in Orlando said killing gays was compassionate! Humm, then when some one does it, why they are shocked, absolutely shocked they say!
You have no further to look at France's liberal immigration policies of Muslims to see how the Muslims live in a foreign land by building Islamic kingdoms within the borders of France. There exists two metropolitan areas in France where Muslim commerce, sharia law, and culture dominate, invariably causing the local French to be the dislike minority in a violent culture. They have attacked France via immigration and are using imperial powers for their benefits.
SGT Damaso V Santana
Same problem in Netherlands, Sweeden and other countries where them are demanding their OWN territory, if so then Go back to the hell hole you are running away from and reintegrate into what they want.
CPT Joseph K Murdock
Thanks for pointing out the problem is not only France but other European countries. Once they have the numbers they will attack people, judicial systems, and religions.
Is attributing terrorism to all Muslims fair? No. But it is hard wired into us to look for labels that we can use to identify potential threats. Cats, in general, think dogs are a threat. Yet many cats and dogs live in the same house in peace. But we are humans. We do not live in the same house. We can avoid each other if we want to.
I practiced a little dinner table diplomacy. We have a two family Muslim community in the small rural community I live in now. I stopped by and introduced myself, told them I raised goats and invited them to a goat roast that I host every year around the 4th of July. They explained they could not because they were Dhabihah observant (has to do with how the animal is slaughtered). I asked what we could do to fix that, end result I got new friends and new customers because the Imam from the nearest Mosque comes to ensure that the slaughter is Dhabihah. and I don't have to butcher the goats or chickens for the 4th of July party.
Invite a Muslim to lunch, or a golf outing, or a softball game. If you culturally step in it, they will most likely explain politely what you just did. If cats and dogs can do it....
I practiced a little dinner table diplomacy. We have a two family Muslim community in the small rural community I live in now. I stopped by and introduced myself, told them I raised goats and invited them to a goat roast that I host every year around the 4th of July. They explained they could not because they were Dhabihah observant (has to do with how the animal is slaughtered). I asked what we could do to fix that, end result I got new friends and new customers because the Imam from the nearest Mosque comes to ensure that the slaughter is Dhabihah. and I don't have to butcher the goats or chickens for the 4th of July party.
Invite a Muslim to lunch, or a golf outing, or a softball game. If you culturally step in it, they will most likely explain politely what you just did. If cats and dogs can do it....
No it is not the problem is their disrespect for our laws and traditions that is the problem they want to replace our laws and constitution with the quran and Sharia law and that will never be accepted here in the United States
No. In my opinion, your logic is faulty. These Muslim-Americans have chosen to become radical and have chosen to commit acts of terror against their fellow citizens. They have chosen to subscribe to the crap that other radical Muslims across the globe are preaching. If there are any that have become radical an 'anti-Muslim' culture, then it's because they're weak-minded and are unable to move past it.
It is very sad that 95% of Americans are so fucken stupid and don't study their own countries history! I won't go into details because it would take to long, and for the most part be over many peoples heads. Besides it's not for everyone to know. But this country was not formed on Christian law as the masses are trained to believe. In fact is was written on Muslim law of the Moroccan Empire. The Stars and Strips is not the flag of the U.S.A, but it is the BANNER of the U.S Corporation doing business in Morocco North West. Anyhow, all your so called founding fathers had Korans in their chambers and had no hostilities with Mosulim Law. If we would be truthful with ourselves (and I know we can't) we would know that Christianity has been terrorizing the world for hundreds of years. If the tables were turned (and some day they will) then it will be the Christians who will take to radicalizing to protect themselves from anyone who classifies them as the enemy.
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