Posted on May 13, 2015
SSgt Geospatial Intelligence
I am enjoying the multi-part articles that the military publications are putting out. I like how it talks about adapting & overcoming. What do you think?

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Responses: 3
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Great article.

It talks about one of the most important aspects, which is the actual probability and disbursement of females in combat units. I would have taken it from 0-3 just to cover outliers, but 0-2 makes sense, because a command will just "shuffle" in those instances.

The aspects of ingenuity are the main point of the article, and gender is just the "instigator." It could just as easily be "We're looking at expanding the Marine Combat Training program, and want to see what the come up with for TTP.

Again great article.
SGT James Elphick
SGT James Elphick
10 y
I think the probability and disbursement is a very important issue. I believe because of the relatively small population that only a few units should be integrated, thus keeping many of the females together and allowing them that support group of other females instead of randomly having a female or two per platoon scattered throughout the USMC.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
10 y
SGT James Elphick the advantage the Corps has is that we just don't have many infantry BNs. I want to say it's 25~ and the actual "footprint" is tiny compared to the Army.

That support structure will be easy to accomplish.
SGT James Elphick
SGT James Elphick
10 y
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS you are correct, I do have a tendency to think in terms of the Army. I think for the Army to make it work though, due to the large number of battalions and the spread out nature of our units/installations, they will have to designate certain units as I described.
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
10 y
Adapt and overcome. That's what it's all about. Always has been, always will be. Semper Gumby
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SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
We need more people writing more about such things with first hand, real world experience.
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
SGM (Join to see)
10 y
A1C Roberts...I was one of the first three men assigned to the WAC HQ at Ft MCClellan in 1973. As the sole military journalist, it was my job to promote women in the military through their achievements. I have fond memories of the fine leaders there, and what I learned about being a minority simply by being the minority male.
SSgt Geospatial Intelligence
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
I remember when I was coming into the civilian police force. My FTO was a female. One of my supervising Sgts was female. Those ladies were two of the best officers on the force. They taught defensive tactics & RAD (Rape Agression Defense) classes. They knew their stuff - better than many of the guys.

I just don't get, in this day & age, where anyone can make a blanket statement that any particular segment of the populace is disqualified from something because they belong to said particular segment. I had posted elsewhere about the current state of physical fitness, we are seeing females that are as, or more, physically able to do things that men do - professional Cross Fitters, Fitness professionals, etc.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
10 y
SSgt (Join to see) You know how I love movie references... Watch "Men In Black" where K is telling J about the job on the park bench, and the phrase "just think about what we'll 'know' tomorrow" comes up.

Thinking evolves over time. It was barely 100 years ago women gained Suffrage. It was WWII where we integrated the Services. The Combat exclusion is less than 20 years old. The Combat Arms Exclusion is fast approaching. Imagine what tomorrow will bring.
SSgt Geospatial Intelligence
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SCPO David Lockwood
Like Heart Break Ridge! Adapt, Improvise and Overcome! Outstanding job Marines!
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