Posted on Mar 22, 2019
I failed weight and tape but I pass my pt test with 280 and up every time. What will happen to me?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 17
You will likely be flagged and put on the weight control program. If you don't show progress towards meeting the body fat standards, you will likely be chaptered out of the Army.
LTC Kevin B.
PFC (Join to see) - From the reg (AR 600-9):
"A monthly loss of either 3 to 8 pounds or 1 percent body fat are both considered to be safely attainable goals that enable Soldiers to lose excess body fat and meet the body fat standards. Soldiers that meet either of these goals are considered to be making satisfactory progress in the ABCP."
"The regulation defines the Army Body Composition Program failure as 3 nonconsecutive months of less than satisfactory progress."
You need to show improvement immediately, but the Commander has some discretion. However, after three months of unsatisfactory progress (and it does not have to be three consecutive months), the Commander can initiate a chapter.
"A monthly loss of either 3 to 8 pounds or 1 percent body fat are both considered to be safely attainable goals that enable Soldiers to lose excess body fat and meet the body fat standards. Soldiers that meet either of these goals are considered to be making satisfactory progress in the ABCP."
"The regulation defines the Army Body Composition Program failure as 3 nonconsecutive months of less than satisfactory progress."
You need to show improvement immediately, but the Commander has some discretion. However, after three months of unsatisfactory progress (and it does not have to be three consecutive months), the Commander can initiate a chapter.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
PFC (Join to see) - Your team leader or squad leader should have counseled you the same day you failed height and weight. It's their responsibility to ensure you know army standards so you're not left in the dark about what's expected of you.
You should be counseled about being flagged, being enrolled in the Army Body Composition Program, and the standards you need to meet to achieve satisfactory progress. After you get weighed and taped every month to track your progress, you should be counseled again on whether you have met or failed to meet satisfactory progress. Be sure to keep copies of all your counselings! You'll want to have a paper trail of your progress with trying to meet the army's height/weight standards.
If you have concerns or questions about how to safely and effectively meet height/weight standards, ask during the counseling session. If the counselor is unable to answer your concerns/questions, he/she should direct you to a healthcare professional who can guide you with how to eat a healthier diet.
You should be counseled about being flagged, being enrolled in the Army Body Composition Program, and the standards you need to meet to achieve satisfactory progress. After you get weighed and taped every month to track your progress, you should be counseled again on whether you have met or failed to meet satisfactory progress. Be sure to keep copies of all your counselings! You'll want to have a paper trail of your progress with trying to meet the army's height/weight standards.
If you have concerns or questions about how to safely and effectively meet height/weight standards, ask during the counseling session. If the counselor is unable to answer your concerns/questions, he/she should direct you to a healthcare professional who can guide you with how to eat a healthier diet.
MSG (Join to see)
SGT(P) (Join to see) the company commander must counsel about entry into the ABCP, in MFR format.
CWO3 (Join to see)
MSG (Join to see) - Unless he does it on his own it will be official. USMC required a PG 11 entry for almost everything - even issue of safety boots etc., and some required counseling by CO. The PersO certified each entry. Preaching to the choir no doubt, just reinforcing.
If you do not meet weight you will be given the appropriate opportunities and eventually seperated from service.
Check out keto diet. High fat, no carbs. Our son recently lost 140 lbs in a year and change, but you should get nutritional advice throughout the process. He's big boned and around 74 in. but eating habits got him in high 300 range. He's around 240 now, works out and runs. Check with medical first, per any regs. If you can show progress and are viewed as a good soldier, your COC may be supportive. It's appearance they focus on, and secondarily readiness/reporting. Only you know your true endurance level, for situations requiring it. APFT is just a standardized test. If they're looking for a way to chapter you, and you truly want to stay, it's on you to make it happen. Army is pretty big on "programs" to remediate issues, for those worth saving. Sounds like you could get by with some more road and gym time. Dry sauna after a run burns a lot, but hydrate as well. Grapefruit juice. Watch the snacks. Find a pool and do laps. Good luck.
I recommend liposuction. I did that once, stellar PT Scott, working my ass off at gym, watching my diet, but fat wouldn't come off mid section. Best 5 grand I ever spent.
You can fail weight. But if you do you can still pass tape you will be fine. I'm a big guy and am 26 lbs over weight. However, I pass tape everytime and score 290's and above. If its your neck size try building your neck muscle. If its your waist then just watching what you eat and adding a little more cardio during the week will help you alot.
You passed the APFT but failed the height and weight standard. This will be recorded and your unit training NCO will note it. Your section sergeant or platoon sergeant should initiate a counseling for you outlining what is expected in terms of improvement and what will happen should you not improve. You will also be enrolled in the Army's ABCP program. You should at this point be flagged in the system meaning that no positive actions can be or will be taken or initiated. No leave, no promotions or awards, no schools.
You then begin weight training and must show progress in that program. 3 months of no progress and a separation proceeding can be initiated at any times. It is really up to the command authority as to how stringent they want to be. IF/WHEN you manage to fall within specified guidelines, even if it is by one pound then the flag can be lifted and things reset.
You then begin weight training and must show progress in that program. 3 months of no progress and a separation proceeding can be initiated at any times. It is really up to the command authority as to how stringent they want to be. IF/WHEN you manage to fall within specified guidelines, even if it is by one pound then the flag can be lifted and things reset.
They’ll probably enter you into the ABC program until you lose the weight.
There are plenty of great answers listed. You should have been counseled already. This is one of those policies I and I know many have issues with but it is the standard that is to be enforced.
I would pass my APFT with a 270 easy but was always like 1-5lbs over my max weight on the chart. I would tape in standard but close. I’m not fat just the way my build is never helped with the taping. Personally if you can do the job pass the physical and don’t look like a slob I don’t see the point of the weight and tape standard.
I would pass my APFT with a 270 easy but was always like 1-5lbs over my max weight on the chart. I would tape in standard but close. I’m not fat just the way my build is never helped with the taping. Personally if you can do the job pass the physical and don’t look like a slob I don’t see the point of the weight and tape standard.
Table weight screening and if needed TAPE is part of a record APFT.... for a record APFT they are a set, passing only one is immaterial.
Bottom line, if you fail either APFT or TAPE, you will be counseled, and entered into the appropriate assistance program. If you work with the trainers and dietitians to succeed all will be in the past and things more on.
If you fail, you will be processed for separation based on clar, written standards and guidance.
Bottom line, if you fail either APFT or TAPE, you will be counseled, and entered into the appropriate assistance program. If you work with the trainers and dietitians to succeed all will be in the past and things more on.
If you fail, you will be processed for separation based on clar, written standards and guidance.
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