Posted on Sep 23, 2014
SSgt Brycen Shumway
I'm just looking around, to see if there are any other writers out there interested in taking the NaNoWriMo Challenge this year. I haven't figured out what I want to set my goal to, but I think it should be fun.
Also, looking to build a small network of writers that I could bounce ideas off of when I get into a writers block.

If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is, and are interested you can take a quick look at their website. Great place to learn a lot of different techniques about how to write.
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Responses: 1
SPC Michael King
I used to participate and my wife participates and succeeds. Are you going to do it this year? I'm more interested in screenwriting and making movies.
SSgt Brycen Shumway
SSgt Brycen Shumway
10 y
Yes, I will participate this year. I have what I feel is a bloody good idea, and its starting to drive me crazy. My problem is I have no idea what my goal should be.

I'm participating because I want to get into Storyboarding, Animatics/Animation. It's what I am going to college for. But I feel that you can't make a good storyboard, if you can't write a good story. So its all practice.
SPC Michael King
SPC Michael King
10 y
good for you. are you familiar with Scribner software? I hear it is great for things like that. as a screenwriter we could always use good storyboard people. how are you with animation and drawing in general?
SSgt Brycen Shumway
SSgt Brycen Shumway
10 y
At the moment, I know zilch on Animation, beyond what I have tried to gleam from youtube vids doing tutorials on how they use Adobe After Effects. I just got my CS6 Master Suite Installed, picked up a new Drawing Tablet, and Drawing Desk. I need a chair now.... and I should be good to go with doodling and farting around in After Effects. But that is why I am going to college. So, what little I learn on the outside, will only help me once I get to those classes.
At one point I did fiddle-fart around with Adobe Flash, but I never really published anything. None of it met some standards I wanted.
I've done some video editing, in the form of Animated Music Videos, but I used older Freeware; so my options on what I could do with it were very limited.

As far as my drawing is concerned. I know I'm not as good as I can be, or even as good as I should be. I've been doodling more and more often since I got out of the military. I know I have room for improvement, and have always looked for helpful, constructive criticism. I can't really improve on something, if I don't know what's wrong with it. (Been my drawwing motto for a couple years)
SPC Michael King
SPC Michael King
10 y
I would like to keep in touch and maybe we can work together on a project when you're ready.
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