Posted on May 5, 2015
If confirmed as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, what should Gen. Dunford's priorities be?
Responses: 28
Slow down the Army drawdown and maintain a healthy armed forces to deal with today's threats.
HIS first priorities should be to get the MILITARY back up to snuff and ensure our military has the arms needed to get the job done also go after ISIS.
Easy (right . . .): Re-emphasize basic soldier skills by instituting a "zero-based" policy on mandatory training (that is, every requirement is reviewed annually and scrapped when it is no longer productive) and a recognition that technology alone will not solve our problems. This will take political courage, but what are Marines for?
First and foremost, to operate in the best interest of the nation, not for a political agenda of the Obama/Democrat administration.
We need an Infantry Officer, a strategic thinker, and a bona fide war fighter as the Chair of the Joint Chiefs. Say what you want about Obama, this time he got it right with our Commandant. My vote is for Gen. John F. Kelly to replace him. He lost his son, Robert, in Afghanistan, A Marine Infantry officer like his father. [login to see] 938.html It was Commandant Joseph F. Dunford,Jr., one of Kelly's oldest and closest friends, who made the casualty call himself, on November 9th, 2010 (the day before the Marine Corps Birthday).
I think Gen. Kelly if he becomes the next Commandant of the Marine Corps will bring a sorely needed integrity to all ranks (started by our outgoing Commandant Gen. Dunford), and he will also work hard to let the American Public know about the sacrifices the volunteer military is making every day to keep turds like ISIS and Al Qaeda at bay, and making sure these evil animals, to quote the immortal words of the Mad Monk, don't hang around to "collect their 401(k) retirements."
I think Gen. Kelly if he becomes the next Commandant of the Marine Corps will bring a sorely needed integrity to all ranks (started by our outgoing Commandant Gen. Dunford), and he will also work hard to let the American Public know about the sacrifices the volunteer military is making every day to keep turds like ISIS and Al Qaeda at bay, and making sure these evil animals, to quote the immortal words of the Mad Monk, don't hang around to "collect their 401(k) retirements."

Lt. Gen. John Kelly, who lost son to war, says U.S. largely unaware of sacrifice
Before he addressed the crowd that had assembled in the St. Louis Hyatt Regency ballroom last November, Lt. Gen. John F. Kelly had one request. "Please don't mention my son," he asked the Marine Corps officer introducing him.
How to definitively "end" these wars but also be successful has been the ongoing question since 2001 and one which I doubt Washington will ever reach a consensus on. Thanks for your response.
How to definitively "end" these wars but also be successful has been the ongoing question since 2001 and one which I doubt Washington will ever reach a consensus on. Thanks for your response.
MAJ Anthony DeStefano
Put our teeth back in and sharpen our fangs for multiple theaters simultaneously...attract new, quality recruits to build on...Stop ISIS or IS or whatever they are this week in their tracks...l test SMs for PTS before sending them back again and again into the crucible... stop the suicides it is a rampant epidemic. Figure out what uniform works best in combat and stick with it but retain a service identity for each branch... fix or replace the M4 and select a good sidearm- preferably American made...Get and keep morale at a high level with balance of military responsibilities and family time. Keep the A-10 in close support role...the enemy fears it more than the AF Brass hates it. Get our Nukes in line with the times and fix the morale problems of nuclear-assigned personnel especially in the USAF part of the TRIAD... Have a Navy that can survive multiple threats on several oceans at once..."VAMPIRE" should not cause undue concern aboard a carrier. Maybe more but smaller carriers are the answer to these huge targets but the trend is even larger behemoths. Standardize and integrate all Communications - Electronics... we are learning but not there yet...Increase firepower in every platform on the ground, in the air and at sea... from the individual rounds carried to the most devastating of warheads...Protect or replace the CH 47... these ramblings could continue but they won't mercifully.
SSG Carlos Madden
Thanks for your thoughtful response. ISIS/ISIL, the future of the A-10, and suicide prevention all seem to be common concerns. Hopefully he will be provided the tools he needs to get the job done.
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