How do you obtain medical records from over 10 years ago that Tricare can't seem to find?
Perhaps TRICARE can do a billing info pull to see who got paid for your treatment. They never seem to lose those.
That led me to this, look through all of these, it might well be one of them, a decade isn't terribly far back, though, certainly, it might've closed, I suppose, which is why you'd go to the state, the city, and and the association, as well, if need be....
This is another rabbit hole I thought to look through....
tulsa%20ok%20hospital%20association - AOL Search Results
Feed of PracticeLink jobs across town or across the country. Stay up to date on new physician and healthcare practice opportunities. PracticeLink Thu, 04 Jul 2019 15 ...
You'll definitely wanna try them, ask for the executive staff, esp the ones with historical info on hospitals that might've closed, definitely go to the executive level to ask with them, OK?
Here's the staff page...

In 1900, Tulsa's population was approximately 1,400 people. In 2000, it was just shy of 400,000. What happened in one century that allowed such tremendous growth? Some will say it was the discovery of oil, and that no doubt played a part. But oil was discovered in many towns across Oklahoma that didn't grow the way Tulsa did. So what made us different? Read more...

Asset Management Department Communications Department Customer Care Center Development ServicesMayor's Office ofEconomic Development Engineering Services Finance Department Fire Department Human ResourcesMayor’s Office of Resilience and Equity Information TechnologyLegal DepartmentMunicipal CourtsParkand RecreationPerforming Arts Center Planning DepartmentPolice DepartmentStreets and Stormwater Department Water and Sewer Department Working in...