Posted on May 5, 2015
SSG Carlos Madden
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Responses: 28
GySgt International It Pmo & Portfolio Manager
First, to all my other service brethren..... Can we all say OOH RAH! Let me hear it!
SSgt James DeBoard
SSgt James DeBoard
10 y
OOH RAH!!!!!
LCpl Mark Lefler
LCpl Mark Lefler
10 y
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
10 y
Sgt Tommy Johnson
Sgt Tommy Johnson
10 y
OOH RAH!!! :)
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SGM M Crisp
Make the Army standards the Marine Corp standards. The Army has become such a distasteful service with all of its political correct bullshit
SGM M Crisp
SGM M Crisp
10 y
Yea he needs to Join the Marines. I would have never thought I would have seen the Army come to such a low level. Senior leaders only care about there careers and don't give a fuck when sorry ass Soldiers do the wrong thing and suddenly it's an EO complaint and good leaders get ducked over and relieved on the spir
SGM M Crisp
SGM M Crisp
10 y
Spoken like a true Officer. SMDH... Really????? Has nothing to do with the Guys who earned the award.. Look at the officers who tried to screw some of those out of the award..
SSG Russell Price
SSG Russell Price
10 y
After Vietnam the Army went to shit. Their training is sub-par and their Command has become a joke. And this from an Army man.
SSG Walter Corretjer
SSG Walter Corretjer
10 y
You are 300% correct, Sergeant Mayor.Starting with the use of the correct uniform for the right occasion, and ending with military discipline,bearing and motivation.
Today's Army soldier looks like crab. I have seen so many,including officers, that deserves to have been sended to Basic Training with the Marines.
Wha's going on with the Army, in respect on wearing the best dress unif
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SGT John Beardsley
Take Care Of The Enlisted Men And Women!!!

The primary duty of the most senior officers and noncommissioned officers is to take care of the lowest servicemembers, first, last and always. Screw the politics and screw the "good-ol-boy" networks . . . if you take care of the soldiers the job will take care of itself.

The best commander I ever served under, LTC Clark, constantly reminded his officers and noncoms of that, and lead by example. The result was a unit with extremely high morale and a gung-ho attitude.

And do NOT forget the service members who did their jobs and now need assistance from the Veteran's Administration. A former soldier is STILL a soldier.
1SG Kenneth Talkington Sr
1SG Kenneth Talkington Sr
10 y
Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will always remember those I served under who took care of those who served under them. It did not mean they were soft. It takes extra effort to insure those under you are properly trained and cared for. The units who have people who take care of the little people prove to be efficient, will trained, have and have high morale.
SGT John Beardsley
SGT John Beardsley
10 y
1SG Talkington, I keep coming back and reading your comment and pausing at the "It did not mean they were soft" part. What hangs me up is the truth in it, and the recognition that, at least in my days in service, certain segments of the officer and nco corps really did interpret taking care of the troops meant being soft.

It was a stupid belief.

Taking care of them did not mean coddling them, it meant making sure they were properly trained to do their own job AND the job(s) of the next soldier up in the chain of command. It meant making sure they had and maintained the proper equipment for the job. It meant that you ensured they took care of themselves, and sought out help when needed; medically, spiritually, what ever. It meant that you checked after your troops family too.

The troops don't always need to be happy, I think it is a truism that you can tell a lot about the unit's morale by listening to what they are bitching about. When they don't like the weather and general issues, they are probably happier than how they may sound. When names, food or pay enter into the topics, there is a morale problem that needs to be jumped on.
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If confirmed as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, what should Gen. Dunford's priorities be?
CPO Ronald Ross
I noticed from 1985 to my retirement in 2005, how shore duty stations for the Navy slowly were manned more and more by civilians and less and less by active duty. I understand the need for some permanent positions at certain commands and facilities, but not to the degree it has reached. Hospitals, clinics, admin offices and commissaries to name a few. I much preferred to conduct any of my business with the military person, as they almost always took more pride and attention to detail in their handling of me or my family. Not all, but so many of the civilians will give you an attitude. It's not enough to file a complaint, its just the lack of respect that military both junior and senior ALWAYS gave, or else. Then there is the loss of shore duty stations for our military. So many billets have gone away for them, their options are more limited than ever before. At least, that's how it appears to this Old Retired Chief.
1SG Kenneth Talkington Sr
1SG Kenneth Talkington Sr
10 y
This is why the budget for the military is so far out of hand. More and more of the money from the military budget is going to pay for the civilian contractors. Ask yourself, "Who benefits by this trend?"
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LTC Marc King
The priority should be the safety and security of the nation above all else and he should have the moral courage to let his civilian task masters know when our safety and security are in jeopardy. He should be a military leader and not a politician -- if that is what he wants to be he should do the honorable thing... retire and run for office. The welfare of his warfighters should come next... not their comfort but their welfare and have the courage of his own convictions when it comes to letting those who have never served, and there are plenty of them giving the military instructions these days that he is man who represents the men and women of the United States Armed Forces, he has been in harms way as those he represents have and if they wish to influence the action, they are welcomed to raise their right hand as so many of us have and do the right thing---stand in harms way.
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Capt Richard I P.
1. Warfighting.
2. Support to warfighting.
3. Training for warfighting.
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LTJG Communications Officer
Based on that picture, his first priority should be getting some sleep.
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SFC Stephen King
Begin by building and reinforcing the fact that we are the best Military in the world. Do this not only in word but action. Start with the pay scale raise it it for us and those before us. We are a small percentage of Americans who support and defend our country. This leads to fixing the VA.
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SCPO Jeff Strickland
How about some integrity and good old fashioned honest leadership, where accountability is paramount to the success of the forces!!! Your not going to make everyone happy, but if there is a common goal to aspire too, it'll be easier to keep the boys and girls focused and on track...
LCpl Mark Lefler
LCpl Mark Lefler
10 y
being a marine i dont think he cares if anyone is happy.
SCPO Jeff Strickland
SCPO Jeff Strickland
10 y
My point exactly, hopefully capital hill doesn't blur his Marine Corps values!
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PFC Stephens Clark
Edited 10 y ago
His first Response would be to get our troops back up to maximum strength.
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