Posted on Dec 12, 2015
If Donald Trump is elected President, would it be more honorable to resign from service or to serve under his "leadership"?
Responses: 147
I would stay in because, as 1SG (Join to see) pointed out, the country is bigger than one guy. That said, I'd be scared as hell of what's to come. I'm near 100% certain that thin-skinned, loud mouthed ninny would get us into something stupid and alienate every ally we have in the process..
SGT Jeremiah B.
1SG (Join to see) - While I don't think it's going to matter in the long run, I'm really, really hoping you're right if I'm wrong about his chances of winning the general.
1SG (Join to see)
I don't think Trump is winning the primary or the general, but I'm starting to wonder as the challengers keep eating their own.
When you took your oath to "support and defend" and "obey" the orders of the President of the United States, you will note it didn't say...Except if it is Donald Trump; so I guess, it comes down to whether or not you really meant the words you spoke when you raised your right hand and took, what some of us consider a "solemn oath"
Funny thing, that word "solemn" also means...Sincere, Earnest, Honest, Genuine, Firm, Heartfelt and oh, yes... "Sworn".
What you are proposing is akin to getting married and then jumping into the Limo and driving straight to the Court House to sign "divorce papers". "Think About That!"
Funny thing, that word "solemn" also means...Sincere, Earnest, Honest, Genuine, Firm, Heartfelt and oh, yes... "Sworn".
What you are proposing is akin to getting married and then jumping into the Limo and driving straight to the Court House to sign "divorce papers". "Think About That!"
MAJ Bryan Zeski
It doesn't really. If a person chooses to resign, they aren't breaking their oath, they are just choosing not to renew it. If leaving service at any point, for any reason, was breaking a "solemn oath," then everyone is guilty of it.
Choosing to leave service (after any legal obligation is complete) is the "volunteer" part of "volunteer Army." Why people leave varies, but everyone leaves.
Choosing to leave service (after any legal obligation is complete) is the "volunteer" part of "volunteer Army." Why people leave varies, but everyone leaves.
Whole I inderstand the sentiment, military service is to the country, not a passing political figure. If I were still in, the only reason a president would cause me to resign would be if his actions and decisions turned my position into a disservice to the nation through illegal or immoral orders, not because I dislike the president.
You already serve under the worst CinC in our history.....why get out then?
Trump has alienated every demographic except old white guys, and he doesn't have all of them. His presidency is a nonstarter, don't worry about it.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
Oh, I realize he has no chance. That's why this was more of a thought-exercise than anything else. However, it has been enlightening to see how people's panties get wadded up over a simple question.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
Why do I think he has no chance? Because, aside from being boisterous, he has no real substance or plan. He's a facade. His poll numbers are higher than his Republican rivals right now, but I still think he'll have trouble even getting the Republican nomination when it comes time to the actual voting. People respond to polls off the cuff with whatever is in their heads at the moment. Those who go to the polls typically think things through a bit more.
Like it or not, we have, essentially, a two-party system (with a handful of independents thrown in here and there). The nation is split about 45-45-10 (R-D-Other). 95% of the time, all of the Rs are going to vote for the R candidate. 95% of the time the Ds are going to vote for the D candidate. It's the O's that are the key to victory. Trump has gone a long way to securing the FAR right wing of the R's. He's struggling hard with the moderate and liberal-leaning R's. Even if he backs off his inflammatory rhetoric, he'll have trouble bringing the moderate R's back to his side, much less the liberal ones.
He'll get maybe 2% of the 10% of that "Other" category. If Trump is the Republican nominee, the Democrats will win without even much of a struggle.
Like it or not, we have, essentially, a two-party system (with a handful of independents thrown in here and there). The nation is split about 45-45-10 (R-D-Other). 95% of the time, all of the Rs are going to vote for the R candidate. 95% of the time the Ds are going to vote for the D candidate. It's the O's that are the key to victory. Trump has gone a long way to securing the FAR right wing of the R's. He's struggling hard with the moderate and liberal-leaning R's. Even if he backs off his inflammatory rhetoric, he'll have trouble bringing the moderate R's back to his side, much less the liberal ones.
He'll get maybe 2% of the 10% of that "Other" category. If Trump is the Republican nominee, the Democrats will win without even much of a struggle.
He will use the military as a tool to influence... but at least his ROE won't create unnecessary risk for our soldiers and he will let soldiers run the theater.
What an easy question to play devils advocate to. There are certainly more active duty military members who consider themselves conservative in nature.
How do they feel about serving underneath the current Commander in Chief (gasp, a Democrat). Are there active duty out there actually resigning to serve based on President Obama? I doubt it.
You will work for stupid people throughout your careers in the military, the system is set up to keep many total morons in as long as they are willing to stay. Whether you think Trump is an idiot, or our current President is one, they will not be the first or last person you cannot stand working for. Continue to fight the good fight, whether its a red white house, or blue.
How do they feel about serving underneath the current Commander in Chief (gasp, a Democrat). Are there active duty out there actually resigning to serve based on President Obama? I doubt it.
You will work for stupid people throughout your careers in the military, the system is set up to keep many total morons in as long as they are willing to stay. Whether you think Trump is an idiot, or our current President is one, they will not be the first or last person you cannot stand working for. Continue to fight the good fight, whether its a red white house, or blue.
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