Posted on Aug 8, 2015
Experience vs Work Ethic: Which one is more important in an E-4 and below?
A strong worker or someone who has held the rank longer? Say you have a team leader slot open and you have a SPC who has showed no real leadership or even in depth job knowledge vs a PFC who has stepped up to not only lead their peers but seek knowledge from the supporting jobs surrounding their job to further themselves in their mission and ability to troubleshoot problems that arise to at least complete the current mission. Do you as a leader stay with rank and give the team leader to the almost unless unwilling to learn SPC or the overly high speed PFC who has proven themselves time and time again?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 75
SPC James Burkett II You need to pick the best leader, the PFC. Soldiers almost always gravitate to the best informal leader to reciprocates respect. You need to counsel the SPC on specifically what behaviors and skills you DO NOT see exhibited. Maybe the SPC does not remain an E-4 until he is able to demonstrate these behaviors. Better to be BRUTALLY HONEST and get his attention to get his head in the game. Don't let the SPC off the hook, establish a mentor relationship and be specific on what you expect out of him.
CPO Joseph Grant
LTC John Shaw , I agree with you completely. Unlike in the surface fleet, on Subs it's often the most qualified or proficient who holds a leadership position. The higher your rank, the more you are expected to know. When someone of a higher rank can't cut it, a junior is put in charge. It's mission first, once you're a civilian you'll have time to care about who's feathers get ruffled.
I would have to say the person with the higher rank gets a chance to succeed or to fail. I am a firm believer that rank does not equal proficiency, but in the military we live in a hierarchical world.
I'd say give the SPC the slot (for now) and give him enough rope to hang himself. It always happens, the underachiever will fail and that PFC will step up and do his job plus his supervisors. When that PFC gets to his 18 months you waiver him and swap him out.
SSG Eddie “JD” Brown
SSG Pete Oneill - very well said! Im awaiting a virtual board now theyve rescheduled it three times of course they say they never scheduled one yet I have the letters requiring appearance daye and time but they never did that?? Aeeeemaybe it was one of those emails from clintons other half hahaha
SSG Eddie “JD” Brown
SPC Christopher Salustro - brother be cool and chill on your MEB they watch you to see if you can do more than stated! Having medical and mental issues and gone theough my MEB years ago. I jnderstand physically some days your pain is decreased and you can enjoy things and these days tho rare will be hawkeyed more than the majority if the days your down and out! Many guys at Ft Carson USA meddac hold where i was at were called fakers, users, and virtually kicked out called liars because they had these rare few days they could go play at a park or fish or whatever that they notmally were in too much oain to do so watch your six, and jsut lay low until your out! They save money by rejecting a medical discharge hate to say it but its true!
SSG Eddie “JD” Brown
SSG Pete Oneill - thanks ill check that out for my old broken down but and oass it to my retired brothers as well! Nice jnfo
SSG Eddie “JD” Brown
SSG Pete Oneill - just down loaded the apple app thanks SSG Pete looks hard core
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