How long can you be in a position before it is considered career stagnation?
I have been in the same position for 3 years now. I have
accomplished many things during this time to include civilian ed, military ed
and schools, technical certifications, boards and have taking on taskings from
the company level all the way up to installation. The issue I am having is if I
stay in this position my NCOER will be no different than anything else I have
done in the past 3 years. I want to continue to be competitive for the E7 board
and don’t know if I should continue to stay in the same position or should I ask
to me moved. If I ask to be moved though I will be put in a position that is
most likely not in my career path i.e. orderly room or something to that
affect. I would like to hear from my peers and seniors on this issue, I see it
as a growing problem especially in TRADOC.
I think this may be the best choice. Speak to the branch manager about assignments that can be a move up or allow you to gain competitive experience. If you have been performing well in your current position, the only reason they could say no is because of unavailability. Or funding. Or they just don't like you.
Can't hurt to ask though!
SSG Plato,
I'm not a SME on the Signals branch, but I would suggest to anyone to move on to a new assignment after 3 years. You won't be able to develop as many new skills after being in a position for 3 years. Personally, I would look for a more generic military leadership position than an instructor. The promotion board will be looking to ensure you have a versitile background before promoting you to E7. Take your expertise you have learned in the last 3 years and bring it to a new unit to make them better.