Posted on May 24, 2014
CMDCM Gene Treants
Do you believe the bill of rights is outdated and should be either dropped in its entirety or at least rewritten
My Goddaughter seems to be very representative of many people in her generation in believing that the Second Amendment is totally outdated and needs to be eliminated. As with many on the left, she feels that no individual has any need for a handgun.

Additionally, do we really need the First Amendment since one of its previsions deals with religion and seems to discriminate against atheists and agnostics?

So, how many down votes will I get for even posting a controversial question like this?
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Responses: 241
CW2 Executive Officer
I like my guns. I like my freedom of speech/religion. If they want to do away with either they will have to modify the constitution and I will vote against it.
CW2 Executive Officer
CW2 (Join to see)
>1 y
My mistake, sir. I was under the impression there was also a direct referendum process for constitutional amendments. Looks like this is not the case.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
>1 y
The only thing we can do is make sure that our representatives understand the desires of the "silent majority." The only way to do that is to make our voices heard BEFORE any legislation to change the Constitution comes up for a final vote. In fact, now is the time to make sure that your voice is heard and understood, not when it is to late.
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SPC Buddy Martin
Well I feel this country is starting to turn back to pre Revolutionary times when people were being controlled to much by the government and we might need to remind why our forefathers wrote the bill to begin with and the constitution in the near future but who knows right now but I can tell you right now I am not giving up my rights or my guns period.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
11 y
SPC Martin, your attitude is correct as far as I am concerned.
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SFC Armor Crew Member
A document that has lasted for 223 years doesn't need to be changed or done away today. I was going to stand on my soap box, but after reading some of the comments on here I feel most of my points have been made.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
11 y
SFC Fitts, appreciate your comment and we also serve who just support others points of view. Thanks
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CPO Tom Wick
no way we fought and some of us died to preserve our rights which are being taken away every day !!
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PO1 Machinist Mate
It always pains me to see the efforts of people in this great nation who think that because they disagree with something, they wish to get rid of it. (I.E, 2nd Amendment, Prohibition, etc.) I believe that the 2nd Amendment should stay in place, as all but a small percentage of gun owners carry and utilize their weapons in a safe, correct manner.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
11 y
Petty Officer M, I agree with that. Some people do abuse the system as soon as they disagree with something they want to remove it. We must all remember that part of the purpose of the BoR was to make sure that the minority was protected also.
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SPC Richard Gallardo
Look, our founding fathers were so intelligent that they made our system tyranny proof. Don't like being free? Find another country. However, our freedoms were tainted when the federal reserve act was instituted in 1913. That's when our freedoms said bye bye because America became one big giant corporation. There's a monopoly on our money and we're now slaves to it. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, put on the big boy pants and do some research and your own thinking. Research topics such as federal reserve, bilderberg group, trilateral commission, council of foreign relations. Go ahead and think for yourself instead of letting the military industrial complex do it for you. I dare you.
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PO3 Shaun Hilts
The reason why people want to see the second amendment eliminated, is because they think that will end gun violence. I understand there are a lot of people who feel that firearms are the reason why these crimes are being committed, yet they don't see insanity as the issue. People seem to think that by getting rid of the 2nd amendment and taking away guns from the law abiding citizens, that gun crimes will magically disappear. It won't, if anything, it will get worse because the criminals will know that the police are the only ones who can stop them...
PO3 Shaun Hilts
PO3 Shaun Hilts
>1 y
With all due respect Major Peery, arms as defined are any weapons. This does include firearms.
There is quite a bit of debate on the matter of guns at the moment, with the news sensationalizing these heinous crimes. It is my opinion that the reason there are so many murders(rampages if you were to ask me to define them), is due to the media. These people see this on the news, especially the outcasts of society, look at this as a way to be remembered.
If their names were struck from record, if the media was not allowed to speak their names, then at least some of the crimes would not happen. This won't happen(it's openening another Pandoras box) because once you start saying what can or cannot be said, then the 1st amendment gets thrown out the window.
MAJ Ron Peery
MAJ Ron Peery
>1 y
I was trying to point out the 2d Amendment protects all personal arms, not just guns. I caught my error in wording shortly after posting it but decided not to edit. Good catch, though, PO3 Hilts.
PO3 Shaun Hilts
PO3 Shaun Hilts
>1 y
You are correct MAJ Ballinger, thank you for the clarification. You wouldn't think that it included cannons and the like. I just don't want to see our ability to defend ourselves taken away.

There are people who detest firearms, and want to see them taken away from everyone(except for law enforcement and military). I can't begin to think that this is a good idea....
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
>1 y
MAJ Ballinger & PO3 Hilts - I understand what you are saying but I am not so sure that is what the intent of the fore fathers was when writing the 2nd Amend. The purpose from what I have read and understand was for the people to have the ability to replace a tyrannical government that no longer served the people. At the time that the 2nd was written the people would not have had the need for cannons to replace a tyrannical government. The rifles that the everyday citizen had was the equivalent, sometimes better than, what the military had. Today the 2nd Amend can only provide the citizen with the ability to protect him or herself from criminals. The ability for the citizen to replace a standing government whether it be a hard or soft tyrannical government is long gone. All three branches of government WILL do as they please and there is not one damn thing the citizens can or will do about it. Each party, because we only have a choice of two, put forth candidates that those who control the party desire not necessarily who the people want. Then the executive branch controls the justice department including the courts by choosing who they want. What makes all this worse is there is now an attitude of the congress that they have to approve whoever the president wants on the court and they really have no right to vote them down. I have heard this from the mouths of senators and talking heads alike. So it seems to me that the executive branch now controls 2/3 of our government and if they have the house and senate as did Mr. Obama in his first term the executive controls the entire government. I do not think that is what our founders had in mind. Just my opinion and we know what opinions are like...
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1SG Chris Brown
This is a document that has stood the test of time in my view and should stand. If anything, I'd like to see more respect given the Bill or Rights than less, particularly the 10th Amendment which states that any power that the Constitution does not specifically grant the United States government is left to the discretion of each State to handle themselves. The federal government is long overdue for some serious trimming!
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
11 y
1SG I fully agree with the trimming. Especially in light of recent events in the Executive Branch. Don't forget the individual is also mentioned in the 10th.
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SFC Student
The Bill of Rights is one of the finest documents in the world. Keep it as it is, with the context of the time.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
11 y
SGT M. Agree. However what is the context of the time as you see it.
SFC Student
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
MCPO Treants,

I see it as the authors described them. It's all pretty straightforward.
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
>1 y
My rights do not come from ANY man, but from God alone as our fore father believed.. If that upsets atheists too bad. They like the people who started this country over 230 years ago can go start their own country. I love my country just the way it was then. However I fear my government, like they did 230 years ago.
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PO3 Sarah White
Our Founding Fathers wanted to protect the rights of the individual. Change the Bill of Rights and there goes individual freedom.
CMDCM Gene Treants
CMDCM Gene Treants
11 y
Petty Officer Sorrell, I believe you thinking is in line with our Founding Fathers.
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