Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President? If so, why?
Responses: 264
Why not? First of all, several years back, the Gold Star Mothers went to Washington to meet with politicians. She was THE ONLY ONE who refused to meet with them. Of course you know that the Gold Star Mothers is the group of parents who have lost a child while they were serving in the military. I think this is SHAMEFUL, especially for one who now wishes to be our Commander in Chief. And, as the mother of a Wounded Warrior, this makes me especially angry. And beyond that, I won't get into it... but I think she would be a TERRIBLE president!!
The thought of another Clinton in office made me throw up in my mouth a little!
If you want someone who will lie, cheat, blow smoke up your @$$. What difference does it make now? We can count on her to be just as transparent as her boss Hussein Obama.
I say elect Rick Grimes as president. Lol. Yes I say the are on the same level. Both would of course be a joke. But if there really was a Rick Grimes, I would vote for him way before Hillary.
No accomplishments, no integrity, no respect for the thank you.
I am going to vote for Hillary Clinton because we need the first woman president which is what you will never catch me saying EVER!
PO3 John Clausen
I agree with Omar, way too much corruption in their past, her Chief of staff has connections with the muslim brotherhood and Bill's bank account is filled with dirty money from the mid-east!
A1C Lisa Casserly
agree, agree, agree. Hold these people ACCOUNTABLE for their actions or lack thereof.
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