Posted on Feb 7, 2016
CPT Agccc Student
My promotion has been delayed at a higher command due to paperwork issue and backlog. How can I press this through so I do not lose out on back pay or have a promotion date later than it should be? I was supposed to be promoted last November, but due to a paperwork not being loaded into iPerms correctly I was passed over. My paperwork has since been inputted correctly but now I am being told by the promotion branch that I have to wait because my profile was flagged, since the paperwork was not in the system at the time they reviewed it. And now I need to submit the flag removal form. all that has been done now I am waiting, but promotions can not see the flag removal form. I have taken my issues through my BN and BDE and the paperwork is stuck at levels above them. Is there a way to push my paperwork through so I can get my promotion?
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 4
CPT Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Officer
You do not have a board to go to 1LT. Once everything is good with your records, your DOR will most likely be back dated to Novemeber and you will receive back pay.
CPT Agccc Student
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
I know there is no board and the promotion is automatic. But my paperwork to receive my promotion is stalled with the reserve command. I just need to find a way to push it forward so the promotions branch can get it and process the orders.
2LT Quartermaster Officer
2LT (Join to see)
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Battle, once everything has been permed it take about. 30-45 days before any actions to fix will occur. Also keep in mind your promotion will be dated by two things. Either your eligible promotion date or when you graduated from BOLC. Which ever is later. So I am not sure if that will affect you but just want to pass that nugget along incase you were not aware.
CPT Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Officer
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Yeah the back log with iperms has been an issue for awhile now. The good thing about is that it's a learning point for when we go to the CPT board to get things permed right away
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CPT Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Officer
Chris- I see you removed the board part and added a few more details. I actually saw a LT go through this before. If the 268 was submitted 6 months after the flag was lifted then promotions branch may require an O-6 memo. Did you do that already?
CPT Agccc Student
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>1 y
The 268 was submitted in OCT when I found out about the flag it went up my chain to the 85th and stopped there
CPT Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Officer
CPT (Join to see)
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Dang well hopefully someone can shed some light. Good luck man. Be patient- not much changes lol people don't listen to a 1LT
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LTC Jason Mackay
I am a little confused. Promotion to 1LT is approved at the O5 commander level, unless you were held up under paragraph 1-19 and 1-20 in AR 600-8-29. Chapter 3 section III describes the DA Form 78 processing. I am a little unclear on what paperwork is processed above BDE level and things in iPerms holding your promotion.
CPT Agccc Student
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Sir, my 1059 from bolc was never submitted. When I found out this was never added to iperms prior to my promotion date I was flagged. I was told I needed to submit a DA268 along with my 1059 to get promoted. Both of those documents have been submitted and my 1059 is now in iPerms but the promotions branch says they need the 268 but that document is stuck at a higher HQs and had not been pushed forward. And that is what is holding up my promotion.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
Who flagged you?
MAJ Intell Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
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^^Agree. Flags are usually at a company level and can be removed there. It's as simple as the commander signing and an admin representative changing the status in RLAS.
Your 1059 will have to get IPERMed before branch will do anything.
I was passed over because I was missing a document. There is a warning in the email that is sent out, if you are missing documents you will be passed over for promotion. My promotion was delayed 6 months and there is no back dating date of rank.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
Whoever flagged you has to lift it.
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