Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President? If so, why?
Responses: 264
Well, she'd be better then any of the republican candidates, they're beyond horrible as politicians, patriots and as human beings.
PO1 Aaron Baltosser
She can't be trusted with Classified material from the high side being maintained on a low side server. Can't imagine how her being President would correct her lack of integrity noted by every boss she's had since Watergate.
I saw something awhile back, about Hillary Clinton and WaterGate. About her lying and immoral attitude. Can any of you who where around at that time, confirm, said accusations?
SA Harold Hansmann
I have a cat that would be a better president, and she had mental problems. We don't call her pudding head for nothing.
Thank you for the info.
Thank you for the info.
Maj (Join to see)
It was Watergate. Here's a link to a Canadian news site. Sad that I have to go outside the U.S. for unbiased news.

Watergate-era Judiciary chief of staff: Hillary Clinton fired for lies, unethical behavior
Watergate-era Judiciary chief of staff: Hillary Clinton fired for lies, unethical behavior, She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality
LTC Joseph Gross
Maj (Join to see) - For all my dislike of her this is worthless. The man who claims to have fired her was not even her boss and he has since recanted his position on this. Yes she is a lying POS, but this isn't evidence to that.
Whoever sticks to their word and fully goes forward with protecting our country to their best ability is who should be president...but that's only in a prefect world
In all honesty, we will never know how a candidate is going to act until they are POTUS. All of these candidates have one trait in common in my book, and that is winning the election. All they say, do, and react to is towards the goal of winning the election. Usually the only thing you can do is look at their past activity, and hope for the best. That is my opinion. We will someday have a person running for POTUS that will truly be for the people, and not base all of their decisions on what is best for big business...again just my opinion.
PO1 William Bargar
Read the book "Clinton Cash"......and tell me what you think....... Greed & Power is all they are after.......Former President Bill and his other half Hilary........Not only NO, but HELL NO!
PO1 William Bargar
Read the book "Clinton Cash"......and tell me what you think....... Greed & Power is all they are after.......Former President Bill and his other half Hilary........Not only NO, but HELL NO!
I would vote for Hillary, unless Elizabeth Warren runs. All these comment about Benghazi, when was the last time a GOP administration kept any Embassy safe? Also, there were only a handful of security at the embassies, if not for the underfunding of security for embassies by the GOP, this might not had happened.
I find it very fascinating that thousands of troops has died in the so called war on terror and not one sound is heard from the GOP, yet one embassy is attacked resulting in the death of an Ambassador, the first since '79 and the GOP stir up a witch hunt, there was no cover-up get over it.
Being a leader is hard, you can't satisfy everyone and everyone is not going to like you. I'm sure most of you officers and SNCO are aware of that. To make an assumption that Hillary would not be a good leader is absurd. Every leader has their weakness, doesn't matter who they are.
I find it very fascinating that thousands of troops has died in the so called war on terror and not one sound is heard from the GOP, yet one embassy is attacked resulting in the death of an Ambassador, the first since '79 and the GOP stir up a witch hunt, there was no cover-up get over it.
Being a leader is hard, you can't satisfy everyone and everyone is not going to like you. I'm sure most of you officers and SNCO are aware of that. To make an assumption that Hillary would not be a good leader is absurd. Every leader has their weakness, doesn't matter who they are.
SSgt (Join to see)
Actually, corporal, I dont watch FNC, nice strawman. Its something Ive come to expect from someone with your ideology. I am an analyst by trade. So, lets grow up and stop attacking based on baseless assumptions.
Capt (Join to see)
Anyone who categorizes all failures as being of only one party and all successes being of the other is a major part of the problem. Maybe I should try it myself. Decisions would be oh so much simpler.
Cpl Tou Lee Yang
This is quite amusing to me, how I'm the one to be picking and choosing the information to be disseminated. All I get from this conversation is how wrong I am for making up my choice to vote for Hillary. It's simple logic, really.
Granted, both party, Democrat and Republican will cater to the rich regardless because of the money that is rolled into the individual campaign. However, the lesser of the two evil is the Democrat. I believe that this nation was founded on the belief that all men are created equal. Not based on the volume of your bank account.
I believe that I should help my fellow neighbor in times of needs. If he needs a can of soup, if I have any, I would give him one instead of belittling him by calling him names and and telling him that he is lazy and worthless to society. I believe that all woman have the right to make the decision about their body. Should they feel they need to abort their child, it is up to them to make that decision and god will judge them accordingly, not man.
These are just some of the example that the Democrat philosophy closely resembles my own. Who am I to judge another person based on their wealth and their decisions in life. Both party is obviously for the rich, however, the Democrat shows more willingness to help out the poor. The great two party system.
And Hunter, I know there's a big world out there with all its beauty. I've seen it! Got pictures, videos, and souvenirs to prove it. But thanks for reminding me about it.
Granted, both party, Democrat and Republican will cater to the rich regardless because of the money that is rolled into the individual campaign. However, the lesser of the two evil is the Democrat. I believe that this nation was founded on the belief that all men are created equal. Not based on the volume of your bank account.
I believe that I should help my fellow neighbor in times of needs. If he needs a can of soup, if I have any, I would give him one instead of belittling him by calling him names and and telling him that he is lazy and worthless to society. I believe that all woman have the right to make the decision about their body. Should they feel they need to abort their child, it is up to them to make that decision and god will judge them accordingly, not man.
These are just some of the example that the Democrat philosophy closely resembles my own. Who am I to judge another person based on their wealth and their decisions in life. Both party is obviously for the rich, however, the Democrat shows more willingness to help out the poor. The great two party system.
And Hunter, I know there's a big world out there with all its beauty. I've seen it! Got pictures, videos, and souvenirs to prove it. But thanks for reminding me about it.
LTC Joseph Gross
I see that this is an old post but with the election so close I thought I would reply. The problem with Benghazi was not the level of security nor the level of funding. You are wrong on both of these. The problem is that we have forces that have a particular job and that is to provide quick assistance to embassies should this occur. I served in one of those units and we were capable of having a company of Special Forces Soldiers at this particular consulate within four hours. Imagine Six ODAs arriving violently into this mob. We would have killed everyone surrounding the area and brought our people home. We didn't do this because our leadership failed us.
She couldn't handle the Secretary of State position well, so what makes her think she would excel as the President? With the Benghazi situation that happened... hell no.
No, and of the announced and unannounced candidates there aren't any qualified choices...
Its not so much of her capabilities ,it that other powers thinks women are weak.
Sgt David G Duchesneau
So do I! She's a has been! We don't need any more Clintons' in the White House.
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