Posted on Dec 19, 2016
SGT(P) Eric L.
In true combat there comes a time when you start to truly believe or question how a God could exist. Anyone else struggle with this?
Posted in these groups: Air combat art 0134 CombatWorld religions 2 ReligionSistine chapel image of god God
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Responses: 17
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Some turn to God, and some turn away.
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CSM Michael J. Uhlig
I've heard that some come to the crossroads (during an engagement) of questioning their sense of what is right when faced with a combatant in their sight rely on your training and fight for those on your flanks, to the left and right, but the main priority is to focus overwhelming & accurate firepower on the target to eliminate that threat! You might thank your God after the engagement is over but for now, your ass and abilities belong to the unit!
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MAJ Contracting Officer
Just a knowledge that God is a libertarian and stays out of peoples lives unless requested works for me. Bad things happen and I think that is part of his plan, in the end I'm certain it all works out.
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Does combat cause anyone to struggle with truly believing or questioning how a God could exist?
CSM Richard StCyr
One of the few things I haven't struggled with. Gods view of just and serious butt whippin' are pretty well documented in the old testament along with some seriously bad assed warriors.
MSgt Carl Stokes
MSgt Carl Stokes
>1 y
yes they are.
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SPC David S.
Pan out - Our conflicts on our planet are of little consequence in the grand scheme of things. There are 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 planets in our observable Universe.
SN Greg Wright
SN Greg Wright
8 y
I'd add more zeroes, but I completely agree.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
8 y
I know this comes off as being indifferent to the personal experiences - not intended as the cause and effects of war are very real. However there are some realities pertaining to the magnitude of our presence. The irony of our egos is the vastness of the universe more than likely insures life elsewhere - scientists now believe that there are 60 billion planets in the habitable zone just in the Milky Way galaxy alone. Our galaxy is just one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe. So yes the number of total planets swells - best guest number of planets in the "zone" from scientists is 50 sextillion - 50,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. These are just the planets that could possible support life as we know it. Maybe I'm an optimist but I'd like to believe the odds are in life's favor. This usually tosses a monkey wrench into religion - because we are special - however even if we skip over the whole abiogenesis form just hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen cyanide and ultraviolet light there is the question of where did all the matter and energy come from in the first place?
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
8 y
I to have pondered that verse - the beginning and the end. If we think in terms of knowing pure love, peace, joy and so on we as well need to understand hate, war, and sorry for anything to have meaning - kind of like saying its hot outside in a world where everyday is exactly 72 degrees 24/7. It has no meaning. The burdens of war help us define peace and our desire for peace.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
I will agree that at some point we all have to face our existence in terms of faith - as with science there are a host of questions that we simply can not answer - where did all the matter come from?, why is it here?, why did life form? and so on. So the reality is all have faith - some choose science and others choose religion. However I have a funny feeling God is scientist.
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SSG Jeff Beltran
In a human perspective it is easy to question and struggle with God's existence in a fallen world. In a spiritual perspective granting that a person has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ it is much more easier to understand the peace of God and understand why we live in a fallen world by reading His Word the Bible. As a Christian, I struggled many a times, because I relied on my own human knowledge, but when I gave it to God, He gave me the peace and understanding. One of the times in my life was dealing with my PTSD and moving to Post Traumatic Growth. I will attach my article here. One of the passages in the Bible that comes to mind is in 1 Samuel 14-18 when an evil spirit troubles Saul. Though it does not state PTSD, I believe that the evil spirit worked at Saul's heart and mind on his past dealings as King and the multiple combat campaigns he had to deal with in developing Israel as a Nation. Dealing with the loss and seeing the violence it's easy to see that he might have reflected on many issues such as survivors guilt, depression, anxiety and other mental and psychological issues. David was one of his comforter's who helped him heal by playing his Harp. Life on this earth will always give us challenges and struggles and if try to solve it ourselves we will fail, but if we ask God to help us and heal us He will be there for us.

I've also included "What does the Bible say about PTSD"

SGT (P) Eric Larson, I hope and pray that you find the answers though a Christian Friend or Pastor and that God reveal's himself to you and opens your heart to the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
MSgt Carl Stokes
MSgt Carl Stokes
>1 y
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CPT Pedro Meza
Interesting question when we are all born to die!
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SFC Jerry Humphries
G-d has always been there when I needed, reguardless if I ask for him to be there or not. No matter if it was while breaching a minefield during In Iraq During Desert Storm or being Laid off from an employer he has seen me through hard times. I have learned to be humble and trust in him. Blessings often come out of adverse situations in that those situations will often offer a chance to act on opportunities that a person will normally let pass by. Trusting in G-d allows one to stop feeling sorry for ones
Self and and act. That applies to all the battles in our lives not just military combat.
MSgt Carl Stokes
MSgt Carl Stokes
>1 y
prayers to ya brother
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Edited 8 y ago
On the religious side, you have those that believe God gave us Free Will and War is one result of Free Will. On the non-religious side, there is no God and War is merely the brutal extension of political and geographical desire and the access/control of natural resources. For me, it's a case of "it is what it is, and only Man can stop war" and until such time happens, I will fight for me and mine until I can't fight anymore.
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Capt Retired
Just an observation, it seems that most, if not all, of the problems people have with God start and revolve around man.
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