Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President? If so, why?
Responses: 264
It starts with Saul Alinsky and hasn't ended. She would be the nail in our national coffin.
Good? Maybe, maybe not. I'm leaning more toward not. Entertaining for sure.
She would have to become a Republican to be president on the next term
I think she would probably be less bad than anyone that could make it through the Republican primaries. If we want something other than a bad President were going to have to vote third party.
While I may agree with her on a few issues, she is far too corporatist for me. I want a president who's only loyalty is to the American people that elected them, and upholding the constitution, even if it is unpopular with conservatives or liberals. Sadly, neither party has a candidate that I foresee running that even remotely fits that description. All but a handful of long-time politicians are bought out by some interest or another.
MSgt Leonard Fletcher
While this isn't a creation, chaos or everything from nothing theological discussion, I believe if that is your only litmus test, you have never been represented before and will indeed have a tough time finding someone to represent you.
SGT Tyler G.
No, it is not my only litmus test. However it is a sign of the individuals regards towards science, as well as a sign of how their brain functions when processing information. I can't trust him to make rational decisions instead of basing them off of his religious beliefs, and when you hold the most powerful office, there is nothing more important than being able to make rational decisions solely based upon the evidence at hand, rather than your personal beliefs.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
Well said, SGT Tyler G. personal beliefs should be a guide to our Chief Executive but it shouldn't cloud their ability to weigh all of the evidence in a rational manner.
MSgt Leonard Fletcher
I can see from whence you are coming and agree that any person elected should be put into office because we believe they will place the national needs above those of personal gain… be it financial, political, religious or any other… a gain must not be the goal but rather relying on the best possible scenario for our great nation and future generations. As an example with one of the most preeminent surgeries Dr. Carson performed to separate conjoined twins at the head, his religion played no part in the decision for mission accomplishment. Two critical decisions that led to success in this one of many instances were his determinations 1) for establishing two complete surgical teams, one for each patient (a first and a no-brainer now) and 2) that if either person were to lose function or rapidly decline, then the entire teams would immediately shift all efforts to saving the other. My point of contention with every other candidate is the fact that they are lawyers, politicians, and/or family of former politicians. We as a nation would not be in such a financial pickle today had we voted Ross Perot into office in 1992 or 1996 during a time when a business leader would’ve been the correct choice before the trillions of dollars in debt ensued. I’m not sure people realize that this year the $18 trillion deficit surpassed our GDP as a nation. That’s $1 trillion in interest annually paid which is about 65% of the tax revenue only toward interest. I think we’ve given the politicians, lawyers and families enough chances and a new, untainted by the beltway bandits, perspective and innovation is what the country needs now. And to go back to the original point, a vote for another Clinton or Obama-like will put the country under… their socialistic views on distribution of affluence will eventually erode this nation from the inside out. We won’t even have to worry about foreign threat when the enemy sits in the highest seat internally. If we the people would step outside of our own selfishness and pride and vote not based on the WIFFM, a political agenda, a party preference but rather vote based on ideals that will start to mend our nation financially and bolster back our world standing. Not to be punny but this doctor is what is needed.
HELL NO, Ted Cruz is about the only option right now so god help us if there is no other candidates that come out.
No does not even begin to come close to my negative on this question. We are done with the Clintons. I have problems with a futures Commander in Chief who is complicit with what happened in Benghazi regardless of her direct involvement she was at the helm. She was overall Responsible. We hold our soldiers to that standard, why can't politicians be held accountable also, especially ones who are seeking to be the Overall leader of our Nation?
There is no room for the Queen of Benghazi as POTUS.
Exactly what it will be like under anyone else.
People need to stop thinking that the president makes every decision and law.
People need to stop thinking that the president makes every decision and law.
Cpl Brett Wagner
SPC Stweart Smith - perhaps you need to stop thinking that way about other people. Since you are, according to what you say, one of the few who know this tell us what the president does do? Do you know how many times the current president has broken the law (Constitution)? Or do you think he has the right to go around the congress? Have you read the Constitution? Understand the roles & responsibilities?
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