Posted on Aug 18, 2016
CPL Food Service Specialist
This will be the very first time for me to vote and I try to not listen to bad media about each of the candidates but it's so much to the point to where I am lost not knowing who to choose. I feel as if I choose Hillary basically her husband will be back in the office and he will be running stuff on the sly. Than on the other hand if I choose Trump I would be ok with the end of the United States as we know it, we would literally just go to World War 5 skipping all the other wars in between. Can anyone help me with my decision?
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Responses: 70
TSgt Jim Gregg
Are you active or a veteran? Republicans tend to be pro-military and Democrats tend to be pro-veteran. Been that way for the past 15 to 20 years. I wouldn't exactly say that Trump is pro-military, he is just not anti-military. Hillary is probably about the same. Of course Trump's views of certain minorities makes his support of all of the military a little harder.
Sgt Carlos Barrera
Sgt Carlos Barrera
>1 y
Sorry to disappoint you; have you seen the suffering a lot of our Veterans have suffered?? they are being tended by a Democratic administration in the last 8 years. Now take some time to look at what W is doing, he sent troops to war under his orders, and still he is trying to help all of those that came back maimed.
TSgt Jim Gregg
TSgt Jim Gregg
>1 y
Look at veteran bills since 2000. Republicans have constantly voted them down. Remember concurrent receipt? Democrats pushed it through. W may have helped veterans, but his party surely didn't. As for the VA, that problem existed long before Obama came in to office. The VA is a bureaucracy and those problems are deeply entrenched.
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SPC Sheila Lewis
Research both for yourself and go with your conscience.
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SCPO Penny Douphinett
As you continue to think about your choice, I strongly encourage you to do some reading and I don't mean Facebook or here necessarily. If you do, you will come away with the impression Secretary Clinton is the anti-Christ and Trump is the Second Coming. As you know that is nonsense. Many military have a visceral reaction to Clinton, call her a murderer, e-mail problem, Benghazi, etc. However, if you take the time to actually read the Congressional investigation reports, Director Comey's report for yourself you will be much better informed. She is probably the most investigated person in government! After many investigations, Congress could find no wrongdoings, and they tried, when it came to Benghazi. She has made many wrong decisions and has owned up to them, really not much more we can expect from a politician.
Donald Trump has been controversial from the day he announced his candidacy. He has been caught repeatedly being viciously loose with the truth about what he has said and done. He will not admit responsibility for anything he has done wrong and the thousands of people his various businesses have left without being paid. I don't understand how many active duty/veterans see him as so strongly for our communities. He trashes the military at every turn and has shown time and again he has no understanding of military culture. At the Commander in Chief's forum he was adamant the military needed it's own justice system! The only problem he seems to know about in the VA system is what happened in Phoenix and his solution is to give veterans a card to get care outside. We already have that, it has problems, but the system already exists. He has no plans other than to create a massive "deportation force" which brings to mind jack- booted thugs who don't belong in our Country. I don't think we should elect someone who's answer to most things is "Only I can fix it, trust me". That is not how our democracy works.
Do your own research!
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2LT Detachment Commander
I would suggest that you search your own morals and beliefs and vote for someone who shares them. Let your own conscience tell you who you like more instead of a group of strangers. I'm personally a huge proponent of Gary Johnson, but what you believe is unique to you.
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SSG Mark Franzen
I. Think of voting for trump would be a big mistake because he always says trust me but he doesn't say how he's going to fix anything. Just a lot of Lip Service and also he has No Knowledge on a clear path on how he's going to make American better? Also he wants to bad mouth people and then changing his mind like John McCain how he was Captured and then Endorsing him for Senate.
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Sgt Ramon Nacanaynay
The various media I am paying attention to paint both candidates in a bad light. At this point I'll write-in Bernie. Partly as protest and partly because our political system has to reach "rock bottom" to realize that it is addicted to violence and money.
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SSgt Ray Stone
Hmmm one is a liar and a panderer, the other has offended every group in America including veterans and most recently Afircan Americans contradicts himself ( has said that he wants to bring jobs back to USA, but his clothing line is manufactured in China) I'm voting for Billary only due to experience. I wanted to cross party lines and vote repub for Kasich, but the dummest, racist, ignorant segments of USA's population wanted Chump. So he were go
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SSgt Jonathan Dickey
Edited >1 y ago
If you want an honest leader you need to vote for neither Hillary or Donald. But as far as you thinking Donald will bring about WW5, the President does have power but not that much. If Congress would do their job and stop delegating certain aspects of their duties to the President or regulatory agencies the President would matter even less. Maybe a DT or HC Presidency is what we need just to get Congress to start taking their duties more seriously.
My suggestion is to look at third party candidates, mainly the Green and Libertarian parties to see if one of them better fit with your personal views.
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PO2 Brian Harringgton
he cannot go to ww5 the reason being he cannot enjoy his billions and he will not be ablle to buy more and more and more and more realestate this is cpl who made the main blog
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PO2 Brian Harringgton
the canadate or the president to be cannot and will plz everyone and that is a fact
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