Posted on Sep 7, 2015
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
I think the wife was just as much responsible for this incident, but , the commander decided to roll the dice and lost. I hate to see these things happening. It ruins so many lives and puts a smug mark on our military.

An executive officer was left hospitalized by an angry husband and, to add salt to the wounds, fired Aug. 24 for flouting a military protective order issued by his skipper.

Cmdr. Vinny Wood, the XO of Trident Refit Facility, Kings Bay, Georgia, was removed from his post by Capt. Gunter Braun, the TRF’s commanding officer, the TRF announced Aug. 31.

Wood is being investigated for an alleged affair with a married civilian employee; he has been reassigned to Submarine Group 10 at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay.

The events that led to Wood’s firing started when the skipper learned that his XO was involved in an unduly familiar relationship. Braun “thought it prudent, based on existing information,” to issue a Military Protective Order on Aug. 21, said Mark Turney, TRF spokesman. The order specified that Wood was to have no contact with the protected individual.

But Wood was with the married woman in the early morning hours of Aug. 23, according to a police report obtained by Navy Times. Her husband soon arrived; he referenced the protective order and taunts from both sides quickly turned physical. The fight left Wood in the hospital for at least 24 hours.

The fisticuffs left him with “a large contusion to his left eye, several knots on his head, an abrasion to the bridge of his nose, a small cut under his nose, and abrasions to both knees,” according to the report. A beer bottle also was thrown through the rear window of Wood’s car.

The sheriff’s deputy reported that he made contact with Braun from the hospital. The skipper confirmed that Wood had been issued a military protective order, adding that “the military would take appropriate measures in reference to the violation,” according to the report.

The command said it would be inappropriate to discuss specifics of the case while the investigation remains open, but said a primary goal is to determine the nature of the relationship. Wood did not respond to phone calls seeking comment.

While military protection orders are typically issued to protect a victim of domestic abuse or child abuse and to control the behavior of the alleged abuser, commanders also use such orders to prevent unduly familiar relationships deemed prejudicial to good order and discipline. In the case of a field grade officer, this includes any inappropriate relationship or fraternization with an enlisted sailor, subordinate or married individual, among others. A military protection order remains in effect until terminated by the commander. Violation can result in disciplinary action to include nonjudicial punishment or court-martial.

Though he was named XO in April, Wood has been assigned to TRF since May 2012. He is a limited duty officer who enlisted in 1988 and rose to the rank of machinist mate first class before being commissioned. He was promoted to commander on Feb. 1. He has received surface warfare officer, submarine service and diver qualifications, and has served on six ships and submarines. His decorations include two Navy/Marine Corps Commendation Medals and seven Navy/Marine Corps Achievement Medals.

The Navy typically discloses the removal of command level positions — flag officers, CO, XO and CMC — within a day or two. When asked why it took seven days to disclose the action, Turney said the TRF “takes this action very seriously and reacted quickly to the situation. The press release was made immediately once the final decision and all subsequent chain of command notifications were completed.”

A senior and qualified officer within TRF has been tasked to fill the XO’s seat until the investigation is complete.

Wood is the second submariner fired this year. Cmdr. Tory Swanson, skipper of the attack submarine Mississippi, was fired Feb. 27 due to a loss of confidence in his ability to command. The decision was related to Swanson’s on-the-job performance and operational decision-making, officials said.

Staff writer Mark D. Faram contributed to this report.
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Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 11
LCDR Naval Aviator
He was already ordered to stay away from her and didn't. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
I find his situation hilarious on a personal level, and embarrassing professionally.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
9 y
Sir, I'm co-opting that phrase.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
LCDR (Join to see), I'm glad he got his ass kicked. I know the feelings when someone cheats on you.
Capt Mark Strobl
Capt Mark Strobl
9 y
LCDR (Join to see), asking your advance permission to plagiarize your "Play Stupid Games" phrase. If you see me use it in the future, know I got it from you.
LCDR Naval Aviator
LCDR (Join to see)
9 y
Not my phrase; it's used pretty widely among Navy/Marine JOs. Feel free to spread the good word, gents.
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PO3 Sherry Thornburg
Moral incompetency strikes again.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
PO3 Sherry Thornburg, Some men and women think about sex with their other brain. Such as Gen.Petraeus, HillBilly Clinton, and a hoard of others.
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SN Greg Wright
He had all the information he needed to make the right choices. He chose wrongly. He wasn't blindsided. He willfully threw away his career. Over a woman. Who more than likely will now have nothing to do with him going forward. What a waste.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
SN Greg Wright, Of course she won't. Next time, her husband might kick two asses.
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