Posted on Oct 2, 2018
Going ANG after 2 year break in service, trying to reclass?
I’m prior service Active Army, considering going National Guard. I’m thinking about changing my MOS to 31B MP. Anybody have any insight on how long the schooling would be/where it would be? Not sure if it matters, but I’m from NJ.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 3
If you’re joining the NG and then reclassing, you won’t go to Leonardwood but would do two- two week phases of MP school at whatever RTI your state can get you into. There are schools in multiple states and they run classes at different times. The best way to do it is both at the same time but if you can’t do that you can go to each phase separately.
I know the Alaska National Guard uses the Regional Training Institute to do the MOS changes in the guard. Basically a 3-4 week training and then your reassigned to your new MOS.
You will go to Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo. there are 3 different service schools there for both enlisted.Engineere, Chemical and Military Police. The Chem. and M.P. Schools are new and modern. Less than 20 years old. Facilities for the various MP and CID courses have been a dream come true. Everything MPs need and want is there. Course has changed time so I am not sure. Between 8 and 9 weeks. Could be longer.
SFC James Heath
I forgot to say this is one station training. Meaning you will be an “insert”. DSs don’t like that cause you are not a new Pvt. Isually you can get along OK. You may be laterally promoted to a Sp4. Not too many Cpls in the MPs. Oh, both enlisted and officer train there. Luck would have it not together. Good Luck. Great job.
1SG Joseph Yorski, MHS
That’s not correct. You’d reclass at either a USAR or ARNG 31B schoolhouse. You’re in NJ so you could go to CT or RI very easily and knock it out. But you won’t be going to the active duty course, that’s for sure.
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