SPC James Burkett II

SPC James Burkett II

Dates of Service: Feb 2009 - Sep 2016
85% Complete
78 Contacts
Influence Score: 28,191
2,221 out of 868,090 Veterans
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  • PV2 Feb 09
  • PFC Jan 10
  • SPC Nov 10

Recent Activity  -


I have over 7 years of service in the Army. My deployments include Operation New Dawn (COS Echo, Iraq) and Operation Spartan Shield (Camp Buering, Kuwait). I am by mos a Fueler, but my skills far surpass that. I have served as CO, 1SG, and XO drivers for my company leadership, unit armorer for 4 years, Squad Leader, POL clerk, and commo trainer for my platoon and now work with Rear Detachment.

In my civilian life I had worked in the several different industries and have brought the skills of being flexible and willing to learn to my Army career. I have management experience at Centennial Wireless, T-Mobile, and WA Kendal. Orkin Pest Control is where I got my best experience in working with different types of people, because I was working in there homes where they where comfortable and not in a office where they were acting proper.

Military Experiences

May 2015 - Jun 2016
J Co (FSC)
Squad Leader
Training and mentoring soldiers in the fuel section, in preparation for distributing fuel in and out of a combat situation. Train the distro platoon and radio and MTS systems. Over see paperwork submitted by the jr. enlisted before it begins it's travel up the chain of command.
Jul 2014 - Aug 2015
Block Captain
Served the McNair Village community as the Block Captain. I was responsible for helping organize and throw community event, clean up, and neighborhood watch, as well as be involved in multiple Fort Hood Family Housing events working with all Community Mayors and Block Captains post wide. As Block Captain I was in charge of making sure residence where taken care of and following post regulations.
Mar 2010 - Aug 2015
J Co (FSC)
Petroleum Heavy Vehicle Operator
Distributing and accounting for fuel distribution to the line units of 2-8 Cav so they can maintain their missions.
Apr 2015 - Jun 2015
J Co (FSC)
POL Clerk
Issue, storing, inventory, verifying shelf date, and ordering of all Petroleum Oil and Lubricant products for the battalion maintenance teams.


(1 year)
Jan 2012 - Jun 2012
Operation Spartan Shield
Stood by in Kuwait as a QRF to go back to Iraq if we were needed.
Jul 2011 - Dec 2011
Iraq ribbon
Operation New Dawn (OND)
Closed down COS Echo and secured the route for exiting units at the end of OND.

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jun 2014

HAZMAT Endorse

Jun 2014

Fuel Handler

Feb 2012

Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

2001 - 2004

Tioga High School

High School Diploma

How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter