Posted on Mar 4, 2020
Does anyone know what I will be doing in the 59th Signal Battalion? What can I expect from this unit?
I know many people will say “the army/unit you are in is what you make of it” , I’m going to 59th signal battalion (Ft wainwright Alaska)... does anyone know what I will be doing here & if it is relaxed or not? I want to go to school while I am in the army and yes I understand army first but I just want to be able to do college online as well. Any information about this unit will be great thanks.
Posted 5 y ago
Responses: 7
Alaska is an outstanding place to be stationed (cold aside); congrats! Enjoy.
You will have time to use TA for college if you have decent time management. I finished my MBA while at Fort Wainwright, and that was while I was filling in as a BN S3.
Like you said, your time in the Army is what you make of it.
You will have time to use TA for college if you have decent time management. I finished my MBA while at Fort Wainwright, and that was while I was filling in as a BN S3.
Like you said, your time in the Army is what you make of it.
FWA was my last duty station. I was not in the 59th Sig BN, but I was the ASC S6 NCOIC and IMO and worked closely with the 59th on many projects.
The 59th SIG BN is actually down in JBER in Anchorage but they have a Company up in Wainwright you will be attached to.
The unit is primarily DA civilians at the NEC and Networking You, as a 25B, will either be working help desk at the NEC or at Networking. Either way, you will be one of few Soldiers in the unit.
The 59th SIG BN is actually down in JBER in Anchorage but they have a Company up in Wainwright you will be attached to.
The unit is primarily DA civilians at the NEC and Networking You, as a 25B, will either be working help desk at the NEC or at Networking. Either way, you will be one of few Soldiers in the unit.
SSG (Join to see)
PV2 (Join to see) You still have a Company CDR, 1SG, XO, a few NCOs, and a few Soldiers. It's just a small unit. It is not the norm for a new Soldier as a first duty assignment. I wouldnt call it a good or bad thing. I just know the unit you are headed to. Most of the personnel have probably changed seeing I left Wainwright over a year ago.
Make sure you get out and see Alaska. Good luck.
Make sure you get out and see Alaska. Good luck.
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