Posted on Oct 25, 2020
I’ve been chosen to go to a board, I believe a Soldier of the month. How do I possibly prepare in just 4 days?
I am in AIT as a PFC. I got chosen to go to the board. Pretty sure it isn't a promotion board. But more like a soldier of the month thing. I have no clue what to do or what's going to happen or how it works. My drill sergeant isn't here. Barely is here. I think I wear ASU's. The board is on October 28th, 2020. They gave me a really short notice. I bought a book about the board. And my drill sergeant just gave a binder full off pages to study. Is it possible to do all of this in 4 days? I have classes on weekdays and it takes up all of my time throughout the day. And the guy I am competing with isn't even in class. He already graduated and just has been stuck here for months due security clearance. I'm at Fort Lee. 266th QM Battalion. This is really stressing me out. Because I have classes, and i'm the student first of this company... I tried to tell my Drill sergeant i want to back out, he just told me no and that i have no choice
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 23
Do your best. Keep a small version o the creed in your pocket but curl it over so you have to remember one line at a time, then reveal the next line after you think it out.
This can't be a promotion board if you are a PFC, or at least "boarding" for specialist would be highly irregular. You board for SGT and SSG.
Take the binder, read through it and do the best you can. It Will teach you a few things:
- when you are NCO, give your soldiers lead time
- when you are an NCO, ensure you are continuously training your soldiers instead of "saving it up". Even if it is one simple thing everyday.
- the board just makes you think on your feet.
- if you don't know the answer, dont BS. Simply state how you would find that answer. Especially if you know what regulation it's in but don't remember exactly.
- the best NCOs do research and ensure that they are coaching, training, and mentoring properly.
Things in your control:
- your uniform. That should be to standard.
- you have control of the information in that binder. Whether you study it or not is up to you.
- your attitude. If you go in with a bad one, this is on you. This is simply a training opportunity.
- anything Uniform and Appearance is 670-1 and amplified in DA PAM 670-1
- the REGULATION that governs the APFT is 350-1. TCs and FMs govern the conduct of PT. FM7-22
- Army Body Composition Program AR600-9
- anything Company level organizational property is AR735-5
- The Maintenance Regulation is AR750-1
- Equipment needs to be PMCSed IAW the -10 TM for that equipment on a 5988E which the motor pools prints out. Vehicles need to have a valid dispatch, PMCS and. 5988E to leave the motorpool. Part of that is ensuring the safety and Basic Issue Items BII are in the vehicle. Operator must be licensed on the equipment.
-all awards = AR600-8-22 including overseas and service bars. Except Shoulder Sleeve Insignia For Wartime Service (SSI-FWTS) aka combat patch is in AR670-1. If it's not in AR600-8-22 because it is new, you would check a MILPER message from HRC.
- pay and allowance questions don't usually get answered out of an AR, it is subject to DFAS regulations.
- Pass and leave AR600-8-10
- Enlisted Separations AR635-200
- Army Command Policy AR600-20, which also covers fraternization, good order and discipline, and the authority of NCOs.
- Counseling ADP 6-22.1. leadership FM 6-22
- DA Form 4856 documents a conversation, and should not be viewed as "punishment" or agreeing/disagreeing with the content of the conversation.
This can't be a promotion board if you are a PFC, or at least "boarding" for specialist would be highly irregular. You board for SGT and SSG.
Take the binder, read through it and do the best you can. It Will teach you a few things:
- when you are NCO, give your soldiers lead time
- when you are an NCO, ensure you are continuously training your soldiers instead of "saving it up". Even if it is one simple thing everyday.
- the board just makes you think on your feet.
- if you don't know the answer, dont BS. Simply state how you would find that answer. Especially if you know what regulation it's in but don't remember exactly.
- the best NCOs do research and ensure that they are coaching, training, and mentoring properly.
Things in your control:
- your uniform. That should be to standard.
- you have control of the information in that binder. Whether you study it or not is up to you.
- your attitude. If you go in with a bad one, this is on you. This is simply a training opportunity.
- anything Uniform and Appearance is 670-1 and amplified in DA PAM 670-1
- the REGULATION that governs the APFT is 350-1. TCs and FMs govern the conduct of PT. FM7-22
- Army Body Composition Program AR600-9
- anything Company level organizational property is AR735-5
- The Maintenance Regulation is AR750-1
- Equipment needs to be PMCSed IAW the -10 TM for that equipment on a 5988E which the motor pools prints out. Vehicles need to have a valid dispatch, PMCS and. 5988E to leave the motorpool. Part of that is ensuring the safety and Basic Issue Items BII are in the vehicle. Operator must be licensed on the equipment.
-all awards = AR600-8-22 including overseas and service bars. Except Shoulder Sleeve Insignia For Wartime Service (SSI-FWTS) aka combat patch is in AR670-1. If it's not in AR600-8-22 because it is new, you would check a MILPER message from HRC.
- pay and allowance questions don't usually get answered out of an AR, it is subject to DFAS regulations.
- Pass and leave AR600-8-10
- Enlisted Separations AR635-200
- Army Command Policy AR600-20, which also covers fraternization, good order and discipline, and the authority of NCOs.
- Counseling ADP 6-22.1. leadership FM 6-22
- DA Form 4856 documents a conversation, and should not be viewed as "punishment" or agreeing/disagreeing with the content of the conversation.
It is your first board in the army. Who gives a shit whether you do great, good, or just bomb it. Do your absolute best and learn from the experience. Always aim to do better than the next rank and even if you bomb this, you are preparing today for your next board. That NCO Creed, if you bomb it this time, you will be all that closer to saying it from memory when you absolutely need to nail it. Successful people are always busy, always have some sort of stress level, and learning how to adapt and overcome is growth. Somebody is pushing you for a reason, accept this, and do as good as you can. I had a four hour oral board to become a critical care nurse and remember this is preparing you for future challenges.
Here’s the thing about Boards. Its all about confidence. If you aren't confident about your answers, the board will more than likely not choose you. My advice, study whats on the MOI and try memorizing some things. We’re human. Not all of us are board babies. Its important to just keep your military bearing, discipline, and be confident in your responses. Otherwise, “at this time I do not know the answer that question 1SG/CSM. However, I know that I can reference that in (insert regulation here)” is always a good answer, as well! Good luck! Let me know if you need any help.
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