Posted on May 15, 2020
SGT Land And Ammo Ncoic
I have a chance to become my Sergeant Major’s driver. Is there any tips or anything I should learn before I am chosen for it?
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Responses: 5
CW2 Electronic Warfare Technician
Like being any driver. He's just a person, just know that it's a much more visible position than like the Section Sergeant's driver.
Square away the load plan, Ensure the CSM's spitter is within reach, ensure the radios are working perfectly and know how to use the SKL, and know how to load emergency COMSEC if need be.
Memorize the before during and after checks..but still use the TM during PMCS. Ensure the weekly monthly etc egt done (that's for any driver but you get it).
Go over it with a fine tooth comb. Find every deficiency and get the motorpool working. Be friends with the Motor Sgt and Chief
Talk to the CSM and see if there's anything he/she needs in the vehicle.
Motorpool Mondays, every monday.
BII - lay it out and inventory, create shortage annex.

You need to be an expert on the vehicle, driving, maintenance, equipment, communications, battlefield tracking, weapons, etc..

If you get it try to go to an advanced driving school like the EDC at Leonard Wood or INTAC

You are the example driver of the unit in this position, all others should be able to emulate you for their own truck/track.
SGT Land And Ammo Ncoic
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
Thanks Sergeant. Appreciate the words of wisdom. Gonna take all that to heart and do my best.
CW2 Electronic Warfare Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
5 y
SGT (Join to see) - as MSG (Join to see) said..beef up on land nav. Mounted land nav is very different from dismounted. Kilometers go by FAST and you can't use lateral routes as terrain associating markers - not every road is on the map- itll throw you off. Studying the route before you SP so you know where you're going.
CW2 Electronic Warfare Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
5 y
Building on the land nav - you should also know the general layout of the ranges and training areas on the post, and 2 ways to each one.
Know the armorer well.
Conduct Green 2s (sensitive item report/inventory) after each movement without being told.
As the driver, everything and person on that vehicle is under your charge. You are responsible for their safety.
Now this can go either way, but I'd like to think most CSMs will like it - it is not the CSMs vehicle. It is YOURS. CSM just rides in it. Yeh the call sign is the CSM and you're just the 7D, but it's your friggen vehicle. The gunner owns the gun, you own the vehicle.

(lol, guess who spent time as a driver)
Cadet 2LT (Pre-Commission)
Cadet 2LT (Join to see)
5 y
talk to em big sarge
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
And one more thing, SGT (Join to see), when you walk into that sure to have the cleanest, crispest uniform on that you have. And the cleanest boots possible. Like, so clean and crisp the Virgin Mary herself would eat a meal off them.
SGT Land And Ammo Ncoic
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
Thank you. Really helps out. Looking forward to what lies before me. Thanks again for the tips
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
5 y
"Private Joker do you believe in the Virgin Mary ?"
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CSM Charles Hayden
SGT (Join to see)
Always be early and absolutely good to go!

Do not neglect little details that will make the CSM’s life easier. (And yours).

Perform any additional tasks the CSM might assign you as if your life depended on their completion!

Plan ahead with creature comforts in case you, (and the CSM), miss a meal.

Be absolutely reliable, trustworthy and do not share any of the tidbits of information you might overhear with other Soldiers.
SGT Land And Ammo Ncoic
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
Thank you for the advice Sergeant Major. Looking forward to a new position.
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