Posted on Dec 21, 2014
Education of our enlisted soldiers: Should they receive a bump in pay for having a college degree in their career field?
Over the years our enlisted corp. has become significantly more educated but the pay difference has remained significantly large. Do you believe the army should do something about the pay gap for the soldiers who work hard and get a college degree.
Also the amount of tasking the average NCO gets are a lot of times something the officers use to be solely responsible for i.e. S.O.P and various other things I saw it time and time AGIAN officers leaning on their NCO's to help or do tasks that are in their lane I am not saying this is wrong or even not needed but should they be finically compensated for the additional responsibilities if they have a college degree?
Also the amount of tasking the average NCO gets are a lot of times something the officers use to be solely responsible for i.e. S.O.P and various other things I saw it time and time AGIAN officers leaning on their NCO's to help or do tasks that are in their lane I am not saying this is wrong or even not needed but should they be finically compensated for the additional responsibilities if they have a college degree?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 16
Would I enjoy the pay increase? Most definitely. There is compensation in other ways though. For those of us using Tuition Assistance, we have already had a good portion of our education paid for. In certain units, education will help you make rank. The issue I foresee is that all my friend in a combat MOS claim they don't have time to take classes. While I've seen many of these soldiers spending all their free time drinking it up with their buddies, some might have a legitimate point. If all soldiers are afforded the same opportunities (around mission requirements) to attend college classes then I am all for it. However, I don't think this will ever be the case. I don't see it as equal when an unit with a high operational tempo can't modify the battle rhytmn to allow soldiers to attend classes in order to get this pay increase. I am all for expanding educational programs, modifying promotion requirements (less PT/weapons focused, more leadership education focused), providing more opportunities to attend military schools, and routes to become an officer.
This is a very interesting question SSG Ike Phelan. Today's enlisted force is significantly more educated than we were when I joined the Army. Soldiers who have a college degree when they enlist enter the service as either a PFC or a SPC. That degree will assist them significantly to move up the ranks with the additional promotional points that they possess. Centralized boards also look very favorably on those who possess degrees. By looking at pay associated with moving up the ranks in a quicker fashion than your peers is one way to reap the financial benefits of possessing a college degree.
I was told a long, long time ago that the pay gap between the enlisted and officer corps is not specifically tied to the college education. It is associated with the level of responsibility difference between the enlisted and officer corps. Some may argue the different degrees of responsibility and such, but at the end of the day it was my PL, not me as PSG, that was ultimately on the blame line if things went south. It was the same for my CO CDRs when I was a 1SG. While by level of responsibility was very encompassing, the CDR was ultimately the one responsible for the Company. Even though there are a larger number of tasks and duties that NCOs are responsible for that may have been traditionally fell into the "officer lane," at the end of the day, the officer is still overall responsible for success, failure, property accountability, etc.
Personally, I would like to see some sort of additional pay for enlisted who hold a degree. It could vary depending on the level of the degree held and could be something similar to FLPP for those who possess language skills. That is just my personal view. I do not believe though that education alone is enough to significantly close the pay gap between the enlisted and officer corps.
I was told a long, long time ago that the pay gap between the enlisted and officer corps is not specifically tied to the college education. It is associated with the level of responsibility difference between the enlisted and officer corps. Some may argue the different degrees of responsibility and such, but at the end of the day it was my PL, not me as PSG, that was ultimately on the blame line if things went south. It was the same for my CO CDRs when I was a 1SG. While by level of responsibility was very encompassing, the CDR was ultimately the one responsible for the Company. Even though there are a larger number of tasks and duties that NCOs are responsible for that may have been traditionally fell into the "officer lane," at the end of the day, the officer is still overall responsible for success, failure, property accountability, etc.
Personally, I would like to see some sort of additional pay for enlisted who hold a degree. It could vary depending on the level of the degree held and could be something similar to FLPP for those who possess language skills. That is just my personal view. I do not believe though that education alone is enough to significantly close the pay gap between the enlisted and officer corps.
SSG Ike Phelan
Thank you very much for the well thought out response and I agree with you on every point of course you see a lot more of the picture then I do since you hold more rank the me when I got out. I do think that the military should also shift some of the accountability to the NCO's the military is changing a lot and has always done so I just think it is time they adjusted for the education level of their enlisted soldiers with more accountability to go with the education and pay. Since we started this new style of warfare we operate more on a squad level and not a company or battalion level so that means you now have NCO's making decisions that use to be made by the PL. I just think so much is changing and this question has gotten way more complicated then I ever thought it would thank you for opening my eyes to the many factors that need to be looked at and considered.
1SG Steven Stankovich
It would definitely be something to look into. Unfortunately at this stage of our military, much like the past few years, the Almighty $ is driving the train. It would be very difficult to justify adding incentive pay to most enlisted while still downsizing the ranks.
SSG Ike Phelan
So true I am very sad to see the military down sized and I know you are loosing a lot of good people. I just hope that we have a fighting force left when they are done with the downsizing I am glad it has not affected you.
SP5 Joel O'Brien
No doubt the military of today is better educated overall. Without researching, I only recently became aware of being able to enter the military nowadays with an advanced rank by having obtained a degree before one's active duty. I'm guessing this was not in force when I enlisted after obtaining an AAS in 1972. Knowledge is good!
I'm just going to suggest, isn't the Army paying for your college, compensation? I don't know about active duty, but I've never met a Guardsman, whose college hadn't been paid for by the State or by Uncle Sam.
SSG Ike Phelan
You are correct the army does pay for college class for the active duty personnel but there are many times and duty stations that it is hard to get the time to attend and if you do attend college you are making a huge sacrifice which is well worth it in the long run of course. As a guardsmen wouldn't you like to get a bump in pay to stay enlisted and have a college degree. You only have so many slots for each rank is that correct so how hard is it for you to get promoted in the guard and wouldn't the extra pay help and don't you think you deserve it.
SSgt (Join to see)
SSG Ike Phelan , I'd counter that that education does gain promotion points, and helps with your career, so I'm disagreeing with you about wanting extra pay. I'm just not seeing it. If you wanted to argue the pay difference between enlisted and officers, I might be more easily persuaded.
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