Posted on May 14, 2016
SSG Roger Ayscue
The military has always made service members that required extensive medical treatment Non-deployable. Now the SecDef and CinC want to allow individuals that require extensive medical & psych treatment to serve. How is this different that allowing diabetics to serve or people that are overweight? If a transgender does not get his hormones, they can become a detriment in Combat. Is it worth it?
Posted in these groups: 9ed82c1 Transgender4bfee3b LGBTQ+
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Responses: 24
Sgt Infantryman
if it helps us win wars then sure...I don't see how it helps us win wars
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
9 y
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MSG Military Police
Can they do their job well?
Capt Michael Greene
Capt Michael Greene
9 y
TSgt Dan Sawn - I'm glad you support science. I do, too. And I totally 100% agree with you that your "genetics" are who you are. Some people are born TG, and are willing and able to serve well.
Capt Michael Greene
Capt Michael Greene
9 y
TSgt Dan Sawn - Thanks for the conversation. May I suggest you examine the science of brain structure as relates to TG. The old "they feel that way because of delusion, psych disorder, or childhood trauma" is quite outdated. I wish you a long and successful career.
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
9 y
SGT(P) Eric Cole - I think it is more complicated than that. I don't think that Hypertension is something that they want to treat in country.
COL Johnny Powers
COL Johnny Powers
9 y
Roger why do you even try? Considering normal disruption IQ scores and where I know you sit on that scale you have to know you are dealing with a lot of people who are far from your intellectual equal. Many want to argue emotion not facts and their emotions have morphed to their chosen reality.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
9 y
I disagree with the tactic. It makes all of us that are trying to make a logical, informed argument look like knee jerk reactionaries.
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SGT David T.
I have said this before with other groups. If they are able and willing serve and can do the job they should be allowed to do so. Just because someone is transgender, they are not less worthy to serve or to be patriotic. Our society is a mix of all sorts of people, and our military is a microcosm of that society. I understand that changing the status quo can be very scary for many people, but should that fear of change prevent people from serving the nation that they love. At the end of the day, we are all Americans and should focus on that and not on our differences.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
9 y
Well stated Sarge!
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LTJG Executive Assistant To The Deputy Commandant
Before this became such a widely talked about issue (in the dark ages where people had to hide who they were in fear), many of you had no cares about the matter. Suddenly, now that we are talking about it, people are magically experts in the medical field. Saying things like "it's a mental illness," "transition is entirely elective," "your chromosomes determine your true gender," "transgender people can't serve or deploy due to ongoing medical treatments," and so on. Those are all wrong, yet people keep saying them as though they are some expert. To the average person out there who is just a service member trying to understand this, here is what you need to know and worry about: 18 countries around the world have figured this out, some even did it decades ago. Those other militaries have continued to achieve their missions without issues. If we can do our jobs well (we can), then why does it matter to the rest of you what gender we serve as?

To all you super-patriotic people who cling to guns and family values, are you really going to allow Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom to have more freedom than us?
LTJG Executive Assistant To The Deputy Commandant
LTJG (Join to see)
9 y
Right vs. Left, I don't care. I want to serve. That's it! I am a woman, and I want to serve my country. Regardless of how either of you feel on this so-called "social issue", there are real people like me who just want to do our g*ddamn jobs. I am not doing this as a political statement (I doubt either of you could even guess what my actual political leanings are). I am doing this because it's who I am and I have a desire to serve my country. Is that so hard to understand by either of you?
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
>1 y
Sgt (Join to see) - Oh how those that have never heard a shot fired in anger..AT THEM...are such Military Experts. I would bet that Young Ens Marberry will crap his drawers the first time that a round goes off any place near him.....I know I did.....and you know, I would hate to be him when he gets captured, and the guards at that North Korean POW camp show how understanding that they are. LTJG (Join to see) , you want to serve your country, commendable, but so do lots of people with asthma, issues with weight, blood pressure, color blindness, the list of dis-qualifiers can be found, at least for the US Army in AR 40-501. Just as a fat guy is not allowed to serve, despite how much he wants to, it is OK to discriminate against the Overweight, they are not the "Victim of the week". Just as a man addicted to twinkees should not be in uniform, neither should a male that is confused about his penis. Perhaps a psychiatrist is in both individuals future. One to learn that twinkees are bad for you and the other to learn that there are no ruby slippers to click together 3 times and turn you into Dorothy, or Toto....Because I can dye my hair black, have me nose altered and tattood black, wear a fur coat, walk on all fours, bark and people, and hump your leg and it does not turn me into a fracking Beagle. I have a Beagle, I am NOT a Beagle...You have or had a penis, cutting it off will not make you into a little girl...dress however you want, but hoping, wishing and yelling "I am a woman" while trowing a lovely tea party will not change the fact that Mr and Mrs (Your parents names here) had a B-O-Y. Sorry if you preferred Suzy wets alot over GI Joe and Tonka Trucks...
LTJG Executive Assistant To The Deputy Commandant
LTJG (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Roger Ayscue - Well now, that sure was an impressive rant for it to be out of the blue on a six month old conversation. I'm glad I got the notification or I would have missed it. Say it as many times as you want, and your delusion still will not come true my good sir. I am a female officer. I know it and the Navy knows it, and that's good enough for me. I am sure that when I am sitting in my cell in a North Korean POW camp (because somehow I'll be captured by them while serving on a ship in the Atlantic) I will probably have bigger things to worry about than what they think of my gender.
MSG Unit Supply Specialist
MSG (Join to see)
>1 y
LTJG (Join to see) - Good thing that the Navy and you knowing, is good enough for you, thankfully our Commander-in-Chief doesn't agree.
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SSG William Jones
Drawing down the military yet opening the door to transgenders is way out of whack!!! It's a recipe for disaster. Shades of Sodom and Gomorrah!!!
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SPC Alexander Brandt
So we have issues with toxic leadership, mismanagement of funds, poorly run units, milllions of dollars wasted on irrelevant equipment, a draw-down, ongoing complaints about military pay, many, MANY issues with the VA, and THIS is the issue we're fixating on?

For realzies?
Sgt Infantryman
Sgt (Join to see)
9 y
How about we concentrate on defeating our enemies and let the dogs lie.
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PO3 John Leonatti
We need to start calling these people what they are, mentally troubled self mutilators
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SFC Michael Hasbun
Edited >1 y ago
In reference to readiness, the last numbers HRC put out are that around 50,000 personnel are currently non deployable because of short term, generally PT related injuries. If we're worried about military readiness, then running, pick-up football games or basketball are probably a more pressing threat than transgender people.
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PO2 Stephen McKean
Military can easily solve this problem by setting a cost limit that enlisting members cant go beyond before it disqualifies them from serving.
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
>1 y
No, the easiest way is to say... "You are delusional and that is detrimental to good order and discipline.
SPC James Elliott
SPC James Elliott
>1 y
Absolutely Roger !! Long Range brother !!!
SSG Adam Wyatt
SSG Adam Wyatt
>1 y
Or they could call it what it is. A mental disorder who's club members sport a 45% suicide attempt/ completion rate (between ages of 18-25). Lets give them demo. Brilliant.
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