Posted on Dec 12, 2015
MAJ Bryan Zeski
Posted in these groups: Elections logo Elections61c89c28 Donald Trump
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Responses: 147
SGT Jose Perdelia-Torres
Stay in, I served under President Obama and I wasn't a fan of his policies. You duty is to the Constitution of the United States of America, and it's people since they are what the Constitution serves and protects. Peace.
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CW4 Unmanned Aircraft Systems Operations Technician
This post needs to die and go away.
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Cpl Mark McMiller
Is Trump my first choice; no. But I'd take Trump, or any Republican for that matter, over a feckless idiot like Obama. Think what you want about trump but realize that the man has proven he is not stupid or incompetent.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
9 y
Cpl Mark McMiller - All of the medical records were destroyed, so I guess we'll have to take his word on it.

Taking advantage of laws and regulations can absolutely be unethical - even if technically legal. Trump is it this for personal gain - not for the good of the nation - and he will say and do whatever he thinks will get him the next % point.
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
9 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski - Explain to me how taking advantage of laws and regulations is unethical.

Do you really think any of the candidates, Republican or Democrat, are not in this for personal gain? One only has to look at the Clinton's finances to realize that's all they're in it for. But Trump already has $4 to $7 billion and he's the only candidate who is spending only his own money on his campaign, and if he gets elected his business empire will suffer because he won't have a lot of time to attend to it, so what personal gain is he after?
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
9 y
Let's just talk bankruptcy. If I have it in my mind to file bankruptcy, or I know I'm going to be filing bankruptcy, I can run up my unsecured debt and then file bankruptcy and wipe it all away. No laws broken - 100% unethical.

I think most are in it for personal gain. There are some who I think actually ARE in it for the good of the nation - Trump is not one of them. I guarantee that Trump's business empire will not suffer if he's President. Trump has made it clear that more money is better - regardless of how much he already has. Does anyone really think that he won't have influence on countless business deals, legislation, and trade that will improve his bottom line? He'll make Cheney and his defense industry contracts look like an amateur. It will help in the short term and lock in his name and business for the next century.
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
9 y
MAJ Bryan Zeski - Not true: If you have evidence regarding your assertions on Trump, let's see it. And you really should not believe all the liberal talking points, Major, as Dick Cheney signed over all profits from his stock options to charity prior to accepting VP and then paid out of his own pocket for an insurance policy to keep paying into the charity in case the stock tanked.
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Sgt Able Snider
You would resign because Trump got elected but stayed in while this idiot ran the country into the ground? Wtf?!
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MSG Intelligence Senior Sergeant/Chief Intelligence Sergeant
What is he going to do? Shoot an apple off Hillary's chin?
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SGT Alexander Hildenbrandt
We are the only constitutional army. You don't serve one leader but the people and the document that sets our values as a nation into a framework. That idea is what I served while I was in and what all soldiers follow now. Should the president do what is unconstitutional you have the duty to correct that action and by force if necessary. Our current leadership is close to needing a reminder but should Trump take office and you decide to get out, know that you will be the only reason you got out. The Army will continue without you just as it has without some of the greatest leaders during these years of war. Major, you are not that important. If you don’t want to be in because it sucks, I got you. I know more than most but relying on rhetoric from either side is not a basis for career change from an organization subordinate to a document. Got to rely on the generals to be men of worth and testicular fortitude. Even the ones without testiculars.
To me bro, it just sounds like you are coming to a career change and you are reaching for something to give you an excuse to leave. You feel you’re honorable and that you serve for honorable purposes. You are at the infamous contention point when Majors get whittled down so you may be experiencing anxiety, so extending for feedback about getting out as a result of something else. Sir, stay in and like what you do if you can help it but no matter what, prepare to get out eventually and do something you are passionate about. Be happy for what we have and know that people got your back when it’s your time to leave the military. Merry Christmas
MSG Frederick Pankey
MSG Frederick Pankey
9 y
The Green Machine will not stop because of a change of leadership, ever!
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SGT Small Arms/Artillery Repairer
I don't see how who the POTUS is should make that choice for you. I know a lot of people that do not like President Obama, but they are still serving. I know a lot of people that did not like President Bush but they still served. What is in your heart and possibly your family should be the only things that contribute to your choice to stay in the Military or end your service.

With all of that being said I would like to point out one last thing.
As i tell all of my soldiers when I hear them speaking about him.
No matter if your feelings toward him are good, bad, or indifferent President Obama is still the President of the United States. Your Commander and Chief. He should be addressed as such. I don't go around calling my COL by his last name and would get reamed if I did. I don't go around calling my 1SG or Commander by their last name and would get reamed if I did. SO therefor we should not disrespect the office of the President of these United States by doing the exact opposite of that which we have been taught and know to be right.
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CW3 Kevin Storm
Could this question be used against Mrs. Clinton if she wins? We swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemy's foreign and domestic, notice this comes before everything else. We have a moral obligation to the Constitution, if the President violates that, there ways of removing him/her, without the threat of violence or insurrection. Both good and bad residents come and go.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
9 y
Everyone should ask this of every President and every leader.
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Sgt Paul McCarthy
I'd have to say-out the outset 1) if you're not asking the same thing of our current president, yet you do of someone who is not even elected yet then your fundamental principle is flawed-every president has his flaws- the current one more than most and potentially more than Trump. 2) that you need some insight on what it is you serve-that being a nation. A nation whose principles reflect the idea of a president, not the man himself. The idea that a man is chosen from among the people to serve their interests at home and abroad. That this man has only a limited time to do his best or worst, then someone else gets a chance. Our peaceful overthrow of the government every election cycle, instead of a constant bloodletting to maintain or attain power.
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SSgt Jim Gilmore
If you took an oath, as I am sure you did, you swore to preserve, protect and defend the constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Using your logic I would have taken a discharge after 4 years because of Jimmy Carter. I served my country. The POTUS is the civilian figurehead of the military. I swore no allegiance to him, whomever he may be. If you believe that if Trump is elected that you could not in good conscience continue to serve, then chuck your career, resign your commission and go get a job. Considering you are a Major, that means you have at least 7-10 years invested. You can do ten more standing on your head and walk at 20. I don't have to make the decision, you do and must live with the ramifications of that decision.
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