67% Complete
0 Endorsements
2 Contacts
Influence Score: 9,717
5,872 out of 867,449 Veterans
5,872 out of 867,449 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Berlin Brigade Medac. No longer active. At the Time one of the best hidden gem assignments the Army had. I arrived in Berlin in May 1988 during the Cold War. I left Berlin after the fall of the Wall, but not before jump starting the wars in the "middle east" in Operation desert Shield/Storm. Astrotraving, but not understanding fully, I knew the military would return to the region, so I got out.
(7 months)Nov 1990 - May 1991
Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Temporarily attached to the 12 Evacuation Hospital from my unit Berlin Brigade Meddac Hospital. 91-D Surgical tech.
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees