Posted on Jun 8, 2014
Col Squadron Commander
Hillaryclinton for president1
Do you think Hillary Clinton would make a good President, if you vote yes, why? Who do you think would be the best, front running candidate?

Note: Image added by RP staff of past Hillary campaign
Edited 11 y ago
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Responses: 264
MCPO John Gross
Where there smoke, there's fire. Watergate (opinions differ), Whitewater, travel gate, health care, Monica, . . . Bengazi, Clinton Foundation donors, E-mail.

'Ethical and open' seem to be concepts not firmly held.
SA Harold Hansmann
SA Harold Hansmann
10 y
This the watergate you mentioned?
MCPO John Gross
MCPO John Gross
10 y
Sorry for the late reponse, short answer to your question, Yes. I would love a straight answer on the 'fired' or 'she stopped working with us'. Either way her behavior, documented was unethical. But fired makes a much better sound bite in a 30 sec t.v. ad. Regards, John
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TSgt Tim (lj) Littlejohn
How about we ask our people in Benghazi, what it matters. Not only no, but hell NO!!!!!!!
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GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
Hillary clinton emails
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SPC Infantryman
oh hell no keeping her email secret and don't forget Benghazi shes got blood on her hands she should be put in prison
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SSG Jacob Wiley
She's a liar and a traitor.
SSG Tony Diamond
SSG Tony Diamond
>1 y
Vote for me!
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PO3 John Jeter
Holy Cow! You had to work hard to find a nightmare scenario like that! *grin*
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
>1 y
PO3 John Jeter - Sorry about that brother, but we have been living a pretty bad nightmare the last 8 years too. ;-)
PO3 John Jeter
PO3 John Jeter
>1 y
I suppose it COULD be worse......The VP could be in charge! I can't remember the last time there was this degree of anger and despair across the land. Even during the worst days of the Viet Nam conflict there was a little optimism and faith in the future. Now we have a Muslim-socialist-edict writing so and so leading us, backed up by an idiot who thinks the best way to summon help is to shoot your shotgun outside the door. We have an AG who belongs more rightly in a supermax facility than an office in DC (at least we wouldn't have to hear his whining about being picked on because of his color), Our Sec of State has gone from bad to worse (at least the pink bicycle would have been Hillary's color). I could go on, but everyone already knows these things. I'm really beginning to like the little blurb I saw on the net the other day....."The only cure for 1984 is 1776".
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SGT Richard H.
Short answer: Screwed.
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SGT Thomas Lucken
I spent most of Bill's 2 terms overseas..... If Hillary is elected, I am gone.....
Sgt S.P. Woodke
Sgt S.P. Woodke
>1 y
and you're still in ...with this administration...WHY?
SGT Thomas Lucken
SGT Thomas Lucken
>1 y
I not in, or overseas. Seems my health went to crap when this administration took over. About 4 more surgeries then I can get up and run away.
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SSG Aircraft Mechanic
I'd rather not find out.
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
I'm inclined to agree with you, Sir.
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SCPO Weather
I am far more concerned about 8 more years of a dysfunctional privately held corporately-owned Congress and Supreme Court than I am of what any future President will do. The Founding Fathers gave the Congress the bulk of the power in our government. They did not give as much power to the President as people think. It's all in Article 1 of the Constitution.
SCPO Weather
SCPO (Join to see)
>1 y
I am not convinced President Obama is flouting the Constitution and as for President Bush, whether he knew it or not, his premise for going into Iraq was based on lies and deception. His legislation for the Patriot Act did not but foment fear and suspicion in this country and created the semi-police state we now enjoy with paramilitary police forces and internal spying on everyone by the NSA with virtually no oversight. The Federal Court responsible for oversight can only rule on what it knows the NSA and its agencies are doing. This I do consider disregard for the Constitution. However, it is the Congress that approves legislation such as the Patriot Act, going to war in Iraq, and that spends our money, not the President. The President, and his staff, prepare the budgets and spending requests. It is up to Congress to approve or disapprove. It is Congress that is wasting our money with cloak room deals with each other and special interest groups. There is not one spending bill that does not have multiple addendums for spending projects that are well outside the scope of the original bill and are specifically designed to procure the votes of Representatives and Senators who want special favors for their corporate sponsors. This does not absolve Presidents of trying to do right by the country, however, I still feel too much emphasis is placed on the President and not where it should be which is on the Congress. Congress has for too long been hiding in the shadows of the Presidents spotlight. It is time the spotlight was placed directly on them.
Sgt S.P. Woodke
Sgt S.P. Woodke
>1 y
SCPO its the Dems who are in charge Brother!! Clean your side of the your premise is quite they/WE found the WMD's that Russia, China, USA and various other countries foreign intelligence said were there...
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Senior Chief, sorry but what you stated about President Bush is not true. While there were many reasons for going into Iraq, the basic premise was concern of WMDs which WERE there. Many of the WMDs had been moved out which is why coalition forces didn't find massive stockpiles but nevertheless WMDs were found. The irony is there were many of us on the ground who knew about it, the leaking of documents by Bradley Manning confirmed it (although I deplore that Manning did what he did), and there are new articles coming out about the WMDs that were there. The problem is the Democrats weren't satisfied with what was found. They wanted ONLY the "big" stuff. if it wasn't that then there were no WMDs.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
10 y
Andres Redondo, you couldn't be more wrong. Those WMD's you speak of were old, degraded chemical weapons that the US actually supplied to Iraq during the Iran / Iraq war. We knew they were there. The premise for Bush's invasion was that Iraq had an active nuclear WMD program that was an imminent threat to US security. No weapons or proof of any weapons program was ever found. I've seen this notion repeatedly that stockpiles of WMD's were "moved out" of Iraq just prior to the invasion, but I haven't seen one credible shred of evidence to support that claim. The idea that the presence of those old, degraded chemical weapons in Iraq somehow vindicated the Bush administration's decision to invade is simply laughable. If any evidence of an active WMD program was found, the Bush administration would have had a very heavy interest in making that information very public very quickly.
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