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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Jun 1, 2021
RallyPoint Shared Content
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Responses: 5
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
RallyPoint Shared Content awesome share and read of importance.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Excellent medical share RallyPoint Shared Content
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CW3 Dick McManus
Stupid. It is too early. We only have some 50 percent of Americans vaccinated. People are still dying and the total is now some 592,000 deaths.

Resolution to prosecute Donald Trump and other public officials for being accessories to a pandemic
WHEREAS Trump was briefed at least by January 30, 2020 that Covid-19 was very contagious and deadly similar to smallpox and the plague,

WHEREAS Trump told Americans 22 times the Corona virus would go away,

WHEREAS in September 2020 Trump pressured the CDC to downplay the threat of Covid-19 and the CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield did not resign,

WHEREAS in August 2020 Trump appointed a radiologist Dr. Scott W. Atlas to serve as an advisor on the White House Covid virus Task Force instead of an infectious disease MD and Atlas spread misinformation about COVID-19, including theories that face masks and social distancing were not effective in slowing the spread of the corona virus and he recommended faster reopening of schools and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic,

Whereas Dr. Deborah Birx said she asked herself, “Is there something that I think I can do that would be helpful in responding to this pandemic, but she did not resign and she said Trump was “attentive to the scientific literature,” praising his ability to “analyze and integrate data.”

Whereas Trump put Jared Kushner, in charge of the nation’s response to the pandemic and Kushner said, “The federal government is not going to lead this response…. It’s up to the states to figure out what they want to do.”

Whereas Paul Alexander and his boss, Michael Caputo, the assistant secretary for public affairs at Health and Human Services, were working to change the language officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention used to warn of the dangers of the coronavirus,

WHEREAS Trump in February 2020 accused Democrats of “politicizing” the corona virus during a campaign rally claiming that the outbreak is “their new hoax,” accusing the press of being in “hysteria mode”, and downplaying the severity by comparing the number of fatalities during an average flu season,

WHEREAS Trump received a vaccination against Covid and he kept it a secret,

WHEREAS the former US Commander and Chief, Trump had the duty to protect US persons from all enemies (aka deadly threats), and one such enemy was Covid-19, a deadly and extremely contagious disease which even if the victim does not die, it can allegedly result at times in serious negative outcomes to a person’s long term health,

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED we demand Trump and other US public officials be prosecuted by the US Court of jurisdiction and/or the international Criminal Court for gross negligence and reckless disregard for human life and health due to making false and unscientific statements about Covid-19.

Trump’s order did not fully “close” the U.S. off to China, as he asserts. It temporarily barred entry by foreign nationals who had traveled in China within the previous 14 days, with exceptions for the immediate family of U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Americans returning from China were allowed back after screening at select ports of entry and for 14 days afterward.

More than 27,000 Americans returned from mainland China in the first month after the restrictions took effect. U.S. officials lost track of more than 1,600 of them who were supposed to be monitored for virus exposure. Nearly 40,000 Americans and authorized travelers have come into the U.S. from China since President Trump imposed travel restrictions more than two months ago, the New York Times reports.
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
SFC Randy Hellenbrand
>1 y
Lots of republicans aren't doing it. This is just to spite Biden. There IS STILL about 1,000 people dying a day in America from Covid-19.
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