Posted on Nov 16, 2015
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
Do you know the reasons behind Texas, and other states refusing Syrian Refugees? I'm sure many have heard about State Governors refusing to take in Syrian Refugees that are being brought in the day after the attacks in Paris. Below is an article that states the reasons for Texas refusing to accept more refugees.

Greg Abbott by the way does not lack compassion. He was Attorney General for Texas during Hurricane Katrina and worked to bring as many people from New Orleans to Houston as could be done by air and buses.

Read the article before commenting. Apparently there is standing for his and other Governor's refusal to accept refugees.
Posted in these groups: 996d161d Refugees
Edited 9 y ago
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Responses: 38
SSG John Jensen
Texas should take in every refugee from the middle east - it was the ex-governor of Texas GW Bush that decided to take out Saddam Hussein, if Saddam Hussein was still in power every one of those refugees would still be home! Certain parts of the world only work with a strongman in power - someone to tell everybody "be peaceful or I will kill You' . The president of Syria is the strongman that is keeping the Syrian Christians safe - if you want to get rid of him then you are the ones that want to kill the Syrian Christians, the same way that you all killed the Iraqi Christians
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
9 y
There are plenty that will agree with you. Our foreign policies have not always been good choices.
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PO1 Glenn Boucher
I know there is going to be a lot of anti Muslim rhetoric but in actuality its because those people are not properly vetted.
While I am not without compassion for those who are forced to flee, the elderly and young children, I am disturbed by the number of able bodied young men who are fleeing instead of fighting for their country.
Paris gets attacked right after allowing in numerous refugees, Germany has a bomb scare at a soccer game between Germany and France after allowing in numerous refugees, Belgium was on lock down for 3 plus days after intel concerning potential terrorist attacks, also after allowing in refugees.
It just makes one wonder why so soon after allowing in refugees are there increased terrorist attacks or threats called in.
I know plenty of Syrians growing up in Michigan, my grandparents used to own a corner market in Detroit and there were Syrian, Lebanese, and other customers always coming to the store and they were always nice and cheerful, inviting us to eat at a local restaurant they or someone they knew owned. But that was the 1960's and 1970's, today with all the craziness going on its hard to trust.
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Capt Jeff S.
Uh, the fact that the Federal Gov't is imposing and can't guarantee that terrorists aren't mixed in with the refugees???
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LCpl Mark Lefler
because they've surrendered to the terrorists by letting an unrealistic level of fear in thier hearts, they've given up their "conservative christian" values by thumbing their noses at people that truly need help.
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
9 y
That is a common interpretation I see. I and others here are not advocating the U.S. stop aid altogether. They just want those brought into this country properly vetted per the laws we have. If for no other reason, brought up recently in this discussion, to protect the refugees who are already here from ISIS reprisals.
LCpl Mark Lefler
LCpl Mark Lefler
9 y
PO3 Sherry Thornburg - and where would you like them to live in the mean time? being that where they are coming from, the homes they lived in are now leveled.
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SSG Todd Halverson
My guess would be that there is no guarantee that there is no security risk by bringing them in. The Government can't tell who is and who is not a part of ISIS.
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MSG Gerry Poe
To risky to let these refugees right in and hand over a target with ease. We all know that anyone can just jump into the USA from different boarders. But to let them in freely, just isn't good national defense Tatics. Each state needs to have the choice to protect its citizens. Our Federal government micro-manages enough as it is!
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PO1 Bill Adams
Some of the refugees will be ISIS. I don't understand what more needs to be said.

Americans will die at the hands of the ISIS fighters that hide among the true refugees. We can help the refugees without bringing them and ISIS to our cities. Set up a safe zone in Syria for them.
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
9 y
I've heard that talked of. I would only add that that didn't work to well in Bosnia, but we and other country forces might do it better in Syria.
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LTC Stephen F.
Edited 9 y ago
Since the Syrian Civil war kicked off in 2011, we have accepted 1,854 Syrian Refugees PO3 Sherry Thornburg. Unfunded mandates have been an issue for states for a long time. Federal programs tend to provide funding to the states required to implement them. Over time the funding is reduced but the need for the funding is not always reduced [intentional understatement]
Many states are dealing with providing basic services to some 20,000,000 central and south American illegal aliens. Bringing people from 1/3 of the way around the world from a former French colony to this nation and expect them to be welcomed in large numbers is very unrealistic. I expect some funds will be provided but they will be "a day late and a dollar short" for the refugees and the communities were they are inserted.
I expect the bulk of these Syrians that were admitted since 2012 under asylum procedures. I would think many of them are terrified at the prospect of vast numbers of unvetted Syrians coming to this nation since they were not put in witness protection.
The hyperlink provides a graphic overlay of where the the Syrian Refugees admitted to the U.S. since 2012 were placed and compares with States whose governors said they opposed the placement of Syrian refugees in their states.
Thanks for tagging me CPT L S
TSgt Hunter Logan SSG James J. Palmer IV aka "JP4" Sgt Kelli Mays
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
9 y
Good information, thank you
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PO3 Sherry Thornburg
I found this today. It is a very long documentation of 66 people arrested for plotting terrorist acts, to sent aid to terrorist groups overseas or go train to become terrorists over the last 18 months. I guess its not an if Syrians to come are going to cause trouble. Syrians are already showing up and being detained at our border with Mexico and in South American Countries. We already have refugees, naturalized immigrants and 2 former service members starting the process. This UK source has published a number of things I've shared lately.
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TSgt Kenneth Ellis
They can't do anything about it. I lisened to the Gov. Of New Jersy on fox refugees resettled there and no one is told. It is time for Saudi Arabia, Jordon ad the other Arab countries to step up and take these people. We have given them millions if not billions in aide.
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
PO3 Sherry Thornburg
9 y
Yes, that seems to be what happened in Louisiana too, but some articles in conflict with others.
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