SSG Ike Phelan

SSG Ike Phelan

Dates of Service: Feb 2000 - Mar 2013
77% Complete
42 Contacts
Influence Score: 29,237
2,138 out of 867,689 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT
  • PV2 Apr 00
  • PFC Aug 00
  • SPC Jan 01
  • SGT Aug 03
  • SSG Apr 10

Recent Activity  -


I joinned the Army as an engineer were I served in germany for my first 3 years and then deployed to Iraq and spent a year there. Tired of always sleeping outside I became a food inspector I did not feel like I was even in the army so i changed to a job that gave me the best of both worlds a Human Intel Collector I loved it and could not have asked for a better job medically retired in 2013.

Military Experiences

May 2007 - May 2010
A Co
Instructor Supervisor
Senior class instructor I had 38 students and 8 civilian instructors. Best job in the military the hours suck but I loved the job.
Apr 2009 - Sep 2009
F Co
Platoon Leader
I served as an AIT platoon Sargent with all the duties and privileges that, that encompasses which means long hours and lots do coordination from weapons draw to range detail to ruck Marches and regular inspection of the soldiers rooms and the soldiers them selves. We had 220 soldiers in each platoon with only 3 platoon Sargents to handle all the work that includes scheduling medical appointment and dental appointment while I was their the commander of the clinic was having the students wisdom teeth pulled not one or two student but all the students had to get their wisdom teeth pulled before they could graduate. I was an AIT platoon Sargent for a short time the hours where long but I did not hate the job I actuly enjoyed it and found it easier then being an instructor less politics.


(2 years, 4 months)
Dec 2007 - Mar 2008
Afghanistan ribbon
Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Best deployment I have ever been one and where I believe I was able to have a huge impact on the war just because of the people I worked with while I was their.
Aug 2006 - Jul 2007
This was a vacation not a deployment that is all I got to say about hondo. The military is super laid back their and the locals are good people you just have to have some street smarts to make it their.
Feb 2003 - Jan 2004
Iraq ribbon
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
I was a engineer with 130th ECBH we breached the burm and where the first ones across the border and for the next year of my life I slept outside and then lived in the Airport for the rest of the time. Believe it or not it was one of the best and worst years of my life. I love those that I served with over their.

Military Credentials

Individual & Special Skill Schools

Human in


Jan 2008

Advanced Interrogation technique

Sep 2005

Search and Rescue cert. (Honduras Only)

Foreign Language Skills


Spanish (1/1)

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher