Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President? If so, why?
Responses: 264
No chance. She lost in her very brief time as Secretary of State 6 Billion dollars somehow. She was in charge, yet had less opsec knowledge than the most junior Private that handles classified messages. She swore to kill as many coal jobs as possible helping the current president, and fulfilled that promise. She claims to be a champion for women's rights and demands equal pay for women...but pays her women on staff 38% less than she does her men on staff. She has vigorously defended a child rapist, and laughed at the victom. She claims all rape and sexual assault should be immediately believed and investigated...unless her husband is involved. Then she operates more effectively than the German propoganda artists to discredit and humiliate them. She has received funding from George Soros who is heard in a video saying the best work he ever did was working with Nazis to kill his fellow Jews. The KKK has donated to Hillary this time as well. She lectures on the evils of the high cost of college education, yet charges minimum $500,000 for a speaking fee, raising the cost to attend that institution. She speaks about being broke when she and her husband left the White House, but was still a multimillionaire. She was fired from her first job as part of the Watergate investigation for ethics violations, and her ethical compass has not guided her on a straight and narrow path yet. She is under at least two criminal investigations now by the FBI.
None of the above are strong reasons she is a solid candidate for any office let alone that of the President of the United States.
None of the above are strong reasons she is a solid candidate for any office let alone that of the President of the United States.
I don't support Hillary because of her misuse of classified material. I have a hard time trusting the secrets of our nation with someone who has shown a track record of not being able to protect the secrets of our nation.
Honestly believe she is too ingrained into the current policy, she has no solid basis on which to build her own platform or name. She is merely riding the coat-tails of the dems from Bill on down...

Suspended Profile
I am not a big fan of the elite getting away with mismanagement of sensitive information, failing to correctly route government information through certified DOD internet protocols, yet again I am not a fan of Snowden, but if they want to hammer him, then it should be the same for Hillary amongst the other congresspeople that are coming out of the wood works as failing to comply with DOD standards.
PO1 Aaron Baltosser
You aren't qualified for the office of President if you can't hold a Top Secret security clearance.
ABSOLUTELY NOT! She has lost any support or respect from the SOCOM community because of how she handle Benghazi and lost any respect and support from Iraqi Freedom Veterans after she failed to secure a SOFA agreement with Iraq and looseing the right to leave behind a residual force in Iraq that could have stopped Isis dead in their tracks. She has lost any support and respect from our allies from Poland to Isreal because she made all of the wrong decisions.
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