Posted on Oct 27, 2014
Do you understand why mixing religion and politics may be the only thing that can save our country?
Many people feel that the First Amendment calls for the separation of Church and State. No where in the Amendment do these words appear, but many people feel that is what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they wrote our Constitution. One of our Founding Fathers stated "Christians should vote for Christian Leaders" (paraphrased) and you can look it up to prove its validity. When I speak of mixing religion and politics I am speaking of the ethics and integrity of people who know they must answer to a Higher Power (I call Him God). We need people who know that the greatest among us must be the servant of all. The First Amendment prevents government from setting up a mandatory national religion and prevents the government from messing with each citizen's individual right to worship as he or she sees fit. Look it up and read it before you argue with me. I just want to know how you all would feel about having elected officials that were honest, had integrity, and lead our country with those qualities. I am also enclosing a copy of an article I found in our newspaper (which surprised me as they tend to be pretty liberal!)! I am eager to hear your responses. Let's pick up this topic and run with it! it would not let me post the Newspaper article, but it basically says we need to stand up for people who truly stand up for God.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 97
Which religion would be the ruling religion? Who decides this? What happens if that ruling religion happens to not be something you believe in?
I'd rather have a secular gov't that based its decisions on sound logic and rational thought.
I'd rather have a secular gov't that based its decisions on sound logic and rational thought.
PO1 Steven Kuhn
CPT (Join to see) in the beginning at our country's birth we were led by men of faith and America was great and overcame great odds to gain our independence and grow into the nation that has been a beacon of light to the world. God made America great, and this "system" worked fine!
CPT (Join to see)
So you have decided that only Christianity is the religion for our country? God doesn't make this country great, its the great mix of people who inhabit this country and the freedoms that we have.
For the record, I don't want to live in a country where one religion rules and all other religions are deemed as not worthy. While we're at it, which denomination of Christianity will rule? Who decides that? Why is one denomination better than the others?
For the record, I don't want to live in a country where one religion rules and all other religions are deemed as not worthy. While we're at it, which denomination of Christianity will rule? Who decides that? Why is one denomination better than the others?
CPT (Join to see)
According to your opinion/beliefs. Its a pretty safe guarantee that those of other faiths would say the same about their deity.
Our nation was established by The Declaration of Independence and the purpose was to protect the rights granted by our Creator and separate us from King George who was hostile to our God-given natural rights. The Constitution implements that new government and the Bill of Rights while not granting or creating even a single civil right affirms certain of the rights granted by our Creator will be protected by the new government (or least were in the day).
Correct me if I'm wrong here, but aren't we fighting a war against people who base their politics on their religion? Last I checked, we were.
As a Roman Catholic with a Wiccan wife, I worry about how religion mixed with American politics would adversely affect my family. I have this odd feeling that my wife and I and our co-religionists would not be favored by the mixing of religion with US politics.
And yes, I am aware that the Founding Fathers (and Mothers) based the US Constitution on Protestantism in part. I'm ok with that.
I remind everyone that (and note the first right protected by the US Constitution):
"Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
As well as for me I am still under my oath of enlistment, wherein, "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).
As a Roman Catholic with a Wiccan wife, I worry about how religion mixed with American politics would adversely affect my family. I have this odd feeling that my wife and I and our co-religionists would not be favored by the mixing of religion with US politics.
And yes, I am aware that the Founding Fathers (and Mothers) based the US Constitution on Protestantism in part. I'm ok with that.
I remind everyone that (and note the first right protected by the US Constitution):
"Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
As well as for me I am still under my oath of enlistment, wherein, "I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).
PO1 Steven Kuhn
SSG (Join to see) we are in fact fighting against religious extremists who are trying to conquer the world in the name of their religion. If you look back at my post I am stating that our country was founded on Christian Principles by men of Christian Faith. You can research for yourself to find out whether or not the facts I have previously posted are true or not. History shows I have not veered from the facts. My thoughts are directed at handling the mountain of corruption that we have on "Crapitol" Hill. My faith does not require me to wage jihad on you if you do not follow what I tell you to. That walk is between you and God. My job (working from God's Word) is to share the Gospel with everyone and plant the seed of hope in their hearts. I agree that religion has been misused throughout history to control the masses. A true relationship with Jesus Christ does not enslave, but frees! The First Amendment does not separate Church and State, but prevents government from enforcing a national religion like the one we escaped from in England. Also, it ensures that the government cannot interfere with our individual worship. The morality and integrity that come from a sincere relationship with God through the salvation offered through Christ is one that would make our nation and government more honest and free because our leaders would know they were supposed to be servants of the people and that they have to answer for all of their actions to a Higher Power!
If we do not put God back in our government and back in our schools we are are going to suffer even more. I didn't fight a war in other countries to see it fought in our own borders.
PO1 Steven Kuhn
It is funny how EVERYONE is against Christianity, and we cannot teach or mention it in schools, but common core has the five pillars of Islam being taught in our schools, when they teach the unproven theory of Darwinism they are promoting atheism (which is a protected religion for some reason), and when they put up flying witches and devils they are supporting Wiccan and devil worship beliefs. But if you preach the Word of God or say Merry Christmas you are literally "crucified" for expressing and living your faith! What is good will be called evil and what is evil will be called good.............
SP5 Michael Rathbun
If "Five Pillars" are actually being taught, then the Sevener Shi'ites should protest vigorously, since their take on Islam has more and different Pillars from those of the Twelvers and the Sunni. Plus the Seveners (Isma'iliiya) are mostly pacifists, especially when it comes to the whole "world domination" thing.
I can't recall what the Fivers might think; I should go look it up.
I can't recall what the Fivers might think; I should go look it up.
I believe you couldn't be more wrong, religion of any kind no matter what should never be in politics, politicians corrupt religious views and force them on people who don't want them. It's entirely possible to be a good "ruler" and understand the importance of ethics and being good to your fellow man without needing a deity as a crutch and reason to believe in them.
PO1 Steven Kuhn
LCpl Mark Lefler like all things, religion can be used for good or evil. If we use God's Word and follow it and become more Christ like each day then we are traveling on a path that we can benefit from and others can also. Our Founding Fathers felt differently than you, because they knew the good that religion can bring to a society. Without the morality and laws that we based our country on there would be nothing stopping me or anyone else from committing terrible atrocities to you and/or others. We set up a set of laws where the Constitution (where God is mentioned, so again I believe that the Founding Fathers disagreed with you) as the supreme law of the land protects us while allowing us the liberty to pursue what makes us happy. Since I know that our life here is as brief as a vapor in the wind, I choose to seek something more tangible and important for my eternity. I hope that you do too.
LCpl Mark Lefler
Your incorrect, our founding fathers may have had some religious bend, they did not believe in using religion to create or govern. Jefferson even wrote about the importance of separation of church and state, so did adams. Morality and Law have nothing to do with religion, really if you want to look at it, religion has started more wars then anything else. One can be moralistic and a good person and not be religious.
PO1 Steven Kuhn, we are in agreement about the First Amendment. In no way can it be screwed with to mean separation of church and state. It makes a simple statement,
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". It simply means that the government was not going to recognize any religion as the state religion as was done in England and Mexico. This amendment cannot be used as authority for the restrictions that have been heaped on Christianity concerning the removal of the Ten Commandments, the crosses, the Manger scenes, or any other religious symbols be they Christian or Jewish from public property. Our religious freedoms are not to prohibited. The First Amendment continues, "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof".
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion". It simply means that the government was not going to recognize any religion as the state religion as was done in England and Mexico. This amendment cannot be used as authority for the restrictions that have been heaped on Christianity concerning the removal of the Ten Commandments, the crosses, the Manger scenes, or any other religious symbols be they Christian or Jewish from public property. Our religious freedoms are not to prohibited. The First Amendment continues, "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof".
CPO William Hughes
No one is prohibiting the display of religious symbols on public property AS LONG AS all religions are given equal opportunity to display their religious symbols on said public property! Look it up! And no one is prohibiting your religious freedom. You are free to pray or otherwise express your devotion to your diety AS LONG AS it's not done with endorsement of public officials OR with the exclusion of all other religions. What I see is the whining of CHRISTIANS because they don't want to share the religious table.
History have shown over and over again that mixing religion & politics are a dangerous combination.
I am a wholehearted Christian woman but I do know without a shadow of doubt that I could find many people who are honest, had integrity, & good moral characteristics who were not Christians.
We should be seeking a person/leader who represents humanity. There's a difference between FAITH & RELIGION. Even Jesus Christ shun religion. Jesus Christ was a humanitarian. He understood that he was a Servant Leader. Although He was above ALL, He was humble enough to serve ALL. I do disagree with those who argue that religion killed many. Religion killed no more than guns, cars, or bombs. What am I trying to say? They all have a controlling factor....HUMANBEINGS!!! Some of are good seed, while others are manipulating, self serving radicals. Yes, I am a wholehearted faithful woman who happens to be a Christian. A humanitarian woman of Christian values!!!
We could learn from humanitarian like Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Although Mother Theresa doubted her faith some of her life she remained a humanitarian. Ghandi (true humanitarian) believed in treating other people of faith from their stand point, not his. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr preached no violence to resolve our differences because was above all, a humanitarian.
I am a wholehearted Christian woman but I do know without a shadow of doubt that I could find many people who are honest, had integrity, & good moral characteristics who were not Christians.
We should be seeking a person/leader who represents humanity. There's a difference between FAITH & RELIGION. Even Jesus Christ shun religion. Jesus Christ was a humanitarian. He understood that he was a Servant Leader. Although He was above ALL, He was humble enough to serve ALL. I do disagree with those who argue that religion killed many. Religion killed no more than guns, cars, or bombs. What am I trying to say? They all have a controlling factor....HUMANBEINGS!!! Some of are good seed, while others are manipulating, self serving radicals. Yes, I am a wholehearted faithful woman who happens to be a Christian. A humanitarian woman of Christian values!!!
We could learn from humanitarian like Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Although Mother Theresa doubted her faith some of her life she remained a humanitarian. Ghandi (true humanitarian) believed in treating other people of faith from their stand point, not his. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr preached no violence to resolve our differences because was above all, a humanitarian.
PO1 Steven Kuhn
[GGoo58:SGT Gloria Francis] readingood" God's Word and putting it into practice in our lives is the source of morality and integrity. The Bible is the ultimate source of truth and morality....and when we put it into practice it develops our integrity. While people who do not have faith in God may have these qualities, how do they know right from wrong, or what do they use as a measuring stick with regards to the concept of "Good"?
SP5 Michael Rathbun
As a species whose success depends critically on our being able to form large cohesive cooperative social groups, certain behavioral preferences (don't steal from your relatives, don't kill anybody in our group, do your fair share of the work...) are baked into most persons either by genetics or early experience.
A religious narrative provides a convenient answer to "why?".
A religious narrative provides a convenient answer to "why?".
Really as has been pointed out I am sure, by reading any holy book, one can find all type of corruption in them. These books are to be used as Moral guide, it is tool to help you in life to make decisions that challenge in life. I have seen plenty of 'Christians' who were totally unethical, and were expecting me to do things that were highly illegal, to which I told them in no I wouldn't do that. How many Religious Leaders in the pasted have been exposed for having shady dealings?
So just because a person say they are Religious, and have the Moral high ground. It doesn't make it so. You still have to investigate and keep them honest. Yes I don't mind what person religious view are as long as they don't shove them down my throat. All I expect from someone running for elected office is to be honest, and watch out for the people who elected them. It not the Corporations the Top 1% who run the Country. It the people of the this Nations who run this Country.
So just because a person say they are Religious, and have the Moral high ground. It doesn't make it so. You still have to investigate and keep them honest. Yes I don't mind what person religious view are as long as they don't shove them down my throat. All I expect from someone running for elected office is to be honest, and watch out for the people who elected them. It not the Corporations the Top 1% who run the Country. It the people of the this Nations who run this Country.
As a Christian myself, I think that when it gets down to the nitty gritty, god is the only one that can save my ass through the men and women fighting alongside me. They are blessings even if they believe, or see it that way. As to politics I am not sure how to approach this topic. I however do not believe religion should be forced on anyone. It all comes down to free will. I could go on a rant about religion but will not do so as it is an infringement on others free will and rights. But let me ask this, If religion wasn't meant to fit into politics, then why on our Bills do we place "IN GOD WE TRUST"? or the all seing eye on the one dollar bill?
PO1 Steven Kuhn
SPC (Join to see) Jimenez, I think our Founding Fathers' intents mirrored your own. The morality and integrity inherent with a right relationship was and is important to the moral fabric of our society and leadership. The fact that both are eroding away is just further proof of how desperately we need it. I believe that the strong desire not to be forced into, nor to force others to a religious doctrine against their will was a major motivating factor in setting up our government and laws the way they did. They never expected people not to want God as that thought must have been alien to them. They wanted people to have the right to get to know Him on their own terms. When Jesus was crucified and the temple veil was rent in twain it signified that we had direct access to our God without any priestly (human) intermediary. We could call upon our God and worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. Many of the people who lack faith should wonder why things changed so radically from being taught from almost infancy and in our schools to being something we can only see on Sunday. In times like the turning of our colonies into our nation they did not have television or other activities to bring them together, but religious activities throughout the week. Instead of attacking people of faith, I would recommend that people without faith find out how and why it was not introduced to them the way it was from before the foundation of our nation.
The issue here is not in combining religion with politics. It lies more with what people believe. The US military, as with any official or unofficial organization, is made up of people. These people have certain beliefs. These beliefs may not be the same as yours or mine. I think that the purpose behind this amendment was to ensure that a difference of opinion on religious matters would not be the deciding factor in a debate that could affect millions of lives with its outcome. The respect we give to each other on our various religious views, but at the same time, the expectation that we develop our responses to serious issues that affect many lives are not based on religious factors, is, in my opinion, part of what makes this country, and our United States Military so great!
PO1 Steven Kuhn
do you deny that our political body is lacking morality and integrity? Do you deny that our country was founded on Christian beliefs by men of Christian faith? That is why our country is great and why it has lasted as long as it has. I do not deny that the points you raised are valid in a way, but I do reaffirm that the morality and integrity that one should learn on their walk with the Lord to become more like Christ is the place where morality and integrity are ingrained in a person and a society.
CPO William Hughes
Not true. Morality and Integrity are human constructs, not handed down by the big being in the sky.
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