69% Complete
6 Endorsements
115 Contacts
Influence Score: 16,374
289 out of 51,368 E-7s
289 out of 51,368 E-7s
SSG Jason A. Plato was born July 21, 1980 in Athens, Greece. He graduated from Quince Orchard High School in June 1998. SSG Plato entered the U.S. Army in May of 2003. He attended Basic Training and completed Advance Individual Training as a 74B – Information Systems Operator-Analyst at Fort Gordon, GA in 2003.
SSG Plato’s assignment locations include: Headquarter & Headquarters Troop, 4–14 Cavalry Regiment, 172 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Fort Wainwright AK (20 Jan 04 – 29 Apr 07), Regimental Headquarter & Headquarters Troop, 3d ACR (30 Apr 07 – 9 July 11), SSG Plato is currently assigned to Charlie Company, 447th Signal Battalion Fort Gordon, GA as a Digital Instructor for the 25B Course.
During his tour of duty, SSG Plato has held various positions to include: LAN Manager, Sr. LAN Manager, Data Systems Integrator, Helpdesk NCOIC, Automations NCOIC, Troop Unit Prevention Leader, Operations Security NCO and Instructor/Writer.
Some of SSG Plato’s awards and decorations include the Army Commendation Medal (6), Army Achievement Medal (4), Army Good Conduct Medal (3), National Defense Service Medal (1), Iraq Campaign Medal (3), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal (1), Global War on Terrorism Service Medal (1), Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon (2), Army Service Ribbon (1), Overseas Service Ribbon (4) and the Combat Action Badge.
His schools include numerous medial related courses Warrior Leader Course, Fort Hood TX; Advanced Leader Course Phase I & II, Fort Gordon GA; Unit Prevention Leader, Fort Hood TX; Cadre Training Course, Fort Gordon; Army Basic Instructor Course, Fort Gordon GA; Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, Fort Gordon GA.
SSG Plato has deployed three times to, Rawah (15 months), Mosul (15 months) and Kalsu (9 Months) Iraq. SSG Plato is married to Nykiesha Plato from New Orleans, LA and has 2 daughters Alynn & Alyce, 2 sons Julian & Jacob.
SSG Plato’s assignment locations include: Headquarter & Headquarters Troop, 4–14 Cavalry Regiment, 172 Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Fort Wainwright AK (20 Jan 04 – 29 Apr 07), Regimental Headquarter & Headquarters Troop, 3d ACR (30 Apr 07 – 9 July 11), SSG Plato is currently assigned to Charlie Company, 447th Signal Battalion Fort Gordon, GA as a Digital Instructor for the 25B Course.
During his tour of duty, SSG Plato has held various positions to include: LAN Manager, Sr. LAN Manager, Data Systems Integrator, Helpdesk NCOIC, Automations NCOIC, Troop Unit Prevention Leader, Operations Security NCO and Instructor/Writer.
Some of SSG Plato’s awards and decorations include the Army Commendation Medal (6), Army Achievement Medal (4), Army Good Conduct Medal (3), National Defense Service Medal (1), Iraq Campaign Medal (3), Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal (1), Global War on Terrorism Service Medal (1), Noncommissioned Officer Professional Development Ribbon (2), Army Service Ribbon (1), Overseas Service Ribbon (4) and the Combat Action Badge.
His schools include numerous medial related courses Warrior Leader Course, Fort Hood TX; Advanced Leader Course Phase I & II, Fort Gordon GA; Unit Prevention Leader, Fort Hood TX; Cadre Training Course, Fort Gordon; Army Basic Instructor Course, Fort Gordon GA; Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training, Fort Gordon GA.
SSG Plato has deployed three times to, Rawah (15 months), Mosul (15 months) and Kalsu (9 Months) Iraq. SSG Plato is married to Nykiesha Plato from New Orleans, LA and has 2 daughters Alynn & Alyce, 2 sons Julian & Jacob.