Posted on May 24, 2014
Do you believe the Bill of Rights is outdated and should be either dropped in its entirety or at least rewritten?
My Goddaughter seems to be very representative of many people in her generation in believing that the Second Amendment is totally outdated and needs to be eliminated. As with many on the left, she feels that no individual has any need for a handgun.
Additionally, do we really need the First Amendment since one of its previsions deals with religion and seems to discriminate against atheists and agnostics?
So, how many down votes will I get for even posting a controversial question like this?
Additionally, do we really need the First Amendment since one of its previsions deals with religion and seems to discriminate against atheists and agnostics?
So, how many down votes will I get for even posting a controversial question like this?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 241
The founders did not give us those rights, God did, reference the first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. The founders simply codified certian inalienable rights in the bill of rights
CMDCM Gene Treants
The Founders did this to ensure the Federal Government would not be able to step on our rights.
SGT (Join to see)
Unfortunately sir, that is a matter of opinion. Not that it's incorrect, but in no way is "God gave them" a fact. First one must prove the existence of a God, which has not and cannot be done, at least if he exists in the manner that Christianity supports (which I assume was your meaning since the Founding Fathers were overwhelmingly Christian). That is a matter of faith which is "strong belief or trust in someone or something" according to Merriam-Webster. Faith is not proof, it is a belief without proof. It's fine to have faith, and that faith may very well be justified and true, but it is not fact.
I know that is nitpicking a statement I mostly agree with, but that line had far more to do with summing up their ideological differences from England. That said, I think people should have those rights, but that is no less of an opinion than saying people should not. Anyway, just a slightly different interpretation sir, thanks.
I know that is nitpicking a statement I mostly agree with, but that line had far more to do with summing up their ideological differences from England. That said, I think people should have those rights, but that is no less of an opinion than saying people should not. Anyway, just a slightly different interpretation sir, thanks.
CPT Bruce Rodgers
I take it to mean you are born with those rights, in parlance of the day "God given" since most of our founders where God fearing if not Christian. The Supreme Court has ruled on several occasions that those rights are Inate and not granted. I don't happen to be Christian, but I respect the intent of the prodomonently Christian founders.
SGT (Join to see)
I too agree that they are innate, but that does not make them fact. I think it is merely an opinion. I don't even know how one would begin to prove that they are innate. Anyway good response.
There will undoubtedly be a time where our liberty will be challenged; then what? The liberals who hide in the shadows of the Patriots who defend our freedom are free to choose not to participate in their Rights; however they may not impose their will on the rest of us law abiding citizens!
CMDCM Gene Treants
SGT Michael Touchet it is not just Liberals we have to guard against. Many of the worse tyrants are also Conservatives! Guard your right as well as your left! The blood of tyrants may come from either one.
SGT Michael Touchet
MCPO Gene Treants, you are so right, I just see the biggest attack coming from the left.
I have come to have a different view of the 2nd Amendment. I do not believe it gives anyone the right to own guns. Instead, what it does is charge me with the responsibility to be ready to defend my nation at any and all times. Our dependence on the military for our protection is not what this country was founded on. It is government by the people, for the people, etc. The First Amendment talks about our nation as being that of free people. The Second Amendment talks about the Militia (shall I call it the people's military), the Third Amendment and the Fourth Amendment talk about our property being just that, ours and that it shall not be infringed upon.
Ask your goddaughter what the Second Amendment means in context of all of the articles included. It is not about firearms, it is about the responsibility to protect all that our nation holds dear.
Ask your goddaughter what the Second Amendment means in context of all of the articles included. It is not about firearms, it is about the responsibility to protect all that our nation holds dear.
SPC Bernie Davies
The Amendment does include the right to bear arms, to own and keep firearms. to me this means that I can defend our nation using whatever means are necessary up to and including taking up arms.
SGT (Join to see)
This makes far more sense than the "I need a military grade rifle for home defense" argument. I see the purpose for the Amendment, but I think the popular justifications of it are completely wrong and, honestly, stupid. This interpretation is far more logical. I like it.
MAJ (Join to see)
Why would they need to. The standard is to freedom through amendment. Taking freedoms is a disturbing idea.
Should we drop or rewrite the Bill of Rights? Not exactly. However, our forefathers knew that things change with time, and installed a system within the constitution for amending it as needed. So, if any particular amendment needs to be dropped or revised, including the first ten (aka bill of rights), then that should be handled through the proper methods (amendments have both added to the constitution and overridden parts of it before). With that said, I feel the first amendment should be amended to make the separation of church and state clearer and undeniable and including the words freedom 'from' religion. As for the second amendment I think we should have a serious debate about if and how it should be changed, considering how our forefathers could not conceive of the eventual destructive power these weapons would attain, and how we live in a much more stable environment than they did when it was written.
CMDCM Gene Treants
Please remember that the BOR only applies to our right to be protected FROM the Federal Government.
No it's not. We over analyze the bills too much. They are simple and a living document. The Gov tries to convince us that it's outdated but I say no it's as young as the people who are needing it the most. They are trying to deprive my generation of reaping the good life under this bill. We can make it better not destroy it by taking things away.
CMDCM Gene Treants
Fully agree SFC (Join to see) and I believe it is up to the younger generation to study and understand the importance of this document.
Obama tried to get rid of guns so I am ok with keeping anything he doesn't want.
Leave it as is it has served us well for over 200 years and how many other countries have modeled their Bill of Rights on ours.
Perhaps if today's younger generations actually learned about the struggles and what drove the founding fathers to produce these documents, granting our Rights and then compared them to other countries and what they have in place, along with the records of human right abuses, they might think differently.
CPT Jack Durish
One of the greatest assaults on liberty occurred when civics classes were either removed from our schools or perverted by elitists who wish to remake America with themselves replacing self-governance.
CMDCM Gene Treants
It is really amazing that the public education system has changed so much in the last 50 years. We used to get a very broad look at our beginnings as a nation, not so much anymore.
Maybe some of the leftist people thinking we should give up our right to bear arms should re-evaluate their plans after visiting other countries. They should see the difference in a country where the crimals have the guns and the average person can't defend themselves.
CMDCM Gene Treants
You do not have to leave the country to see that, go to the home of our president, Chicago.
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