Posted on Jun 25, 2024
2LT Transportation Officer
I am having to attend Transportation BOLC in order to avoid separation due to my extension waiver expiring. I will have a 6 month old baby at the time I am expected to be at BOLC. I will have to bring my baby with me and find some sort of child care while I am attending classes/training. Does anyone have experience or and tips for how to manage attending BOLC with an infant?
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Responses: 6
COL Randall C.
Edited 5 d ago
I was going to suggest that you option out of BOLC until they are 1-year old (you should be given an automatic six-month extension on the waiver due to the 365-day pregnancy deferment* if you so chose), but my SWAG from your statement is that you're already at the 3+ year mark from being commissioned. However, if you do want to go this route, then discuss it will your leadership and HRC about extending the waiver for another six months (or thereabouts). It would give you some more time to make arrangements prior to BOLC.

If you don't go that route, there are a number of Child Development Centers* (CDC) on Fort Gregg-Adams that you would be eligible for as you'll be on active duty orders when you're TDY there. Another option would be to contact the Family Child Care (FCC) providers on post (there are four listed for Ft. Gregg-Adams).

If you don't know what the CDCs or FCCs are, there's a link below* with the descriptions of the programs, requirements, standards, oversight, etc. However you can think of CDCs as more of the traditional "child care facilities" while the FCCs are usually military spouses that have been accreditated by DoD and provide care at their homes.

There's usually a waiting list, but you can be added by creating an account at*
* Army Pregnancy Policy (2022-06) -
* Full descriptions of military-operated Child Care Programs -
2LT Transportation Officer
2LT (Join to see)
6 d
Thank you for all of this information! I initially received the waiver to complete nursing school, which I did. But unfortunately the 3 years is up May 2025 as I commissioned May 2022. I was told no further extensions are approved past the 3 years, but I will look into this. I appreciate it!
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CPT Lawrence Cable
I'm going to make an alternative suggestion, find a trusted relative and leave the child with them. I have no idea how difficult the Transportation BOLC, but I have completed my Basic Infantry and Engineer Advance Course. Infantry Basic is extremely busy and I was in the field a lot. I couldn't imagine trying to complete it and care for a young infant at the same time. Even cantonment in the Engineer Advance Course was usually 12 hour days.
CPT Lawrence Cable
CPT Lawrence Cable
5 d
Just one further comment. My youngest was 3 months old when I started IOBC and he was with me when I moved. My wife was a stay at home mom, so child care wasn't an issue. The only reason I bring it up is that she took care of a lot of those pesty administrative things that I would have had to accomplish on my off time. Even with her help, I wouldn't have had the time to deal with day to day kid issues.
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SSG Carlos Madden
Contact Ft Gregg Adams and see what kind of existing family services they have. Another route would be to see if there are any Facebook groups for Gregg Adams families/dependents/spouses and see if anyone has any childcare options for a 6mo old. Or if you're lucky, perhaps someone there may even runs an in-home day care that could help you out.
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