Posted on Jul 21, 2019
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
Do young Americans have Patriotism? Do you think they love their country still or shame it? I'm talking about those 18-27. Taking current goverment an national an international conflicts into consideration.
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Responses: 7
CPT Jack Durish
I can't speak for the 18-27 crowd, although I think they may be getting a bum rap because of the antics of a very vocal few. For example, in a study of gender preferences at Harvard, although the school encourages students to designate their pronoun preferences, only one percent did so. Thus, this one percent and the progressive Leftist professors who encourage them, are responsible for all the anti-American static. Also, Millennials are accomplishing a lot (as I pointed out in a video I posted on the home page of my website last year). As for the generation immediately following them, I work with grade school, intermediate and high school students as Chairman of my VFW Post youth and education programs. I have been pleasantly surprised at their respect and honor for the nation and those who serve/served. I hope these comments make you feel as good as my experiences have done for me...
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
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Thank you for your response, I asked because I fall within that group an all I ever see in the news or in internet articles is my age group so I wanted some perspective from the older generations.
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PFC Soldier
I do love my country, however it’s hard to go to bat for it when the things you see everyday are very disappointing.
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SPC Tim Reckner
I'm 25 and have always loved my country.
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Do young Americans still love their country?
Patricia Overmeyer
PFC Joseph Metcalf: Define patriotism and love of country. Without definitions of those words, there can be no real answer. "Patriotism" and "love of country" are loaded words and have different definitions and different meanings to different people.
PFC Automated Logistical Specialist
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Love of country=prideful to be an American, value of principals an traditions. Patriotism believe in what our constitution an country stands for.
Patricia Overmeyer
Patricia Overmeyer
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PFC (Join to see) - If one is proud to be an American, but is ashamed at what one's government does, does that person no longer have love of country? If one believes in what our constitution stands for, but believes that there have been wrong interpretations of that document within the law, does that mean the person is no longer patriotic? If one believes what our country stands for, but does not believe our country is reaching for that ideal, is that person no longer patriotic? And exactly what does our country stand for? What are those ideals? To whom do those ideals apply?
Definitions of patriotism and love of country will produce whatever opinion you wish to seek. And history has shown time and again that these terms have been used to denigrate, imprison and murder fellow citizens. I have been called unpatriotic and that I have no love for my country because of my political views. I have heard this since I was in my early teens. Many of my friends have been told the same thing. I see young people today being told the same thing. Do I believe it? No.
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PO1 Cryptologic Technician Collection
It is hard to accurately answer this question because you have to answer for millions of people* and also it seems like everyone has their own meaning for what it means to "love your country".

I think you are in a unique position to answer this question because you (presumably) are serving and you have a large peer group to draw from. How are you treated by others outside the military? How do people your age that you serve with feel about our country?

It is hard to rely on the media and the news to answer this question because the squeaky wheel gets the grease. We look at the bad things happening all the time so it is easy to lump in "young Americans" with those kids that are acting foolish.

Patriotism has many forms and I think we are going to be fine as long as we have young people like you that keep answering the call.

* 50 - 75 million? What would be a good estimate here?
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SGT Bonnie B.
Think they are uneducated and lack maturity to set aside emotions and research factual information vs. Believing what the press, social media or famous people put out there. They are spoiled, undisciplined, irresponsible, not held accountable for things they do. They do not know the meaning of no, the satisfaction of earning what they want vs. Working for it, no respect for authority and no doesn't mean no to them. have no respect for God or country; they want to be respected and have their voice heard but if you don't agree with them they want to silence you.
Unless we change direction we are in serious trouble; as for Patriotism they have none, don't believe in democracy nor understand the truth of the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights.
PO1 Cryptologic Technician Collection
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Do you have any source of information to support this comment?
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LTC Self Employed
If it is reported colleges are beating up conservative students, I'm sure it isn't as patriotic as they used to be. [login to see] /
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