Posted on Jul 26, 2015
SGT(P) It Support Field Technician
Okay, not "how", exactly, but what method do you use? Diamond stone, wet stone, steel rod, etc., what have you found to be the best way to keep a nice edge on your pocket, hunting or kitchen knives?
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 29
SGT Larry Michael Bleckler II
The wet stone is good but you need keep you eyes on the angle of the blade or it will dull the edge fast. I use a steel rod it is faster and easier to keep the right angle for me, the rod is actually made of the same material as a diamond stone.
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
9 y
True but difficult to carry in a back pack in the field.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
1 y
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht - ..
Somewhat Off Subject, But I've Often Wondered: "Why Aren't Small Magnifying Glasses Included As Standard Equipment In Military Back Packs? They'd Replace Matches & Such And Also Save Fuel To Start Fires, And Never Wear Out."... It Could Become "The Original Solar Powered Equipment" And "Climate Friendly", As Well.
How's That Grab Uraz? I Think It's A Great Idea!!
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SGT(P) It Support Field Technician
I grew up using a wet stone the way my dad showed me. The reason I asked the question is I was looking for a knife in our kitchen drawer this evening and found a sharpening rod. I don't know where it came from, so I wondered if anyone ever had luck using one.
Funny thing about that wet stone of my dad's is I see knife sharpening "systems" sell for near $100, but that old stone of my dad's turned out some of the sharpest blades I've ever seen.
SA Harold Hansmann
SA Harold Hansmann
9 y
I use a steel on my Chicago Cutlery knives to keep their edges sharp.
SSG Power Generator Technician
SSG (Join to see)
4 y
That is true but a stone takes off too much steel, steel rods with ceramic rods there is a science behind it. Indeed as proverbs says iron sharpens iron , what I mean the same material will sharpen best steel no matter what is there are grades of steel ,and hardness does count. It,s very simple actually if you understand three basic principles the angle of the blade you hone must be precise, and varied if possible I can hear the difference as a I sharpen if your angle is off a little bit you can lose a great edge very quickly. I can't emphasize that enough if 6 to 9 strokes you don't get the edge you want you have most likely didn't keep your angle precise. Then at last taking a soft material to refine your edge to a straight line or some blades actually help with a angle already on the steel. Unfortunately it's hard to explain so others can visualize it.
SSG Power Generator Technician
SSG (Join to see)
4 y
SSgt (Join to see) key iron sharpens iron as men shape each other as our creator designed us for. This old proverb is true ,and also for steel or iron, swords ,and weapons of warfare have been around I believe as old as all civilizations have. Want I do know what I seen those of whom primarily use stones their blades eventually wear down and develop a curve in the center. Of which is natural most sharpen and favor either hand. Remember what I originally said, iron or steel sharpens or to be precise. The problem with a stone it removes the steel to sharpen and obviously is harder much than steel or iron. Ideally you want remove as little steel or iron as possible to lengthen the life of blade. It's applicable science the harder the mass of element it removes the other material eventually destroying the steel or iron totally. Most people when their blade almost diminished they buy another of which could take many years. Superior blade sharpening to keep knives into several generations to be passed down as legacies or keep sake,s. Same hardness of materials simply to hone your knives will allow them to last practically forever. Make super sharp with lesser harder substance like ceramic or in barbers razor a leather strap Just a tip. I love to sharpen implements basically with concept you can sharpen almost any material.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
1 y
GREAT,.... Besides, If The Stone Doesn't Work With Sharpening The Knife, You Can Always Use IT To Kill Him With; Just Come Up From His Left & Jam It Down His Ear...
If Nothing Else, He'll Become Dizzy, And Fall To The Ground, THEN You Can Stomp Him To Death With Your Boots..
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SFC Health And Safety Trainer
I use a $10 pocket sharpener for quick touch ups on the go, and I keep a diamond stone and a multi-surface sharpener in the garage for more fine-tuned honing.
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
MSgt Marvin Kinderknecht
9 y
Sounds good
SSgt Terry P.
SSgt Terry P.
9 y
my technique is very close to SGT. Ingam's
SSgt Terry P.
SSgt Terry P.
9 y
this may be something you would like fits pocket or backpack--diamond dust steel collapses to fit in the pocket
SFC Health And Safety Trainer
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Pretty slick. I've not seen one like that before.
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