Recent Activity -
Served the military honorably for 24 years in United States Army, achieving the rank of First Sergeant, and continuing to serve today. Skilled in leadership and training; over 20 years as an NCO, leading and training the Soldiers who will go on to lead the Army into the future.
Military Experiences
Apr 2014 - Jul 2017
Battalion Senior Enlisted Advisor
Senior Enlisted Advisor for the U.S. Army Priority Air Transport Command, providing global airlift for the Secretary of the Army, Chief of Staff, Vice Chief of Staff, MACOM Commanders, Congressional delegates,
Apr 2011 - Apr 2014
Division NCOIC
Noncommissioned officer in charge (NCOIC) of the Contingency Operations Division for Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region (JFHQ-NCR), United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM). Supervised operation of a 24/7 Contingency Coordination Center, synchronizing multiple highly classified programs to provide Continuity of Government (COG) and Continuity of Operations (COOP) mission support under a full threat spectrum environment inside the National Capital Region (NCR). Conducted in-depth planning, training, and coordination with over 27 governmental departments and agencies.
Aug 2009 - Mar 2011
Operations noncommissioned officer in charge (NCOIC) supporting the Brigade Rear Detachment S-3 of an Infantry Brigade Combat Team deployed to Afghanistan. Advised the rear detachment commander and first sergeant on all aspects of brigade operations and training. Analyzed, executed, and disseminated all Operations Orders (OPORDs) and Fragmentary Orders (FRAGOs) from higher headquarters. Managed all schools, land, and ammunition requirements for the brigade. Tracked all internal and external taskings supported by the unit’s soldiers.
Jun 2004 - Jul 2009
Platoon Sergeant
Headquarters and Flight Platoon Sergeant of a Guardrail company in a Military Intelligence (Aerial Exploitation) battalion conducting split-based operations in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq) and Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan). Responsible for the training, welfare, and accountability of 28 soldiers. Managed all aspects of unit flight operations including flight records, flying hour program, flight tracking, and flight planning. Supervised training management, personnel actions, and supply discipline at the company level.
(2 years, 7 months)Aug 2008 - Mar 2009

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Returned to serve as the Detachment First Sergeant of our forward elements of B Co, 1st MI BN (AE), continuing to serve on an enduring rotation-based mission in Bagram. Deployment length.... Until Chuck Norris makes the sun explode....
May 2007 - Sep 2007

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Flight Operations NCO for B Company, 1st MI BN (AE) on a subsequent deployment to Bagram, Afghanistan less than a year after returning from our Iraq deployment.
Jun 2005 - Jun 2006

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Platoon Sergeant for B Company, 1st Military Intelligence Battalion (Aerial Exploitation) deployed to Balad, Iraq gathering intelligence through our aerial platforms.
Dec 1990 - Apr 1991

Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Aviation operations specialist with 4-229 Advanced Attack Helicopter Regiment (AAHR). Unit conducted cross-FLOT deep attack into Iraq and was awarded the Valorous Unit Award for the first-ever night deep attack by Apaches.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Dec 2011
Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Security Officials Course
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
2009 - 2015
Personal Information