Posted on May 9, 2017
I am seeking to perform well as a commissioned officer. What advice can you offer to being an effective staff and line officer ?
Responses: 19
Don't be afraid to ask for assistance. Learn to listen to your trusted NCOs.
CPO Bill Penrod
Remember if it's not broke do NOT try to fix it. Seek advice from your peers and SNOCs but right or wrong the final decision is yours. Take ownership of your decision and NEVER pass the buck down the chain. You 'll be fine.................
You will get a thousand different answers. I will answer from the perspective of a Signaleer, and things I've learned along the way. Read ADP 6-22, and 7-0 to start. Know signal flow and the capabilities and limitations of your equipment in order to employ it correctly, but understand that your job as a 25A is not to be a technical expert. If you are in the weeds configuring equipment instead of leading and managing your troops something is wrong. Understand the unit's mission and how you fit into it. Make sure you can write and write well-reference AR 25-50 constantly. You need to understand evaluations, and counseling; and if you are fortunate enough to be a Platoon Leader you need to understand property accountability (AR 735-5 and 710-2). Trust, but verify. Do not solely rely on email to communicate. Always try to improve your unit; you do this by improving yourself, your troops, and your processes. If you don't know the answer, and you can't find it, don't be afraid to ask; but make the effort to educate yourself first. If you bring up a problem, you should have a solution or mitigation plan as well. Seek out a mentor; this can be anyone who can develop you whether it be a Senior NCO, Officer, or Civilian.
CPT (Join to see) there is a ton of RP content on this topic. Here is a link to a similar discussion with links to,other similar discussions.

What is some advice that you would give to a brand new LT? | RallyPoint
I am currently a sophomore contracted cadet and wanted to know. What is some advice that you wish your platoon leaders knew from the enlisted side? And what would be some advice you'd give from personal experience (officer side)? Thanks in advance.
LTC Jason Mackay
You need to focus on Platoon leading first. Learn your craft and learn your branch. If you are placed on a staff early, which may happen as a Signal Officer, you need to focus on how does the S6 enable my commander's ability to effect mission command. Assume no one knows jack about Signal. How can you and your soldiers employ your Signal Kung Fu to fix problems.
Being the S6 is challenging. No matter what you do, the CPOF or other Battle Command system will crash after three commo checks right as the Commander grabs the hand mike to do a CUB. The XO will scuff you up. Know what you are talking about, ask the right questions, learn the technical systems.
Knowledge management and network admin at home station could be ways to help your unit. Being a staff officer does not mean you park your leadership in the economy lot until Company command.
Being the S6 is challenging. No matter what you do, the CPOF or other Battle Command system will crash after three commo checks right as the Commander grabs the hand mike to do a CUB. The XO will scuff you up. Know what you are talking about, ask the right questions, learn the technical systems.
Knowledge management and network admin at home station could be ways to help your unit. Being a staff officer does not mean you park your leadership in the economy lot until Company command.
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